1D Heat Equation BC: Both ends insulated, IC: piecewise function

In summary, the rod has an equation of temperature:BC: \partialu(0,t)/\partialt = 0Actual BC: \partialu(0,t)/\partialx = 0IC: u(x,0) = { 1 if 0\leqx\leq.5u(x,0) = { 0 if .5<x\leq1 }The rod will reach a steady state at x = 1 where u(x,0) = 1.
  • #1
1. Solve the one dimensional heat equation for a rod of length 1 with the following boundary and initial conditions:

BC: [tex]\partial[/tex]u(0,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]t = 0
[tex]\partial[/tex]u(1,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]t = 0 these are the wrong boundary conditions (see below)

Actual BC: [tex]\partial[/tex]u(0,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]x = 0
[tex]\partial[/tex]u(1,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]x = 0

u(x,0) = { 1 if 0[tex]\leq[/tex]x[tex]\leq[/tex].5
u(x,0) = { 0 if .5<x[tex]\leq[/tex]1

2. [tex]\partial[/tex]u/[tex]\partial[/tex]t = a2[tex]\partial[/tex][tex]^{2}[/tex]u/[tex]\partial[/tex]x[tex]^{2}[/tex]


I used separation of variables and applied the boundary conditions to get the following:
u(x,t) = e(-(a2)(n*Pi)2*t) * (B*cos(n*Pi*x)) where
n= 1, 2, 3... and B is an unknown constant.

To find B I tried applying the initial conditions and that's where I got stuck because I got.

u(x,0) = 0 = B*cos(n*Pi*x) if 0[tex]\leq[/tex]x[tex]\leq[/tex].5
u(x,0) = 1 = B*cos(n*Pi*x) if .5<x[tex]\leq[/tex]1

Does this mean that B has two values depending on x? And if is so are those values:

B = 0 for 0[tex]\leq[/tex]x[tex]\leq[/tex].5
B = 1/cos(n*Pi*x) for .5<x[tex]\leq[/tex]1

As a follow-up, will the steady state of this heat equation problem be a piecewise function?
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  • #2
Shouldn't it be a sine instead of a cosine? (take a look at your BCs cos(0)=1 not 0)

Also, since that solution satisfies the heat equation and your boundary conditions for any integer value of n, shouldn't the general solution be a linear combination of each of your solutions, namely:

[itex]u(x,t)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} u_n(x,t)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}B_ne^{-a^2n^2 \pi^2 t}sin(n \pi x)[/itex]


Remember, your B_n's are constants so they cannot depend on x. Use Fourier's method to determine them.
  • #3
Sorry, I miss-typed the boundary conditions, the boundary conditions are supposed to be:

[tex]\partial[/tex]u(0,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]x = 0
[tex]\partial[/tex]u(1,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]x = 0

I'll edit it to the correct version in the original post too.

So I think that the solution is the linear combination:

[tex]u_{n}(x,t) = [/tex][tex]\sum(B_{n}e^{-a^2n^2\pi^2t}cos(n\pi\\x))[/tex] going from n = 1 to infinity

So now I set the sum equal to initial condition right?

I get:

[tex]u_{n}(x,0) = 1 = \sum(B_{n}cos(n\pi\\x))[/tex] for 0<=x<=1/2

I use fouriers method to find the B's in each interval:

[tex]B_{n} = 2 \int^{1/2}_{0}cos(n\pi\\x)= 2 sin(n\pi\\x)/(n\pi)\right|^{1/2}_{0}
= 2(sin(n\pi/2)/(n\pi) = 2(-1)^n/(n\pi)[/tex]

Unfortunately I'm stuck again, when I try to solve for the B's in the interval 1/2<x<=1

I get:

[tex]u_{n}(x,0) = 0 = \sum(B_{n}cos(n\pi\\x))[/tex]

[tex]B_{n} = 2 \int^{1}_{1/2} 0*cos(n\pi\\x) = 0 [/tex]

Is this correct? Are the B's for 1/2<x<=1 all 0?

And sorry again about giving the wrong boundary conditions!
  • #4
PAR said:
Sorry, I miss-typed the boundary conditions, the boundary conditions are supposed to be:

[tex]\partial[/tex]u(0,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]x = 0
[tex]\partial[/tex]u(1,t)/[tex]\partial[/tex]x = 0

I'll edit it to the correct version in the original post too.

So I think that the solution is the linear combination:

[tex]u_{n}(x,t) = [/tex][tex]\sum(B_{n}e^{-a^2n^2\pi^2t}cos(n\pi\\x))[/tex] going from n = 1 to infinity

So now I set the sum equal to initial condition right?

Okay, so doesn't that mean that

[itex] \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} B_n cos(n \pi x)=u(x,0)=\left\{ \begin{array}{lr} 1, & 0 \leq x \leq 0.5 \\ 0, & 0.5< x \leq 1 \end{array}[/itex]

[itex]\Rightarrow \sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \int_0^1 B_m cos(m \pi x) cos(n \pi x)dx = \int_0^1 u(x,0) cos(n \pi x) dx=\int_0^{0.5} (1)cos(n \pi x) dx+ \int_{0.5}^1 (0)cos(n \pi x) dx[/itex]


Remember, your B_n's are constant so they must be the same for all values of x.
  • #5

so [tex]\int^{1}_{0}cos(n\pi\\x)*cos(m\pi\\x) = 0[/tex] if [tex] m \neq n[/tex]

so, I've taken the integral of


And assuming n = positive integer I get

[tex]\int^{1}_{0}cos(n\pi\\x)^2dx = 1/2 [/tex]

and I know that [tex]\int^{1}_{0}u(x,0)cos(n\pi\\x)dx = -1^n/(n\pi) [/tex]

So I get

[tex]\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}B_{n}(1/2) = (-1)^n/(n\pi) [/tex]

Reading from my textbook and online I am guessing I should multiply both sides by 2 (or divide by 1/2) which would yield the same answer as in my previous post:

[tex]B_{n} = 2(-1)^n/(n\pi)[/tex]

But I am confused by this last step: How does multiplying by both sides by 2 "remove" the [tex]B_{n}[/tex] from out of the summation? Wouldn't it just remove the 2 from the summation and the left hand side of the equation would just be


I realize that I am expected to know these things before I enter a partial differential equations course, but after taking 7 college math classes I still haven't learned these basic principles of sums and it's really holding me back.

Oh, and thanks for the help so far gabbagabbahey, but I still have much to learn.
  • #6
The summation sign is removed when you integrate [itex]\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \int_0^1 B_m cos(m \pi x) cos(n \pi x)dx[/itex], because the only term that is non-zero is m=n

[itex]\Rightarrow \sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \int_0^1 B_m cos(m \pi x) cos(n \pi x)dx=\frac{B_n}{2}+ \sum_{m \neq n} (0)B_m=\frac{B_n}{2}[/itex]

[itex]\Rightarrow \frac{B_n}{2}=\frac{(-1)^n}{n \pi}[/itex]


[itex]B_n=\frac{2(-1)^n}{n \pi}[/itex]

FAQ: 1D Heat Equation BC: Both ends insulated, IC: piecewise function

1. What is the 1D Heat Equation?

The 1D Heat Equation is a mathematical model that describes the flow of heat in a one-dimensional system, such as a rod or wire. It takes into account factors such as temperature, time, and the thermal conductivity of the material.

2. What does it mean for both ends to be insulated in the boundary conditions?

When both ends of the system are insulated, it means that no heat can enter or leave the system at these points. This is represented mathematically by setting the heat flux to zero at both boundaries.

3. What is the meaning of IC in the context of the 1D Heat Equation?

In the 1D Heat Equation, IC stands for "initial conditions". These are the initial temperature distribution of the system at time t=0. It can be described by a function or set of values at different points along the system.

4. How is a piecewise function used in the 1D Heat Equation?

A piecewise function is used to describe the initial temperature distribution of the system in the 1D Heat Equation. It can be used to represent different temperature values at different points along the system, allowing for more complex initial conditions.

5. What is the significance of solving the 1D Heat Equation with both ends insulated and a piecewise function as the initial condition?

Solving the 1D Heat Equation with these specific boundary conditions and initial condition can help us understand how heat is transferred in a one-dimensional system with no external heat sources or sinks. It can also be used to model real-world scenarios, such as the cooling of a rod or wire in a controlled environment.

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