Why Does My 2:4 Decoder Solution Differ from the Book?

In summary: All the pins have the same propagation time, but they are not balanced in terms of voltage. Also, in the book solution, the inverted output is the same as the non-inverted output.
  • #1
I am confused a bit about the solution for 2:4 decoder in the picture below.
Please help me with the question in the figure.



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  • #2
Think of the binary equivalent, 2 bits has how many possible conditions? The circuit is a translation of the Boolean logic. work out your boolean truth table. of a 2 bit circuit, then draw the same circuit with and or gates.
  • #3
I understand all possible conditions. I didn't draw Y1, Y2, Y3 because they are same in terms of implementation.
My confusion about Y0.
I am wondering why the author used that solution not mine.
  • #4
most likely ease of understanding the address bus relation. Notice that he's taken care to add both conditions of A0 and A1 in separate lines where you did an equivalent with use of strictly high inputs? In the first case its easier for someone new to understand. Its easier to correlate the truth table to desired conditions.

edit: he's mapped the addressing in the following sequence for visual ease.


You've mapped
11 with an inverted condition later on then
11 or at least I hope you did as you only showed one decoded gate
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  • #5
Thanks. I see no difference in functioning between my solution and the key in the book.
I also can derive the circuit given in the solution.
However, I can't figure out why the author used the key solution not the one I get above.
  • #6
I would say that the book design is such to keep the loading on inverted and non-inverted signals equal. Also if you look at the book solution, the output is virtually identical for each pin. This could also be to keep the propagation times equal in all outputs. There are numerous ways to solve a problem, but sometimes you need to see the complete solution and keep things in sync and balanced as possible for other reasons.

Your output stage using 2 transistors to pull the signal to rail, will cause a different voltage output when a current is supplied on a "high" output. This results in different output characteristics for different pins, again not a good thing. You really want the outputs and prop times equal for the outputs.
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FAQ: Why Does My 2:4 Decoder Solution Differ from the Book?

What is a 2:4 decoder solution?

A 2:4 decoder solution is a digital logic circuit that takes in two input signals and produces four output signals based on the combination of input values. It is commonly used in computer systems to decode binary data and control multiple output devices.

How does a 2:4 decoder solution work?

A 2:4 decoder solution works by using a combination of logic gates, such as AND and NOT gates, to compare the input signals and produce the appropriate outputs. The inputs are typically represented by two bits, and the outputs by four bits, hence the 2:4 ratio in the name.

What is the difference between a 2:4 decoder and a 3:8 decoder?

The main difference between a 2:4 decoder and a 3:8 decoder is the number of input and output signals. A 2:4 decoder has two inputs and four outputs, while a 3:8 decoder has three inputs and eight outputs. This means that a 3:8 decoder can decode a larger range of input combinations compared to a 2:4 decoder.

What are the applications of a 2:4 decoder solution?

A 2:4 decoder solution has various applications in digital systems, such as memory address decoding, data routing, and selection of input devices. It is also commonly used in combination with other logic circuits to perform more complex functions.

What are some common sources of confusion when working with a 2:4 decoder solution?

Some common sources of confusion when working with a 2:4 decoder solution include understanding the truth table, implementing the circuit using different logic gates, and troubleshooting errors in the circuit. It is important to carefully study the circuit and its inputs/outputs to avoid any confusion.
