2 people in a canoe, switch places, canoe moves, find mass of one person

In summary, Ricardo and Carmelita, weighing 80 and 20 kg respectively, are in a 20 kg canoe on Lake Merced. They switch seats, moving 3.0 m apart from each other, causing the canoe to move 45 cm relative to a submerged log. Using the fact that the center of mass does not change, Ricardo is able to calculate Carmelita's mass to be 38.46 kg.
  • #1
Ricardo, mass 80 kg, and Carmelita, who is lighter, are enjoying Lake Merced at dusk in a 20 kg canoe. When the canoe is at rest in the placid water, they exchange seats, which are 3.0 m apart and symmetrically located with respect to the canoe's center. Ricardo notices that the canoe moved 45 cm relative to a submerged log during the exchange and calculates Carmelita's mass, which she has not told him. What is it?

I don't really get those sort of problems, so I tried cutting and pasting into a problem similar to this one. This is what I tried to do:

xcom = xcom

80(0) + 20(1.5) + 3m = 80(3-x) + 20(1.5-x) + m(3-x)

After plugging 0.45 for x, I ended up with m = 500 kg.

What's the right way to do this problem?
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  • #2
You seem to understand that the center of mass of the system does not change. What I'd do is find the change in the center of mass (mΔx) due to each object's movement--the three contributions must add to zero. Hint: Measure the movements with respect to the submerged log.
  • #3
So I tried to find the change in position of com. It didn't work to well. This is what I tried:

xcom = (80(0) + 20(1.5) + 3m) / (100 + 3m)

xcom = (80(0.45) + 20(1.5 + 0.45) + 3.45m) / (100 + 3m)

The I subtracted the first from the second and set it equal to 0.45.

I guess that was a bad attempt. What hints can you give me to get on the right track?
  • #4
musicfairy said:
What hints can you give me to get on the right track?
Just what I told you: Find mΔx for each object, measuring Δx with respect to the submerged log. Also, since Ricardo is heavier, if he moves to the right, which way does the canoe move?
  • #5
I had the same setup equation as before, except this time I changed the positions.

I assume that at Ricando is originally at x = 0, and the log is also there. When Ricardo and Carmelita switched places, the canoe moves left 0.45 m. So this time I made the equation:

(80(0.45) + 20(1.5-0.45) + 0.45m) / (100 + m) = (225 - 0.45m) / (100 + m)

The original equation is: xcom = (80(0) + 20(1.5) + 3m) / (100 + m)

I subtracted the original from the switched

(225 - 0.45m - 30 - 3m) / 100 = 0.45
195 - 3.45m = 45 + 0.45m
m = 38.46 kg

Is this what you mean by mΔx?
  • #6
musicfairy said:
Is this what you mean by mΔx?
Here's what I mean by mΔx:

The canoe (m = 20) moves 45cm left with respect to the log (Δx = -0.45), so mΔx = - 20*0.45.

Ricardo moves 3 m to the right with respect to the canoe, so how far does he move with respect to the log? Use that logic to figure out mΔx for him.

Then do similar thinking for Carmelita.

Note: The change in center of mass of the system (canoe and two people) will equal ∑(mΔx)/(Total mass). But since we know that the change is zero, we can just say ∑(mΔx) = 0. (I hope that makes sense.)
  • #7
I assumed that Δx would be the original - 0.45. I can't think of it in any other way. Then I guess my first set up is correct since I figured what you mean by com doesn't change.

So would Ricardo's Δx be 3.0 - 0.45?

So is the equation

80(0) + 20(1.5) + 3m = 80(2.55) + 21 - 0.45m

m = 56.52 kg

  • #8
Looks good.

Here's how I would have done it:

canoe: mΔx = -(20)*(0.45)
man: mΔx = (80)*(3-0.45)
woman: mΔx = (m)*(-3.45)

Add it up and set equal to zero. (Equivalent to what you did.)
  • #9
Thank you so much! I understand this type of problem a lot better now.

FAQ: 2 people in a canoe, switch places, canoe moves, find mass of one person

1. How does switching places in a canoe affect its movement?

When two people switch places in a canoe, the movement of the canoe will be affected depending on the weight distribution of the two individuals. If the person who moves to the front of the canoe is heavier, the front of the canoe will sink down, causing the canoe to turn towards that side. If the person who moves to the back of the canoe is heavier, the back of the canoe will sink down, causing the canoe to turn towards that side.

2. Why does the canoe move when two people switch places?

The canoe moves when two people switch places due to the principle of conservation of momentum. When the two individuals switch places, the heavier person will cause a shift in the center of mass of the canoe, which results in a change in its momentum and direction of movement.

3. How can we determine the mass of one person in a canoe using this scenario?

To determine the mass of one person in a canoe, we can use the principle of conservation of momentum and the known mass and velocity of the canoe. By measuring the change in momentum of the canoe after the individuals switch places, we can calculate the mass of one person using the equation: mass of one person = (change in momentum of canoe)/(velocity of canoe).

4. What other factors can affect the movement of the canoe when two people switch places?

Apart from the weight distribution of the individuals, other factors that can affect the movement of the canoe when two people switch places include the shape and design of the canoe, the presence of any external forces like wind or currents, and the skill level of the individuals in controlling the canoe.

5. Is it safe to switch places in a canoe?

Switching places in a canoe can be safe as long as the individuals are aware of the potential changes in movement and are able to control the canoe effectively. It is important to communicate and coordinate with your partner when switching places to maintain balance in the canoe and ensure a safe experience.
