2 Q's about statements in Griffiths' book (regarding proton decay)

In summary: The first statement is saying that the reaction of protons decaying would be unpleasant, and the second statement is saying that the law of conservation of baryon number means that protons are stable.
  • #1

I'm taking a particle physics class and we're using Griffiths' book "Introduction to Elementary Particles". I was reading in it but two statements in it (on the same page, for reference p33 in the second edition) struck me as weird, and as I would greatly appreciate if anyone could clarify them for me:

Statement A
(regarding the non-decay of protons)
Needless to say, it would be unpleasant for us if this reaction were common (all atoms would disintegrate) [...]
We know free neutrons have a finite lifetime, but they are stable in nuclei (due to the Pauli principle, if I understand correctly). Why wouldn't the same logic apply to protons (well I suppose I get why it doesn't work for hydrogen)?

Statement B
(after introducing the law of conservation of baryon number)
But the proton, as the lightest baryon, has nowhere to go; conservation of baryon number guarantees its absolute stability.
But if that is the logic, isn't it possible to just send a very high energy photon onto a proton to get a neutron (to make up for the relatively low rest mass of the proton)? Or for example can't a really fast moving proton (= high kinetic energy) decay into another (necessarily more massive) baryon (with by-products, to make the mechanical conservation laws work out)? Then again that wouldn't make sense for any particle, from a relativistic stand point (i.e. the decay can't happen from the proton's reference frame, not having the kinetic energy), however it seems there is nothing that forbids the decay from happening in the certain reference frame in which the proton is going near the speed of light(?)*

* this last remark is applicable to any particle and isn't proton-specific
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  • #2
Think about conservation of momentum...
  • #3
I always do <3
  • #4
My point was that if a fast-moving proton were to transmute somehow into another particle, that particle would have to have the same momentum, and therefore to conserve the total energy the resulting particle cannot be more massive than the original proton. It is not possible for particle interactions to occur in some (inertial) frames of reference but not others. An interaction either can happen in any frame, or none. The choice of frame simply reflects the velocity at which the observer is traveling relative to the "action".

It's easier to think about interaction possibilities in the centre-of-mass frame of reference where, in this case, the proton would have zero momentum, so only its rest mass would be available for creating daughter particles.

It is indeed possible to send a fast proton into another one and make a more massive hadron, the hadron in question being a deuterium nucleus. This is exactly what happens in the sun:

1H1 + 1H11H2 + e+ + [itex]\nu[/itex]e

There is still some hope for proton decay - various grand unification theories predict it - but if it does happen it must do so very slowly as experimental results have now put lower limits on the proton lifetime that are of the order of 1034 years - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton_decay.
  • #5
My point was that if a fast-moving proton were to transmute somehow into another particle, that particle would have to have the same momentum, and therefore to conserve the total energy the resulting particle cannot be more massive than the original proton.
Yes, that's why I included "with by-products". Then the reasoning doesn't work.
  • #6
On the contrary, having by-products makes it all the more impossible. Again, if we boost into the proton's rest frame, it certainy doesn't have enough energy to transmute into a heavier particle and emit some others as well.

Interestingly, though, suppose we put the lightest particle we can think of - for convenience, we will make this an electron antineutrino, at rest - in the path of our speeding proton. This changes the situation enormously, because (provided it's going fast enough) the proton can now fire off a W+ boson at the antineutrino, turning itself into a neutron and the antineutrino into a positron. (More likely in practice, at very high energies, that the proton would split into a shower of hadrons - we are doing a bizarre version of deep inelastic scattering here - but we'll ignore that for the moment.)

Yes, one featherweight particle at rest makes all the difference. In a pure vacuum, I can always boost into the proton's rest frame and be left with no more than a paltry 938MeV on the energy scale. But if I do that when there's an antineutrino here, the antineutrino then ends up with loads of kinetic energy in the proton's rest frame, and I still have enough to make that neutron and positron.

Related to 2 Q's about statements in Griffiths' book (regarding proton decay)

1. What is proton decay and why is it significant?

Proton decay is a hypothetical process in which a proton, one of the fundamental particles that make up an atom, spontaneously decays into lighter particles. This phenomenon is significant because it would violate the principle of baryon number conservation, which states that the number of baryons (such as protons and neutrons) must remain constant in any physical process. If proton decay is observed, it would have far-reaching implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics.

2. What evidence do we have for proton decay?

Despite decades of searching, there is currently no direct evidence for proton decay. However, some theories predict that the decay rate of protons is extremely slow, with a half-life of around 10^34 years. This means that if proton decay does occur, it is likely to be a very rare event and difficult to detect. Some experiments, such as the Super-Kamiokande detector in Japan, have placed limits on the proton decay rate, but there is still no conclusive evidence.

3. How does Griffiths' book discuss proton decay?

In his book "Introduction to Elementary Particles," David Griffiths mentions proton decay in the context of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). GUTs attempt to unify the three fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force) into a single framework. Proton decay is a key prediction of GUTs, as it would require the unification of these forces at extremely high energies.

4. Is proton decay possible in our universe?

While there is currently no evidence for proton decay, it is still a possibility in our universe. Many theoretical models, such as GUTs, predict that proton decay should occur, but at a very low rate. However, our current understanding of particle physics cannot definitively say whether or not proton decay actually happens.

5. What are the potential implications of proton decay?

If proton decay is observed, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It would provide evidence for the unification of the fundamental forces, as well as the existence of new particles and interactions at high energies. It could also shed light on the mystery of why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe, as proton decay would favor matter over antimatter. Additionally, the decay products of protons could potentially be used as a source of energy, similar to nuclear fusion.

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