2-Way Interaction between Rotation and Translation

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a spinning tire and how it interacts with different surfaces and friction. The speaker establishes two basic properties of a circle, X and theta, and how they can be affected by friction to achieve equilibrium. They also make predictions about the interaction between the two properties. The conversation ends with a search for a model to explain this interaction, with the speaker referencing examples from Fantastic Contraption and videos from MIT.
  • #1
I've seen dozens of examples of well-made games and demonstrations that seem to handle this concept perfectly well, and yet I can't find a documented method to approaching it. Basically, a tire on an incline will begin to roll rather than slide down the slope, but a spinning tire dropped on a level surface will be inclined to move in the direction it's spinning. Slippery surfaces and bald tires make both transitions slower, hence slipping, spinning out, skidding, etc. I've established these general rules with a thought experiment:

1. The two basic properties of the circle are X and theta (position and rotation). They can both be derived over time to form velocity, acceleration, and so on. Both are completely independent properties, but there is interaction due to other conditions in the system (see below.)

2. The circle will seek a state of equilibrium in which V of theta and V of x are equal. Equilibrium is achieved through (some function of) friction between the circle and the plane.
(Corollary: all forms of friction can help the circle achieve equilibrium, including air friction. A baseball, for instance, curves as its rotational velocity affects its trajectory.)

Predictions of interaction:
a) If V of theta exceeds V of x, the circle will slip as it spins faster than it moves until velocities level.
b) If V of x exceeds V of theta, the circle will slide as it moves faster than it spins until velocities level.
c) If V of x and V of theta are different across the origin, the circle will move in the direction of V of x but spin in the direction of V of theta - thus achieving Slip 'n' Slide.
(If V of theta equals V of x, the circle is in "pure roll".)

So, what model does the interaction follow? I am almost certain there's a simple method. Just look at Fantastic Contraption for example.

I was able to find this page: http://cnx.org/content/m14312/latest/
...however, it only handles pure roll conditions. I even found some eighth-year college videos - http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-01Physics-IFall1999/VideoLectures/index.htm - which were really, really high quality, but still never left pure roll. There were some mind-boggling gyroscope demos, but nothing to help my little problem.
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  • #2
interesting premise,,, but like, tops spin with mostly angular velocity, and a little precession... so angular energy is larger than translational moving energy... until the top falls once drag slows it down enough ?

FAQ: 2-Way Interaction between Rotation and Translation

What is a 2-way interaction between rotation and translation?

A 2-way interaction between rotation and translation refers to the relationship between rotational motion and translational motion. This means that when an object is rotating, it also experiences a corresponding translation in space, and vice versa.

How does a 2-way interaction between rotation and translation affect an object's motion?

The 2-way interaction between rotation and translation can affect an object's motion in several ways. For example, if an object is rotating about a fixed axis, it will also experience a linear velocity in the direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation. This can cause the object to move in a circular or elliptical path.

What is the difference between a 2-way interaction and a 1-way interaction between rotation and translation?

A 2-way interaction between rotation and translation involves both rotational and translational motion, while a 1-way interaction only involves one type of motion. In a 2-way interaction, the rotational motion is dependent on the translational motion and vice versa, while in a 1-way interaction, there is no dependence between the two motions.

How does a 2-way interaction between rotation and translation affect the stability of an object?

The 2-way interaction between rotation and translation can affect the stability of an object in different ways. For example, if an object is rotating and translating simultaneously, it can become unstable and tip over. However, if the rotational and translational motions are balanced, the object can maintain its stability.

What are some real-world applications of a 2-way interaction between rotation and translation?

The 2-way interaction between rotation and translation is prevalent in many real-world applications. Some examples include the motion of planets and satellites in space, the movement of gears and wheels in machinery, and the motion of athletes performing rotational and translational movements in sports.

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