2007, year of the craddle robbing teachers?

In summary, there have been numerous cases of female teachers engaging in sexual relationships with their students. Many of these cases involve teachers in their 20s and students as young as 10 years old. Some of the teachers have been convicted, while others are still in the process of facing charges. It is a controversial topic as to whether these women receive different treatment compared to male teachers who commit similar crimes.
  • #36
When she is finishing writing up a PhD you have to be careful approaching her for any reason!
Science news on Phys.org
  • #37
This is an outrage!

Where were all those teachers when I was in school!
  • #38
moe darklight said:
This is an outrage!

Where were all those teachers when I was in school!

There was a teacher like that at my school but I only found out about her after I left. Shame really, if only I had of been that much worse at English, instead of bad at it. I'd of been put down a class. Still spilt milk. :wink::smile:
  • #39
Schrodinger's Dog said:
There was a teacher like that at my school but I only found out about her after I left. Shame really, if only I had of been that much worse at English, instead of bad at it. I'd of been put down a class. Still spilt milk. :wink::smile:

My high school had a male teacher who was caught. We all knew he was doing that, but nobody cared because he was young, attractive, funny, and all around likable. It's sort of funny to think that it took so long to catch him simply because he was a really great guy.
I don't know if he was found guilty or not. I certainly hope he got off the hook.
  • #40
moe darklight said:
This is an outrage!

Where were all those teachers when I was in school!

That line comes up in 99.99% of "teacher had relations with student" stories.

And I fully support it. Where the hell are they?
  • #41
lol I know. well I for once salute these generous souls!

I have a question though. Why is this not allowed for university professors? I mean there's the age thing in high school (and it is different between male and female students who are we kidding).

but why can't a university professor date a student (male or female)? both parties are mature enough to make their own decisions at that point.
  • #42
chroot said:
Again, it's a silly waste of resources, all trying to uphold silly victimless crime laws (read: church laws). If anyone ever sits on a jury for one of these kinds of crimes, consider voting not guilty, no matter how obviously the person violated the idiotic law. Exercise jury nullification even if the judge tells you over and over that it cannot be done. Set precedents that will get these idiotic laws rendered impotent. Save the time and tax dollars for something that actually matters.

- Warren

Why do you assume it's a victimless crime? Just because YOU might have had those fantasies about your HS teachers doesn't mean these other kids were not taken advantage of or forced into something they really didn't want to do for the sake of a grade (and note that not all are boys and not all are 17). You don't even know if the teachers were someone the boys found attractive or were 60 yrs old with warts, or if the boys even had sex with the teachers or were just fondled by them...both would be considered sex crimes, and one of those doesn't require the boy even be aroused. How about we leave it to the proper place for such decisions about whether there was a victim or not...the courtroom.
  • #43
moe darklight said:
lol I know. well I for once salute these generous souls!

I have a question though. Why is this not allowed for university professors? I mean there's the age thing in high school (and it is different between male and female students who are we kidding).

but why can't a university professor date a student (male or female)? both parties are mature enough to make their own decisions at that point.

Abuse of position issues, I agree that if a professor of 28 wants to date a student of 21, it seems on the surface somewhat ok. But it's a bit of a moral minefield.
  • #44
moe darklight said:
but why can't a university professor date a student (male or female)? both parties are mature enough to make their own decisions at that point.

Again, it has to do with the professor having authority over the student...it's no longer a legal issue then, but one of professional ethics. Have sex for a better grade, or get turned down and fail the student...how can one give an unbiased evaluation of a student's academic performance if they are dating them? It's sort of the same rules as in the workplace that one's boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse shouldn't be their direct supervisor in charge of their performance evaluations (and there are cases among faculty where husband and wife join a department together, and one gets promoted to Dept Chair...the other needs to join another department for the sake of performance evaluations and promotion and tenure decisions since there's no way one's spouse is going to be unbiased about that...hard enough for another department chair to deny tenure to the spouse of another department chair).
  • #45
Moonbear said:
Again, it has to do with the professor having authority over the student...it's no longer a legal issue then, but one of professional ethics. Have sex for a better grade, or get turned down and fail the student...how can one give an unbiased evaluation of a student's academic performance if they are dating them? It's sort of the same rules as in the workplace that one's boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse shouldn't be their direct supervisor in charge of their performance evaluations (and there are cases among faculty where husband and wife join a department together, and one gets promoted to Dept Chair...the other needs to join another department for the sake of performance evaluations and promotion and tenure decisions since there's no way one's spouse is going to be unbiased about that...hard enough for another department chair to deny tenure to the spouse of another department chair).

What if a student that majors one field dates a prof. from a different field, so that there is no core reason to take their class in the first place? Is that still bad?
  • #46
Poop-Loops said:
What if a student that majors one field dates a prof. from a different field, so that there is no core reason to take their class in the first place? Is that still bad?

If the student is dating someone that isn't their professor, and will never be acting in the role of a professor for them (references, assessments, etc..) then this ceases to be a problem since they are not student&teacher!
  • #47
EDIT: oops! someone beat me to it

Ok... but what about if the student is not in any of the professor's classes, or what about if they were dating from before when the student signed up for his or her class?

And yea, obviously if we're talking about unwanted fondling then it's a crime.

But call me sexist, because I do think it's different in the case of female young students, but I don't see how it's a crime for those teachers to sleep with a male student, even if he is younger than 17.
  • #48
moe darklight said:
Ok... but what about if the student is not in any of the professor's classes, or what about if they were dating from before when the student signed up for his or her class?
If they are not in any of the professor's classes, as cristo pointed out, there is no professor-student relationship to be concerned about. If they were dating prior to that time, then it would still be inappropriate for the professor to have that person in their class...presumably this would be foreseeable and the student should be assigned to another professor's section of the course, or if there is only one section, the professor should take that term off from teaching the course, or the student should take the course someplace else. In the previous place I worked, we did have a faculty member married to someone who decided to return to school and became a student, and we just made sure she never took his classes, he never proctored an exam for her classes, and never had anything to do with the grading in those classes.

But call me sexist, because I do think it's different in the case of female young students, but I don't see how it's a crime for those teachers to sleep with a male student, even if he is younger than 17.
Yes, that's sexist. It's exactly the same situation. Just as young boys can be infatuated with their teachers, so can young girls. Just as young girls can be the victim of unwanted sexual advances, so can young boys. We do not know the details...a jury will hear the details to determine if a crime was committed or if it was just ethical misconduct.

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