2012 F = MA exam #10 - (Rolling without slipping down a ramp)

In summary, the conversation discusses four objects of different materials and sizes placed on an inclined plane and allowed to roll without slipping to the bottom. The time of motion for each object is measured and it is determined that object C, a hollow brass sphere, has the highest rotational kinetic energy and therefore the slowest velocity and longest period of motion. This leads to the correct statement that T_C > T_A = T_B = T_D. The conversation also explores the use of conservation of energy to explain the relationship between potential and kinetic energy in rolling objects.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Four objects are placed at rest at the top of an inclined plane and allowed to roll without slipping to the bottom
in the absence of rolling resistance and air resistance.
• Object A is a solid brass ball of diameter d.
• Object B is a solid brass ball of diameter 2d.
• Object C is a hollow brass sphere of diameter d.
• Object D is a solid aluminum ball of diameter d. (Aluminum is less dense than brass.)
The balls are placed so that their centers of mass all travel the same distance. In each case, the time of motion T
is measured. Which of the following statements is correct?

(A) TB > TC > TA = TD
(B) TA = TB = TC > TD
(C) TB > TA = TC = TD
(E) TA = TB = TC = TD

Homework Equations

T = 2pir/ v
K(rotation and translation) = 1/2mv^2 + 1/2Iw^2

The Attempt at a Solution

No idea, for some reason I tried to find the total kinetic energy of each object, didn't really work though.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
It's all to with the proportion of PE that goes into rotational KE instead of into linear KE. The higher the proportion, the lower the linear speed, so the longer the time taken. Try to turn that into equations.
  • #3
So what you are saying is that in the beginning of the roll down the ramp, there is X potential energy that is converted to both linear and rotational kinetic energy. The more PE that goes to rotational KE takes away from linear KE and thus reduces linear speed. This means that it will take longer, so T will be higher. I'm not sure how to convert this to equations.
Here's an attempt using Cons. of Energy:
K_0 + U_0 = K + U
0 + mgh = 1/2Iw^2 + 1/2mv^2
I = mR^2 / 2
w = v / R
mgh = 1/4mv^2 + 1/2mv^2
mgh = 3/4 mv^2
gh = 3/4v^2
4/3gh = v^2
- I must be doing it wrong here because my calculations imply that linear velocity is independent of the radii.
Where did I go wrong?
  • #4
SignaturePF said:
4/3gh = v^2
- I must be doing it wrong here because my calculations imply that linear velocity is independent of the radii.
No, that's the correct result. You assumed I = λmR2 where λ = 1/2. That will lead to a fraction of energy going into linear KE that depends only on λ. Since the total is mgh, and the m's will cancel, you get a linear velocity √(2gh f(λ)).
  • #5
Ahh, I think I understand. So with the result I showed earlier, velocity is independent of entire mass and radius. Therefore, T_A = T_B = T_D. But since ball C will have the most mass concentrated furthest away, it has the highest rotational KE and thus it will have the slowest velocity and the highest period. These two lead us to:
T_C > T_A = T_B = T_D
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  • #6
SignaturePF said:
Ahh, I think I understand. So with the result I showed earlier, velocity is independent of entire mass and radius. Therefore, T_A = T_B = T_D. But since ball C will have the most mass concentrated furthest away, it has the highest rotational KE and thus it will have the slowest velocity and the highest period. These two lead us to:
T_C > T_A = T_B = T_D
  • #7
Thanks, I really appreciate it!

FAQ: 2012 F = MA exam #10 - (Rolling without slipping down a ramp)

1. What is the purpose of the "2012 F = MA exam #10 - (Rolling without slipping down a ramp)"?

The purpose of this exam question is to test a student's understanding of the concept of rolling without slipping down a ramp, which is an important physics concept related to motion and forces.

2. How is rolling without slipping different from regular rolling?

Rolling without slipping is a type of motion where an object both rolls and slides at the same time, without any slipping. This is different from regular rolling, where there is some amount of slipping involved.

3. What is the formula for calculating the force required for rolling without slipping?

The formula for calculating the force required for rolling without slipping is F = Ma, where F is the force, M is the mass, and a is the acceleration.

4. How does the angle of the ramp affect the force required for rolling without slipping?

The angle of the ramp affects the force required for rolling without slipping because it determines the acceleration of the object. The steeper the ramp, the greater the force required to maintain rolling without slipping.

5. Can an object roll without slipping on any surface?

No, an object can only roll without slipping on a surface that is rough enough to provide friction. On a perfectly smooth surface, an object will slip instead of roll, and on a very rough surface, an object may not roll at all.

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