2012 mayan calender end of world astro line up opens stargate

  • Thread starter rustandplastic
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    Astro Line
In summary, a team making a film about the Mayan calendar and the 2012 end date is looking for a reference to any special alignment that may occur during that time. The indigenous tribe involved in the film claims that this alignment will open a portal for two-way travel through a wormhole. The documentary maker is searching for a reputable scientist to provide evidence and ideas for the animation in the film. Some members of the conversation are skeptical about the significance of 2012, while others believe in the possibility of an alignment. The film also references the idea of opening one's mind and features a list of scientists, doctors, and spiritual teachers who have explored this concept. Ultimately, the documentary maker is seeking a scientific perspective on the significance
  • #36
some in the world of computer science and nanotechnology are trying to make the 2012 Eskaton a sort-of self-fulfilled prophecy- think grey-goo- all the matter in local space converted into computronium
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
selfAdjoint said:
What's interesting is a syzygy, that is three things in a line, like Earth-Moon-Sun at the Full and New phases of the Moon, or at eclipses of the Moon or Sun. Or like the oppositions of Mars that Tycho observed and Kepler used to discover his laws of planetary motion.

Syzygy... cool word.

Oxford American Dictionary gives its root:

"syzygy |?sizij?| noun ( pl. -gies) Astronomy a conjunction or opposition, esp. of the moon with the sun

: the planets were aligned in syzygy.

• a pair of connected or corresponding things : animus and anima represent a supreme pair of opposites, the syzygy.

ORIGIN early 17th cent.: via late Latin from Greek suzugia, from suzugos ‘yoked, paired,’ from sun- ‘with, together’ + the stem of zeugnunai ‘to yoke.’"

There was some concern (when isn't there) amongst the astrology crowd about 5 or more planets "aligning" and how their combined gravity, em fields etc... would effectively either open a "time tunnel" or in the least act as a catylist in opening a can of worms.

Please tell me, SelfaJoint or others what is the significance of this sort of multi-planetary (point) syzygy or "alignment"? Is this somehow related to what ancient or tribal astromoners are going on about with regard to an alignment between points from here to the centre of our galaxy?
  • #38
Astrology and astronomy are two very different things. Among astronomers, such "alignments" are just neat to look at or perhaps opportunities for easier study (ie, the opportunity to send Voyager 2 to visit 4 planets).
  • #39
quantumcarl said:
Please tell me, SelfaJoint or others what is the significance of this sort of multi-planetary (point) syzygy or "alignment"? Is this somehow related to what ancient or tribal astromoners are going on about with regard to an alignment between points from here to the centre of our galaxy?

The original use of syzygys was in predicting ecllipses. An eclipse can only happen at a syzygy of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, so predicting eclipses boils down to predicting syzygys plus the side conditions that specialize some syszygys into eclipse confinguration. Briefly the orbits of the Erth and Moon about the Sun are tilted with respect to each other, but syzygy only concerns movement in what astronomers call longitude, and the reason every new moon is not an eclipse of the Sun is that when the three orbs are aligned in two dimensions, they can miss alignment in the third.

Another important fact about syszygys is that when you have one, you can conclude from Earthly observations valid facts about the kinematics of the other two bodies relative to each other. Thus Ptolemy and Copernicus using three oppositions of Mars (syzygys of Earth, Mars, and the Sun) and a geometric assumption ("bisection of the equant") could compute the position of the equant or point of equal angular velocity for Mars, within their hypothesis that the planets, even if they don't move with constant angular velocity relative to th center of their orbits (which is contradicted by observation) do so with respect to SOME point, the desired equant.

Then Kepler was led to throw out the equant when he saw that with FOUR oppositions he could find the equant without assuming the bisection hypothesis. But when he did this with two different sets of four oppositions (giving thanks to Tycho Brahe for all those wonderfully accurate observations) he found the position of the equant depended on which oppositions (syzygys) you used to compute it. So it wasn't a real thing, and Kepler went looking for an alternative to constant angular velocity and found his area rule (Kepler's Second Law).

"Ancient astronomers" had no concept of the galaxy as a collection of stars. Even Aristarchus, who conceived the motion of the Earth around the Sun, thought of the stars as little lights on a fixed sphere, and the galaxy (Latin via galactica; Milky Way) was just a spill of brightness across the sky which the naked eye was unable to resolve into stars. When somebody today tells you the ancient people had knowledge which there is no way they could have learned, you can be confident they're feeding you bunk.
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  • #40
selfAdjoint said:
The original use of syzygys was in predicting ecllipses. An eclipse can only happen at a syzygy of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, so predicting eclipses boils down to predicting syzygys plus the side conditions that specialize some syszygys into eclipse confinguration. Briefly the orbits of the Erth and Moon about the Sun are tilted with respect to each other, but syzygy only concerns movement in what astronomers call longitude, and the reason every new moon is not an eclipse of the Sun is that when the three orbs are aligned in two dimensions, they can miss alignment in the third.

Another important fact about syszygys is that when you have one, you can conclude from Earthly observations valid facts about the kinematics of the other two bodies relative to each other. Thus Ptolemy and Copernicus using three oppositions of Mars (syzygys of Earth, Mars, and the Sun) and a geometric assumption ("bisection of the equant") could compute the position of the equant or point of equal angular velocity for Mars, within their hypothesis that the planets, even if they don't move with constant angular velocity relative to th center of their orbits (which is contradicted by observation) do so with respect to SOME point, the desired equant.

Then Kepler was led to throw out the equant when he saw that with FOUR oppositions he could find the equant without assuming the bisection hypothesis. But when he did this with two different sets of four oppositions (giving thanks to Tycho Brahe for all those wonderfully accurate observations) he found the position of the equant depended on which oppositions (syzygys) you used to compute it. So it wasn't a real thing, and Kepler went looking for an alternative to constant angular velocity and found his area rule (Kepler's Second Law).

"Ancient astronomers" had no concept of the galaxy as a collection of stars. Even Aristarchus, who conceived the motion of the Earth around the Sun, thought of the stars as little lights on a fixed sphere, and the galaxy (Latin via galactica; Milky Way) was just a spill of brightness across the sky which the naked eye was unable to resolve into stars. When somebody today tells you the ancient people had knowledge which there is no way they could have learned, you can be confident they're feeding you bunk.

Thank you. You'd have to wonder where anyone would get the idea of a galaxy without actually having made resolute, visual confirmation of, say, near-by Andromeda and then extrapolating that configuration onto where we find ourselves in this not so dissimilar galaxy, the milky-way. It would take a precise lens in a controlled observatory to come up with this idea.

There is evidence from the south americian continent of extremely fine-tuned fashioning and polishing of quartz and obsidian but no evidence that I'm aware of that lenses were ever manufactured. There is, however, an example of a finely tuned astronomical observatory in the Yucatån. Just what was observed from that structure is unknown as of yet.
  • #41
quantumcarl said:
There is evidence from the south americian continent of extremely fine-tuned fashioning and polishing of quartz and obsidian but no evidence that I'm aware of that lenses were ever manufactured. There is, however, an example of a finely tuned astronomical observatory in the Yucatån. Just what was observed from that structure is unknown as of yet.

Te Maya were excellent naked eye observers. Based on their mythology, they had a special interest in the planet Venus. Part of the cycles within cycles of their famous calendar was correlating the http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/astronomy/SynodicPeriod.html" .
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  • #42
selfAdjoint said:
Te Maya were excellent naked eye observers. Based on their mythology, they had a special interest in the planet Venus. Part of the cycles within cycles of their famous calendar was correlating the http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/astronomy/SynodicPeriod.html" .

That's very cool.

The Maya also had a wonderful coastal warning and guidance system of lighthouses yet there is no evidence of them being mariners or a sea faring people. At least, no ships that I know of, perhaps fishing rigs or outriggers?.

Do you think this fascination with Venus had anything to do with Velocovski's unique hypothesis describing how Venus was expunged from Jupiter (because Jupiter was too large for its orbit) and traversing through Earth's orbit then hitting Mars before settling into its own orbit? Velocovski put the timeline of this planetary transfection as happening at 3600 years ago. That would certainly spark enough interest in anyone who witnessed it to have them create a tradition of "keeping an eye" on that particular planet!
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  • #43
Don't you just need to read that Mayan Prophecies book, surely all the answers are in there?!? :-p

Used to read all those books when I was younger. The first ones, eg. Orion Mystery and Fingerprints of the Gods were quite good, but then every hippy thought they could write a new one. The shops are satuated with this guff now.

As far as the alignment thing goes - back when I first read them, I used a program called Redshift to visualise the alignment. Very nice program, that was :smile:
  • #44
quantumcarl said:
Do you think this fascination with Venus had anything to do with Velocovski's unique hypothesis describing how Venus was expunged from Jupiter (because Jupiter was too large for its orbit) and traversing through Earth's orbit then hitting Mars before settling into its own orbit? Velocovski put the timeline of this planetary transfection as happening at 3600 years ago. That would certainly spark enough interest in anyone who witnessed it to have them create a tradition of "keeping an eye" on that particular planet!

No I don't, but Velivivski's crazy theory may have had some connection to the Maya interest; he based his speculations on a lot of old myths from here and there.

Let's not get into Velivovski, there are too many cranks waiting to drop in and swamp us with their junk.
  • #45
rustandplastic said:
you might want to see a film called "what the bleep do we know" full of interesting stuff and presented by some powerful quantum phyicists. http://www.whatthebleep.com.au/scientists.asp
I didnt make it but wished I had! Quite challenging.

Oh brother. I'm insulted.
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  • #46
I can feel it tugging on me, miles and miles and miles and miles and miles away.
<i>Mother Planet, Mother Planet, Why did you give me a ship with a crappy hyperdrive, and a crappy sublight drive...at least on Mars there isn't the chance of getting blown up by communist countries who have clone armies...now i can only get to the moon... ):
  • #47
This is the weirdest read I've yet to come across on physicsforums... I still enjoyed it :)
  • #48
It's still here? I thought they locked this crackpot thread long ago... :confused:
  • #49
rustandplastic said:
yes one "loony tune" otherwise pretty straight as the list below attests:


Dr. Masaru Emoto
The water guy?

I hope he's your "loony tune"

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #50
It looks like in 2012 Venus will be making a second and last transit across the sun this century. It also looks like that it will star on a Sunday which means that there is going to be a Friday the 13 in January. Also on same day that year the Kyoto Protocol expires. So for it looks like you should preparing for the end of the world.:rolleyes: :biggrin: :rolleyes:
  • #51
What happens if the Kyoto protocol expires?
  • #52
is a claim that a special alignment of the Earth relative to the centre of our galaxy opens a portal (like stargate) that the indigenous tribe we are working with claims will open, allowing two-way travel through what sounds like a wormhole.
assuming that i read this right, isn't that a bit advanced for a indigenous tribe to think

What happens if the Kyoto protocol expires?
then we will all die!:smile:
  • #53

What is this doing in GD?

'What the Bleep" crackpot movie and the crackpot Masaru Emoto? :eek:

  • #54
I read in 2012 that animals would speak and our appliances would turn on us, has that been replaced by this new crackpot stuff?
  • #55
GD has been contaminated with sudo science , lock this thread EVO,
or we will have strange things emerging from worm holes, and people shooting my great great grandad, and people arriving befor they left, and multi dimensional Cyruses, and penguins walking through walls :cry:
  • #56
rustandplastic said:
you might want to see a film called "what the bleep do we know" full of interesting stuff and presented by some powerful quantum phyicists.
I didnt make it but wished I had! Quite challenging.

You're kidding, right?

That's film is a joke. It is filled with metaphysical mumbo jumbo that isn't supported by any concrete scientific facts. Just because they can mention physics principles, doesn't mean it has any scientific basis.

If you had made the film, I would spend the time ridiculing what you did - not that we hadn't done it already in this forum.

P.S. I'm deleting the link, because PF has a policy against advertizing crackpottery.

  • #57
rustandplastic said:
I am a sceptical TV documentary-maker currently involved with a team making a film about 2012, the end of the Mayan Calander and involved in this is a claim that a special alignment of the Earth relative to the centre of our galaxy opens a portal (like stargate) :rolleyes: that the indigenous tribe we are working with claims will open, allowing two-way travel through what sounds like a wormhole.

What I ask of this group is a reference to any special "alignment" that may happen around this time (december,2012) and whatever the result we need to create some animation that describes this so we need someone reputable to do some research along these lines for our film and some ideas for our animators.

All comments welcome.

Can I just say that is by far the most interesting title for a thread I have ever read, it was worth reading this thread based on the title alone. :smile:

alicahit said:
What happens if the Kyoto protocol expires?

Nothing it's a protocol not an overarching spacetime construct holding up the universe :smile:

Oh I don't know world war III, there you happy :biggrin:
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  • #58
for the record, the 2012 date to the mayans is NOT the end of any calander. the mayans had two calanders, a long count and a short count. they were based on different things, (i can't remember now, but i used to look into this a lot a few years ago.) anyway, the length of the two calanders were drastically different and rarely coincided. in 2012, both calanders happen to end on the same date. When the calanders end together, the mayan's considered it to be the end of an "age". i believe we're either leaving or going into the 5th age in 2012.
  • #59
"Mayan calender" [sic] "end of world astro line" "stargate"

Really, I've never seen so much crackpottery last so long on PF! Some very devious person must have bribed all the moderators, presumably with pounds and pounds of rich, dark chocolate. With hazelnuts.
  • #60
Well, it's just so stupid, it's just amazing how many people in this world actually believe this stuff. I take that back, it's FRIGHTENING how many people believe this stuff.
  • #61
Rach3 said:
"Mayan calender" [sic] "end of world astro line" "stargate"

Really, I've never seen so much crackpottery last so long on PF! Some very devious person must have bribed all the moderators, presumably with pounds and pounds of rich, dark chocolate. With hazelnuts.

The Mods on this forum are pillars of iron, totally incorustable onest law abribing good guys :smile:
  • #62

Looks like everyone's through making fun of the topic, so I'll close the thread.

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