2D Moments confusion, does d have to be perpendicular?

In summary: This is great help!In summary, the homework statement asks for a function that will not generate a moment greater than 1000 N*m around point A. The student found the distance of a -> b and then found the force necessary to achieve this distance.
  • #1

Homework Statement


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Find F such that the moment around A will not exceed 1000N*m for any value of θ.

Homework Equations

M = fd

The Attempt at a Solution

I got the right answer, I found the distance of a -> b
AB= √( (2^2) + (3^2) )

and then I did
M = fd
1000 = f (3.6)
f = 277.8 N

This is correct according to the answer in the back, but I don't understand why.
1. I was under the impression for: M = fd , d must be the perpendicular distance. Clearly, the d we are using is not perpendicular to f. Does d not have to be perpendicular to the force?

2. I thought this was a trick question at first, and logically I thought it made most sense that the greatest moment around A would be caused by a force only in the vertical direction. So I tried doing it where Fx = 0 and Fy is the variable of interest.

So i tried, M = (Fy)d
1000 = (Fy)(3)
but the fy I get is clearly not the answer. Can someone explain this to me.
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  • #2
If the force is not perpendicular to the distance, what is its moment?
  • #3
I don't understand what you mean, Voko.
  • #4
You wrote: "I was under the impression for: M = fd , d must be the perpendicular distance. Clearly, the d we are using is not perpendicular to f."

Clearly F and d are not perpendicular for every possible angle. So how does one go about computing the moment in such a case?
  • #5
Would I break it into components instead?

Mx = fcosθ * (d)
My = fsinθ * (d)
  • #6
In 2D, moments are not vectors, so they have no components.

Have you not been given a definition of the moment of force? It should be in your course material/textbook, find it.
  • #7
right right right.

M = fcosθ(3) - fsinθ(2)
10 000 = fcosθ(3) - fsinθ(2)

I have no clue what comes next. I've tried reading it, clearly I am confused. Wait, I am confused even more, my solution in the initial post yielded the right answer, was that by complete fluke?

It says in my book "d is the perpendicular to the line of action of the force" I still can't see how d will ever be the perpendicular on the line of action .
  • #8
What that definition really means is that when you compute the moment of force at point B about point A, you first find the component of force perpendicular to AB. Then the moment is the product of that component with AB.
  • #9

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Your not given θ or F, maybe because its 1am, but I swear I can't see what you are trying to help me see.

I understand F can be broken down into Fc and Fc1. Fc1 isn't important because Fc1 goes through our moment pt A, thus causing no moment.

I have no clue why Fc = F.
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  • #10
So you do understand that ##M = F_c d ##, correct? Now, what is ##F_c## if ##F## is at angle ##\alpha## with AB (note I said ##\alpha##, not ##\theta##)?
  • #11
Or let me ask that differently: does ##F_c## ever exceed ##F##? What is the max value of ##F_c##? At what angle with AB?
  • #12
alpha = 90
  • #13
So, what is the magnitude of ##F_c## at 90 degrees with AB, if the total magnitude of the force is F?
  • #14
so wait, is θ just thrown in there to mess with me. Should I have known right from the jump that the largest moment generated around A would be Fc (perpendicular to AB)
  • #15
You see, since you are required to consider all possible angles ##\theta##, you might as well consider all possible angles ##\alpha##, which is easier, right?
  • #16
Oooooooooohhhhh, Voko, you're JEDI MASTER.
  • #17
So, do you understand now why your initial solution was correct?
  • #18
Yah, I missed the obvious until you pointed it out.

I appreciate you takin the time, voko.

FAQ: 2D Moments confusion, does d have to be perpendicular?

1. What is 2D Moments confusion?

2D Moments confusion refers to the misunderstanding or confusion about the concept of moments in two-dimensional (2D) systems. This can occur when trying to calculate or understand the effects of forces on objects in a 2D plane.

2. What is the role of d in 2D moments?

In 2D moments, d represents the perpendicular distance between the force and the point of rotation or axis. This distance is crucial in calculating the moment of a force, as it determines the lever arm and the torque produced.

3. Does d always have to be perpendicular in 2D moments?

Yes, d must always be perpendicular to the force in order to accurately calculate the moment. If d is not perpendicular, it will affect the magnitude and direction of the moment and can lead to incorrect calculations.

4. How do you determine the direction of d in 2D moments?

The direction of d can be determined by using the right-hand rule. Point your thumb in the direction of the force and curl your fingers towards the point of rotation or axis. The direction your fingers are curling is the direction of d.

5. What happens if d is equal to zero in 2D moments?

If d is equal to zero, the moment of the force will also be zero. This means that the force is acting directly on the axis of rotation and does not produce any rotation or torque.

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