2D Stationary advection-diffusion eq. as a BVP

  • Thread starter mhsd91
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In summary, the problem is to solve the 2D, stationary, advection-diffusion equation with known constant, advection field vector. The boundary conditions are that the advection field vector is zero at the north and east boundaries and that the propagating wavefunction at the south and west boundaries is equal to the known constant. The two independent linear second order ODEs have general solutions provided that the coefficients C_i are constant.
  • #1
Considering the region [itex] \Omega [/itex] bounded as a square box within [itex] x \in [0,1], y \in [0,1] [/itex]. We wish to solve the 2D, stationary, advection-diffusion equation,

0 = D\nabla^2 \rho(x,y) + \vec{V} \cdot \nabla \rho(x,y)

where [itex] D [/itex] is a scalar constant, and [itex] \vec{V} = V_1\hat{e}_x + V_2 \hat{e}_y [/itex] is a constant advection field vector. The problem has the following boundary conditions,

\nabla \rho(1,y) &= \nabla \rho(x,1) =& 0 \\
\rho(0,y) &= \rho(x,0) =& C = \textrm{known constant}

ATTEMPT AT SOLUTION: Method of Separation of Variables

Assuming [itex] \rho(x,y) = X(x) \cdot Y(y) [/itex], then

\nabla \rho &= Y X_{x} \hat{e}_x + X Y_{y} \hat{e}_y \\
\nabla^2 \rho &= Y X_{xx} + X Y_{yy}

where the subscript denotes partial derivation with respect to that particular variable, with the exception of [itex]\hat{e}[/itex] which represents the unit vector in either direction. Decomposing the advection field vector and inserting these results into the original problem, we get..

0 = D (Y X_{xx} + X Y_{yy} ) + Y X_{x} v_{x} + X Y_{y} v_{y}

Multiply this eq. with [itex] 1/(XYD) [/itex] and moving all [itex] X [/itex] -expressions to the left hand side result in the separation of [itex] X [/itex] and [itex] Y [/itex] such that they both have to be equal some unknown constant [itex] \lambda [/itex] (we cannot have a small change in [itex] X [/itex], without the corrosponding change in [itex] Y [/itex] and vice versa). Thus,

\lambda &= -\frac{X_{xx}}{X} - \frac{X_{x}}{X} \frac{V_{1}}{D} \\
\lambda &= +\frac{Y_{yy}}{Y} + \frac{Y_{y}}{Y} \frac{V_{2}}{D}

Which are two independent, linear, second order ODEs, with general solutions
X(x) &= C_1 \exp[-\alpha^{(+)}_{x} x] \\
&+ C_2 \exp[+\alpha^{(-)}_{x} x] \\
& \\
Y(y) &= C_3 \exp[-\alpha^{(+)}_{y} y] \\
&+ C_4 \exp[+\alpha^{(-)}_{y} y]


\alpha^{(\pm)}_{m} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \sqrt{\frac{v_{m}^2}{D^2} +4\lambda} \pm \frac{v_{m}}{D}\right), \quad m=1 \vee 2

and [itex] C_i, i=1,2,3,4; [/itex] are constant coefficients. So far, so good! However, here is where my issues begin to pile up as I'm unable to sort out the [itex] C [/itex] -values with the boundary conditions.

Along the north and east boundaries, I'm able to write [itex] C_1 = (\textrm{some const expression}) \cdot C_2 [/itex] and similar for [itex] C_3, C_4 [/itex]. However, for the west and south bounds I end up with

(C_1 + C_2)Y = C \\

(C_3 + C_4)X = C

Which will only be valid for [itex]C=0, C_1 = -C_2, C_3=-C_4[/itex]. This, evidently, results in the trivial solution [itex]\rho(x,y)=0[/itex], which obviously is not what we want ..

Any help is appreciated! I've also tried to solve it by integral transforms, but due to the stationarity (the problem-equation is homogenious), I fail as [itex] \rho [/itex] vanishes ..
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  • #2
[itex]\rho = C[/itex] is a solution of the BVP. Have you any reason to expect others?

In general, what you want to look at in these sort of linear problems is [itex]u = \rho - C[/itex] rather than [itex]\rho[/itex] itself.
  • #3
Indeed, you're absolutley right. My problem is that I'm working on a project where we're supposed to solve this eq. numerically, but by looking at it, I was really certain I could solve it analytically. It would be really nice to have such an analytical solution to compare with the numerical.
  • #4
Maybe a Fourier transform could be a useful approach, as

[itex] \mathscr{F} \{{D\nabla^2 \rho(x,y) + \vec{V} \cdot \nabla \rho(x,y)}\}=-D(\mu^2+\nu^2) P(\mu,\nu)+\mathscr{F} \{ {\vec{V}} \}\ast i(\mu +\nu) P(\mu,\nu) [/itex],

or would this just give a condition for the vector field for the constant solution?
  • #5
What you suggest is of course interesting. I fear however, I've already tried this: The Fourier (and Laplace) integral transform are indeed popular approaches for the non-stationary cases. Since I have stationarity, what you write there is equal to zero. Thus,

0 = D (\mu^2 + \nu^2) P(\mu,\nu) + \mathscr{F}\{\vec{V}\} * i(\mu+\nu) P(\mu,\nu)

Obviously, we may divide this eq. by [itex] P(\mu,\nu) [/itex], and it is lost such that we cannot obtain [itex] \rho(x,y) [/itex] ..

Or am I doing something illegal here: will [itex] P(\mu,\nu) [/itex] be a part of the convolution? In that case, then a non constant solution of [itex] \rho(x,y) [/itex] may exist for non-constant [itex] \vec{V} [/itex]...?
  • #6
mhsd91 said:
Indeed, you're absolutley right. My problem is that I'm working on a project where we're supposed to solve this eq. numerically, but by looking at it, I was really certain I could solve it analytically. It would be really nice to have such an analytical solution to compare with the numerical.
One thing you could do is to solve the problem for the case where the diffusion coefficient is zero. This could be done using the method of characteristics. This would give you a first order picture of what the solution for the density looks like. For small values of the diffusion coefficient, the solution would be a smoothed version of this.

  • #7
mhsd91 said:
Indeed, you're absolutley right. My problem is that I'm working on a project where we're supposed to solve this eq. numerically, but by looking at it, I was really certain I could solve it analytically.

Indeed you can: set [itex]u = \rho - C[/itex]. Then [itex]u[/itex] satisfies [tex]D\nabla^2u + \mathbf{v} \cdot \nabla u = 0[/tex] with [itex]u(0,y) = u(x,0) = 0[/itex], [itex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = 0[/itex] on [itex]y =1[/itex] and [itex]\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} = 0[/itex] on [itex]x = 1[/itex].

Separation of variables will work here: you'll have [itex]u = X(x)Y(y)[/itex] where [itex]X(0) = 0[/itex], [itex]X'(1) = 0[/itex], [itex]Y(0) = 0[/itex], and [itex]Y'(1) = 0[/itex].

FAQ: 2D Stationary advection-diffusion eq. as a BVP

1. What is a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation as a BVP?

A 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation is a mathematical model used to describe the transport of a substance (such as heat or a chemical) in a 2D space. It takes into account both the advection (movement due to a flow field) and diffusion (spread due to concentration gradients) of the substance. A BVP (boundary value problem) refers to the conditions imposed on the edges of the 2D space, which is necessary for finding a unique solution to the equation.

2. What are the applications of a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation?

The 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation has many applications in various fields such as fluid dynamics, atmospheric science, and chemical engineering. It is used to model the transport of pollutants in the environment, the dispersion of heat in buildings, and the diffusion of chemicals in biological systems, to name a few.

3. How is a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation solved as a BVP?

To solve a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation as a BVP, the equation is first discretized into a system of linear equations using numerical methods. The boundary conditions are then incorporated into the system, and the resulting matrix equation is solved using techniques such as Gaussian elimination or iterative methods.

4. What are the challenges in solving a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation as a BVP?

Solving a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation as a BVP can be challenging due to the non-linearity of the equations, which can lead to complex solutions. The accuracy of the numerical methods used for discretization can also affect the solution. Additionally, the choice of boundary conditions and their implementation can impact the accuracy and stability of the solution.

5. How is the accuracy of a solution to a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation as a BVP evaluated?

The accuracy of a solution to a 2D stationary advection-diffusion equation as a BVP can be evaluated by comparing it to a known analytical solution, if one exists. Otherwise, the solution can be compared to experimental data or simulated data from other models. Additionally, the convergence of the solution with respect to changes in the numerical parameters (such as grid size) can also be used to assess the accuracy.
