3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem

In summary, the conversation discusses the method of images and its use in determining V(x,y,z) for non-trivial systems. The speaker has a question about obtaining the effective "image" of a system, which is more complicated than the 2-plane analogue. They mention the introduction of the x-z plane and the difficulty in fulfilling all three boundary conditions at once. The speaker also discusses their understanding of the effective image configuration for single, two, and three planes.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Given 3, grounded conducting planes at x=0,y=0,z=0, and a charge q at ro=(xo,yo,zo), determine V(x,y,z) using method of images.
Relevant Equations
I understand the idea of the method of images, and its clever use of uniqueness to determine V(x,y,z) for non-trivial systems.

My question now is simply about guidance for obtaining the effective "image" of this system, as it is clearly more complicated than the 2-plane analogue (in which there are 3 imaged charges - -q below z=0, -q left of x=0, and q at (-xo,-zo) (photo I linked in the post) .

With the introduction of the x-z plane, continuing the image as such does not result in a sufficient V(x,y,z).

I understand that the goal is to recreate the boundary conditions (as a solution adhering to them is the only solution), but fulfilling all three at once has proven challenging.

So far, I know that putting -q directly on the other sides of the three planes causes an obvious issue in which their potentials interact, unfulfilling the boundary conditions. Obviously, no points can be placed inside our R.O.I.


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  • #2
sdefresco said:
continuing the image as such
Could you be more specific ? What charge at (x0,-y0,z0) etc.
sdefresco said:
putting -q directly on the other sides of the three planes
That is not what was done to go from 1 to 2 planes, as you so nicely describe, ... so ...
  • #3
Let’s continue this trend. Forgive me if I’m wrong. I’m new here.

For a single plane the effective image configuration was a dipole correct?

For two planes it’s a quadrupole

For three planes it should be an octupole.

FAQ: 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem

1. What is the 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem?

The 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem is a mathematical technique used in electromagnetism to solve problems involving an electrically charged particle near a conducting plane. It takes into account the presence of the conducting plane as well as its image charges in order to accurately calculate the electric potential and field at any given point in space.

2. How does the 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem work?

The method works by using the principle of superposition, where the electric potential and field due to the charged particle and the image charges are added together to get the total electric potential and field. The location and magnitude of the image charges are determined by the geometry of the problem and the boundary conditions.

3. What are the advantages of using the 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem?

One advantage is that it is a relatively simple and efficient way to solve boundary value problems involving a conducting plane. It also gives accurate results for both the electric potential and field, making it useful for a wide range of applications in electromagnetism.

4. Are there any limitations to the 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem?

The method is only applicable to problems involving a conducting plane and a single point charge. It also assumes that the conducting plane is infinite in size and perfectly conducting. In reality, these assumptions may not always hold true and can affect the accuracy of the results.

5. How is the 3-D Planar Method of Images Boundary Problem related to the 2-D Method of Images?

The 3-D Planar Method of Images can be seen as an extension of the 2-D Method of Images, where the conducting plane is treated as a 2-D surface in 3-D space. The 3-D method takes into account the additional complexity of having a 3-D boundary, allowing for more accurate solutions in certain situations.
