3 projectiles, same velocity, different distance, same destination

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of launching multiple projectiles from different distances to hit a target at the same time. They consider using the same velocity and time for all projectiles, but realize that the time of flight is determined by the angle of launch. They also discuss the concept of "low" and "high" trajectories and the impossibility of hitting a target from different distances with equal flight times. They also mention a specific problem involving triangulating the position of a tank using sound and using mortars to hit it simultaneously. Finally, they discuss the use of high angles for mortars and suggest that the 300m example should be fired at a higher angle rather than the calculated 3 degrees.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So I currently have 3 projectiles, that I need to get to the same destination. AND HIT, AT THE SAME TIME The projectiles are different distances from the target destination. How will I go about to find the angle all of the projectiles should be fired?

The Attempt at a Solution

I was thinking, if I could fire the furthest projectile at the optimal degree (45) and get that velocity and time, I will use that velocity and time for all the others. But is it possible to get to the same destination, from a different distance using the same velocity and amount of time, and if so, please tell me how!

Thank you very much for reading this!
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  • #2
Is it also required that the projectiles be launched at the same time?
  • #3
Yes at the exact same time..
  • #4
For a given distance D and magnitude of velocity V, what is the total flight time T?
  • #5
Nexum1 said:
Yes at the exact same time..

Not possible then.

The time of flight of a projectile is determined by the vertical component of its initial velocity. [Do you know why?]
Change the angle and you change that component [assuming the initial actual speed of the projectile is the same].
So if you change the angle, you change the time of landing, if the start times are the same.
If you don't change the angle, then the range of the three is the same.
  • #6
Ah, okay.. I thought so.

I suspected the question of being wrong, until today when one of my fellow students told me they had done it.

Thank you for taking the time to answer! :-)

I think i will just do it so that all 3 the projectiles reach the destination at a different time then.
  • #7
It looks like you need to find out the exact text of the problem.
  • #8
The problem was,

We have 3 watch towers.

We needed to create a c# program that will triangulate the position of the tank (using only the sound of the tank's fire, called sound ranging) and then let the 3 watch towers aim and fire at the tank, resulting in their mortars to hit the tank at the exact same time and firing at the exact same time.

Now the triangulation was tough, but I did it. But this last part does not seem physically possible to me, unless we were allowed the change of velocity. (which we are not)

Do you agree Voko?
  • #9
Range: R =u2 2sinθcosθ/g
We can target the destination with 3 options, 45°, θ and (90-θ).
  • #10
I think, not the velocity, but the initial speed of the projectiles is the same, but the firing angle is different. Am I right? ehild
  • #11
I will try that, thanks :-)

You are correct yes..
  • #12
For any given distance and initial velocity, there are only two trajectories, "low" and "high" (except the max range case, when they are the same trajectory). Each trajectory has a particular flight time, which I asked you about. The "high" flight time is, obviously, greater than the "low" flight time, so it might seem possible to hit the target from different distances using different kinds of trajectories. If you answer the question, you will see that "high" flight times are always greater than "low" flight times independently of the distance if the initial velocity is constant, so it is impossible to hit the target from different distances with equal flight times no matter what trajectory you choose.

What you can do is hit the target at the same time, but you will have to fire with delays.
  • #13
Okay, a set of answers i calculated now are:
-Tower 1 is 300m from the tank
-Tower 2 is 200m from the tank
-Tower 3 is 150m from the tank

I will use the initial speed of 150m/s (as that is the speed of a mortar)

Now the furthest one will need a angle of 3.758 to reach 300m and its time of flight is then 2 seconds.

Now if we move on to the next.. the 200m one, the angle can either be 2.50128 making a time of flight 1.33461 seconds OR a angle of 87.4987 which leads to a time of flight of 30.5519seconds... That is what puzzles me!
  • #14
@Voko Yes, I agree with you. It just doesn't seem to work out..
  • #15
For any specified initial velocity, there is some max range. The max range flight time is T. For any other distance within the max range, you have two flight times, Tlow and Thigh. And Tlow < T < Thigh. At zero distance Tlow = 0 and Thigh is is the maximum possible flight time (for the velocity given, determined by shooting the projectile vertically). As the distance gets greater, Tlow grows bigger, and Thigh gets smaller, until the distance is max and Tlow = T = Thigh.
  • #16
Nexum1 said:
Okay, a set of answers i calculated now are:
-Tower 1 is 300m from the tank
-Tower 2 is 200m from the tank
-Tower 3 is 150m from the tank

I will use the initial speed of 150m/s (as that is the speed of a mortar)

Now the furthest one will need a angle of 3.758 to reach 300m and its time of flight is then 2 seconds.

Now if we move on to the next.. the 200m one, the angle can either be 2.50128 making a time of flight 1.33461 seconds OR a angle of 87.4987 which leads to a time of flight of 30.5519seconds... That is what puzzles me!

If you are using mortars, you should use the condition people use with them, a high angle.
What I man is: if you send a projectile at an angle 10o to the horizontal, and another at 80o to the horizontal [same initial speed] they will land the same distance away.

The 10o scenario is typical of field artillery, the 80o scenario is typical of a mortar.

That does mean that the 300m example you used should be fired at about 87o rather than the 3o-ish answer you gave.

FAQ: 3 projectiles, same velocity, different distance, same destination

What is the concept of "3 projectiles, same velocity, different distance, same destination"?

The concept refers to a scenario in which three objects are launched from the same point with the same initial velocity, but at different distances from the target. Despite the different distances, all three objects will reach the same destination.

How is it possible for objects with the same initial velocity and different distances to reach the same destination?

This is possible due to the fact that the horizontal and vertical components of motion are independent of each other. The initial velocity only affects the vertical motion, while the horizontal motion is solely determined by the initial horizontal velocity. Therefore, as long as the horizontal distance remains the same, the objects will reach the same destination regardless of their vertical distances.

What factors can affect the trajectory of the objects in this scenario?

The main factors that can affect the trajectory are air resistance, the launch angle, and the initial velocity. Air resistance can reduce the horizontal distance traveled, while the launch angle and initial velocity can affect both the horizontal and vertical distances.

Is this scenario applicable in real-life situations?

Yes, this scenario can be observed in real-life situations such as projectiles launched from a cannon or objects thrown from a building. However, in these situations, other factors such as air resistance and external forces may also play a role in the trajectory of the objects.

What are the practical applications of understanding this concept?

Understanding this concept can be useful in various real-life scenarios, such as designing projectiles for sports or military purposes, predicting the trajectory of objects in motion, and understanding the principles of projectile motion in physics.
