300th person here in Philly has just been murdered

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  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary: Philly?In summary, the 300th person killed in Philadelphia this year is almost all African American, the protesters are hypocrites for not coming to confront the murders, and the mayor should be more concerned with the high murder rate than the football players' racism.
  • #1
So the 300th person here in Philly has just been murdered (almost all of which are exclusively African American). Where are Sharpton, Jackson, and the protesters to confront the heinous amount of black on black violence here in Philly? Hypocrites. African American men are being slaughtered here in the streets at an unbelievable rate over stupid stuff like parking spots. The protesters need to come here by the bus loads from all over the country. Maybe then Philly wouldn't have more total murders than NYC (which even has 4x's more people).I guess all the black radio stations and awareness groups completely ignored the headlines over the labor day weekend when 12 African American men were murdered here in the span of less than 3 days.
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  • #2
Agreed - if they can't find any way to blame it on racism, they aren't interested. And by being hypocrites, that also makes them racist. The biggest racism problem in the US is black on black.

Interesting article on McNabb and racism (yeah, I did just make this about football): http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/7241878
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  • #3
gravenewworld said:
So the 300th person here in Philly has just been murdered

In one year? :eek:
  • #4
gravenewworld said:
African American men are being slaughtered here in the streets at an unbelievable rate over stupid stuff like parking spots. The protesters need to come here by the bus loads from all over the country.
How would protests help that problem? Will the protesters demand more parking spots? Where will the busses park? Are murderers sensitive to public opinion?
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  • #5
jimmysnyder said:
Are murderers sensitive to public opinion?
GWB isn't.
  • #6
kach22i said:
GWB isn't.
More the leader than the follower?
  • #7
jimmysnyder said:
Are murderers sensitive to public opinion?
No, but people who don't report crimes and thus enable them might be.
  • #8
russ_watters said:
No, but people who don't report crimes and thus enable them might be.
So people will be bussed into protest those who don't report crimes? I bet you couldn't fill one bus with that one.
  • #9
jimmysnyder said:
How would protests help that problem? Will the protesters demand more parking spots? Where will the busses park?

LOL if 1 million people can find bus parking in Philly for Live 8 concerts, buses for protesters will have no problem finding spots. You are completely missing the point--why are black youth being slaughtered over stupid things like parking spots and for looking at someone else "the wrong way".

Are murderers sensitive to public opinion?

No, but the culture that condones such violence that is prevalent in the African American community in Philly is. I'm going to be brutally honest here, are you even from Philly? Cause if not you don't have the slightest f'ing clue what the hell you are talking about. Russ Water pointed out that a huge problem in Philly is the fact that many of the murders in Philly go unsolved because of the "Stop Snitching" attitude that pervades the African American youth in Philly.

See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop_Snitchin'

Why aren't Sharpton and Jackson furious about things like that?

BTW I'm still waiting for Sharpton and Jackson to apologize to the Duke lacrosse players.
  • #10
jimmysnyder said:
So people will be bussed into protest those who don't report crimes? I bet you couldn't fill one bus with that one.
No, they'd be bussed into protest the high murder rate in order to encourage community activism. Gravenworld is right - this is a cultural problem in Philadelphia and cultural problems are best dealt with by community-wide outreach/awareness initiatives. Are you just being coy? What we are suggesting isn't that complicated.

Googling for more on this info, I found that city officials have actually piggy-backed on MLK day gatherings for exactly the purpose I suggested and say that a big part of the solution is exactly what I suggested:


There have been other examples of community outreach on this issue - including one where someone got murdered (I'm looking for the story on that one)!
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  • #11
I was wrong - it was just an attempted murder at the vigil:
An 18-year-old man was charged yesterday with attempted murder in the shooting of another teenager at an antiviolence vigil Tuesday evening, police said.

  • #12
gravenewworld said:
I'm going to be brutally honest here, are you even from Philly? Cause if not you don't have the slightest f'ing clue what the hell you are talking about.
Is that how you intend to greet the people that you bus in? No I am not from Phila but I lived there for 12 years. I went to grad school at Temple in north Phila, in the midst of it if you know what I mean. I doubt that my experience gave me any insight into the problem though. I was born in NYC, but moved out at the tender age of two weeks. Do you think I understand murder in NY better than I understand murder in Phila?
  • #13
Congratulations, you should know better. That just makes it more frustrating trying to explain it to you. Are you being intentionally obtuse?
  • #14
russ_watters said:
Are you just being coy? What we are suggesting isn't that complicated.
I quoted your post # 10 in this thread which was in my response to post #8. Tell me in posts 1-7 what exactly anybody suggested. Getting you to tell me what was being protested has been like pulling teeth. Now you seem angry that I got it out of you.

Related to 300th person here in Philly has just been murdered

1. Why is the 300th person being murdered significant?

The 300th person being murdered is significant because it shows a concerning trend of violence in the city of Philadelphia. It also highlights the need for greater efforts in addressing and preventing crime.

2. How does this compare to previous years?

In recent years, Philadelphia has seen a decrease in overall crime rates. However, the 300th murder this year is still a cause for concern and indicates that there is more work to be done in reducing violence in the city.

3. What measures are being taken to address this issue?

The city of Philadelphia has implemented various initiatives such as increased police presence in high-crime areas, community outreach programs, and investments in education and social services to address the issue of violence and reduce the number of murders.

4. Is there a specific demographic or area that is most affected by these murders?

Statistics show that the majority of murder victims in Philadelphia are young African American men living in low-income neighborhoods. However, it is important to note that violence and crime affect all communities and demographics in the city.

5. How can individuals help in preventing these murders?

Individuals can help prevent murders by reporting any suspicious activity to the police, being actively involved in their communities and supporting initiatives that aim to reduce violence. It is also important for individuals to address any underlying issues that contribute to violence, such as poverty and lack of access to education and resources.

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