3D Graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3

  • Maple
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    3d Graph
In summary, the conversation discusses a user trying to plot a function using Maple but encountering a blank space where the graph should be. The expert suggests using the exponential function, exp(), instead of 'e' to properly format the input.
  • #1
> f:=(x,y)->(x+3*y -1)*e^(-(x^2)-(y^2));
> plot3d(f(x,y),x=-3..3,y=-3..3);

I'm supposed to plot for -3 less than or equal to x,y less than or equal to 3... Does that mean x=y at a given point? Anyway, I rewrote it as above and Maple does not show an error but rather shows just a blank space where the graph is supposed to be. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
Your input isn't formatted properly from what I can see. I assume by the e^ you want to use the exponential function right? Maple will evaluate 'e' as an undefined constant. If you want to use the exponential function, you must use exp(),

i.e. exp(-x^2-y^2)

see if that helps
  • #3


Thank you for sharing your concern. I can provide some possible explanations for why the graph is not being displayed.

1. The function may not have a well-defined graph for the given range of values. This could happen if the function has a singularity or a discontinuity in the specified range. In such cases, the graph may appear blank or distorted.

2. The software used to plot the graph may not support the given function or may have limitations in plotting three-dimensional graphs. It is always recommended to check the documentation or user manual of the software to ensure that the function can be plotted correctly.

3. The function may have a very small or large range of values, which may not be visible on the given scale of the graph. In such cases, adjusting the scale or using a different visualization technique may help in displaying the graph.

I suggest checking for these possibilities and making appropriate changes to see if the graph can be displayed correctly. If the issue persists, it would be helpful to provide more information, such as the software used and any error messages, to further troubleshoot the problem.

Best regards,

FAQ: 3D Graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3

1. What is a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3?

A 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3 is a visual representation of a function that has two independent variables, x and y, and one dependent variable, f(x,y). The graph is plotted on a three-dimensional coordinate system, with the x and y axes representing the independent variables and the z axis representing the dependent variable. The graph is typically represented by a surface or a set of points, with different colors and shapes used to represent different values of f(x,y).

2. What information can be obtained from a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3?

A 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3 can provide information about the relationship between the independent variables, x and y, and the dependent variable, f(x,y). It can also show the maximum and minimum values of f(x,y), as well as any critical points or regions where f(x,y) is increasing or decreasing.

3. How is a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3 useful in scientific research?

A 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3 can be useful in scientific research as it allows for a better understanding and visualization of complex functions. It can help identify patterns and relationships between variables, as well as provide insights into the behavior of the function in different regions. This can aid in making predictions and drawing conclusions in various fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering.

4. What are some techniques used to create a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3?

There are various techniques that can be used to create a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3. One common method is to use computer software, such as MATLAB or Excel, which allow for the input of data points and automatically generate a 3D graph. Another technique is to use a graphing calculator, which can plot functions in three dimensions. Another approach is to plot the graph by hand, using a graphing paper or a 3D graphing template.

5. How can a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3 be interpreted?

The interpretation of a 3D graph of f(x,y) for -3≤x,y≤3 depends on the specific function being graphed and the purpose of the visualization. However, in general, the graph can be interpreted by looking at the shape, slope, and curvature of the surface or points. It can also be analyzed by examining the relationship between the x and y variables and how they affect the values of f(x,y). Additionally, the graph can be interpreted by considering the context of the function and how it relates to real-world phenomena.

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