3D Potts/Ising model. How to identify boundaries of clusters?

In summary, the researcher is currently working on a model to identify the critical temperature and critical exponent for a system of spins. They are using a temperature gradient to identify the front between the ordered and disordered regions, and they are unsure of whether their error is due to their boundary-finding routine or system size effects.
  • #1
I am currently working on the 3D potts model in a temperature gradient to identify the critical temperature and critical exponent. I use the Swendsen-Wang algorithm to simulate the dynamics of the system, and I use the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm to identify the clusters of spins.

The problem is: The method I am currently using to identifying the front between the ordered and disordered region is too naive, I think, because I get a slight error in the critical temperature for Q = 2, whose value is known from series expansion.

What I have done: The temperature gradient is along the z-axis, and I use a regular cubic lattice of size (NX x NY x NZ). I have currently used the highest z-value (for each x and y) that corresponds to the cluster spanning most of the ordered region to define the front.

With this method, I get J/(k_b T) ~ 0.226, while the correct value is closer to 0.2216.

What I want to do is the following: Find a way to identify the boundary/contour of the spanning cluster in the ordered region, and use that to define the interface between the ordered and the disordered regions.

I currently have a way to identify these, but I think it is very inefficient and complicated, and it may not be entirely correct. So my question is this: Are there any known algorithms to identify the boundary of a given (generally convex) structure/set of points?
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  • #2
Are you sure your error in the critical temperature is due to your boundary-finding routine and not system size effects? This paper, perhaps the one you are referring to when you say the critical temperature should be 0.2216, uses a 256x256x256 sized system. Is yours also that large?

(I'm afraid I don't know any good boundary finding algorithms if it's not a system size effect that's causing your discrepancy.)
  • #3
Mute said:
Are you sure your error in the critical temperature is due to your boundary-finding routine and not system size effects? This paper, perhaps the one you are referring to when you say the critical temperature should be 0.2216, uses a 256x256x256 sized system. Is yours also that large?

My reference have been this paper. But they use a different method to identify the diffusion front (damage spreading), so I am not 100% sure I have done everything correctly. I used different sizes and temperature ranges to extrapolate the effective critical temperature due to finite size scaling, like the second to last plot of that paper.

I was thinking of doing something similar to what they are doing this paper, but extended to 3 dimensions. It's a shot in the dark, I guess, and it may not work, but I also find the problem of identifying boundaries to be particularly interesting, so I'll try it anyway. :D

There are so many other things that could be wrong, but I am not sure where to start, or what to check on most things. I may have a subtle mistake in my cluster identification algorithm, or in the Swendsen-Wang algorithm, or anywhere else. :/

Related to 3D Potts/Ising model. How to identify boundaries of clusters?

1. What is the 3D Potts/Ising model?

The 3D Potts/Ising model is a mathematical model used to describe the behavior of a physical system consisting of interacting particles on a lattice. It is commonly used in statistical mechanics to study phase transitions and critical phenomena.

2. What is the difference between the Potts and Ising models?

The Potts and Ising models are both mathematical models used to study phase transitions. The main difference between them is that the Potts model allows for more than two possible states for each particle, while the Ising model only has two possible states.

3. How do you identify boundaries of clusters in the 3D Potts/Ising model?

The boundaries of clusters in the 3D Potts/Ising model can be identified by analyzing the behavior of the particles at the interface between two clusters. This can be done using various techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations or analytical calculations.

4. What is the significance of identifying cluster boundaries in the 3D Potts/Ising model?

Identifying cluster boundaries is important because it allows us to understand the behavior of the system at phase transitions. It also provides insight into the properties of the clusters and the interactions between them.

5. How does the dimensionality of the lattice affect the behavior of the 3D Potts/Ising model?

The dimensionality of the lattice can greatly influence the behavior of the 3D Potts/Ising model. In higher dimensions, the model may exhibit different types of phase transitions and critical behavior compared to lower dimensions. This is due to the increased complexity and interactions between particles in higher dimensions.

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