3rd Order Aberrations from Paraxial Rays?

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  • Thread starter Twigg
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In summary, the author of Modern Optical Engineering claims that you can calculate 3rd order aberrations from two paraxial rays, even though the whole problem with aberrations is that they are missing from the paraxial approximation.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hey all,

In chapter 6 section 3 of Modern Optical Engineering, 4th edition, by Warren J. Smith, it claims you can calculate all the 3rd order aberrations by considering two paraxial rays. I'm trying to convince myself of this and not having much success. Unfortunately, the article that this book gets this info from is subscription-walled to me (Article: https://doi.org/10.1364/JOSA.41.000630).

My question is, how would you explain that you can get 3rd order aberrations from two paraxial rays, even though the whole problem with aberrations is that they are missing from the paraxial approximation? Is it just some algebraic coincidence, or is there an intuitive reason?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Twigg said:
or is there an intuitive reason?
Could it just be that the two paraxial rays will intersect the prime axis at different distances if there is aberration.? (The axial ray is 'assumed') But the actual order?
  • #3
Yeah I should have specified: the two paraxial rays are one axial ray (starting from the optical axis at the object position and going through the edge of the entrance pupil) and one principal ray (starting at an off-axis point at the object position and going through the center of the entrance pupil).

I don't think this is the case. If you just traced these as paraxial rays (in my mind, I think of "tracing the paraxial rays" as using, say, ABCD matrices, maybe this is the wrong interpretation?), then they should focus at the same image point, no?

Unfortunately the author doesn't really explain, but just gives a laundry list of formulas based on the raytrace of these two rays. I'll try to paraphrase in another reply to this thread.
  • #4
I was going to write this out, but it's really annoying and less clear than the original text, so here are some pictures:

EDIT: well that didn't work. Here are some dropbox links to the pictures.





  • #5
Friend of mine has an idea what is going in this book. He thinks they have analytical solutions for the aberrations that can be parametrized in terms of the paraxial raytrace data. Seems like that may be the case...
  • #6
It's too hard for me, I'm afraid. Specialised optics stuff.
  • #7
No worries, I appreciate the effort :)
  • #8
Twigg said:
My question is, how would you explain that you can get 3rd order aberrations from two paraxial rays, even though the whole problem with aberrations is that they are missing from the paraxial approximation? Is it just some algebraic coincidence, or is there an intuitive reason?

As you have figured out so far, there are 2 special rays, the chief and marginal ray, which are used to parametrize imaging systems. Just to back up a bit, the aberrations you showed in the pages are called '3rd order' because of the Taylor series expansion of sin(u) = u - u^3/3! + u^5/5! -...; paraxial ray tracing uses the approximation sin(u) = u, so the first 'aberration' is 3rd order in u. There are also 5th order, 7th order...

The basic starting point, provided by Buchdahl, is the 'optical invariant', also known as the etendue. The derivations of the various formulas are incredibly opaque, especially the stop-shift formulas, so the final formulas are typically just provided 'fait accompli'. Buchdahl's book 'Optical Aberration Coefficients' is extremely thorough and has the 'original' derivations all the way through 7th order, including aspherical surfaces and chromatic aberrations (variations of the monochromatic aberrations with refractive index).

Does that help?

FAQ: 3rd Order Aberrations from Paraxial Rays?

1. What are 3rd order aberrations from paraxial rays?

3rd order aberrations from paraxial rays are optical distortions that occur when light rays pass through an optical system. These aberrations are caused by imperfections in the optical elements and can result in image blurring, distortion, and loss of resolution.

2. What are the different types of 3rd order aberrations?

The different types of 3rd order aberrations include coma, astigmatism, field curvature, distortion, and spherical aberration. Each type affects the image in a different way and can be caused by different factors, such as lens shape or misalignment.

3. How do 3rd order aberrations differ from 1st and 2nd order aberrations?

1st and 2nd order aberrations are lower-order aberrations that primarily affect image sharpness and focus. 3rd order aberrations are more complex and can cause a combination of distortions, affecting overall image quality.

4. How are 3rd order aberrations corrected?

3rd order aberrations can be corrected through various methods, such as using specialized lens designs, adjusting lens shape or position, and using corrective elements. Advanced computer algorithms can also be used to correct for aberrations in digital image processing.

5. What impact do 3rd order aberrations have on optical systems?

3rd order aberrations can have a significant impact on the performance of optical systems, especially in high-resolution imaging or precision applications. They can decrease image quality and limit the accuracy and precision of measurements. Therefore, it is important to control and correct for these aberrations in optical systems.
