3x3 matrix inverse unit vector

In summary: Read more...matrix given in figure 1? Because the matrix you provided in the first screenshot is not correct. The correct matrix is:L = [0.9473 0.0155 0.3201; 0.5742 0.5747 0.5830; 0.3007 0.7399 0.6018]When I calculate the inverse of this matrix using a calculator or software, I get the following result:L^-1 = [28.5932 56.9085 -84.2590; -76.0354 -158.3662 232.7123; 58.4603 123.169
  • #1

Homework Statement


I have the 3x3 matrix for L below, which I calculated. But now I need to figure out how the equation below actually means! Is it just the inverse of L (L^-1)? I cannot proceed if I don't know this step.

Homework Equations

See image

The Attempt at a Solution

I put in the values in the calculator, but still get a wrong answer. You can see the 3x3 matrix and the values.


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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sorry, I uploaded the images twice...
  • #3
Physics-101 said:

Homework Statement


I have the 3x3 matrix for L below, which I calculated. But now I need to figure out how the equation below actually means! Is it just the inverse of L (L^-1)? I cannot proceed if I don't know this step.

Homework Equations

See image

The Attempt at a Solution

I put in the values in the calculator, but still get a wrong answer. You can see the 3x3 matrix and the values.
It looks to me like they are using Cramer's Rule to get the inverse.
Physics-101 said:
Sorry, I uploaded the images twice...
  • #4
Physics-101 said:

Homework Statement


I have the 3x3 matrix for L below, which I calculated. But now I need to figure out how the equation below actually means! Is it just the inverse of L (L^-1)? I cannot proceed if I don't know this step.

Homework Equations

See image

The Attempt at a Solution

I put in the values in the calculator, but still get a wrong answer. You can see the 3x3 matrix and the values.

What numerical values do you get, and why do you think they are wrong?

Anyway, your post is confusing: it does not make clear what has been given to you (by the person that set the question) and what you have developed yourself. Is the fordmula you gave for ##L^{-1}## one that somebody gave you, or is it your own? If it IS something you developed on your own, you should know that such formulas are just about the worst possible way to invert a (numerical) matrix, because of roundoff-error issues, and because they take more work than alternative methods.
  • #5
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. It's an example from a book and I try to understand how they got the results. Note that I just want to understand how they solved this part and they don't show how.
I put in the values in my calculator and did the inverse btw., still wrong. The first image is the one with their L values


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  • #6
Physics-101 said:
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. It's an example from a book and I try to understand how they got the results. Note that I just want to understand how they solved this part and they don't show how.
I put in the values in my calculator and did the inverse btw., still wrong. The first image is the one with their L values

Still not clear. In the second attachment, is the numerical matrix (below the general formula) the one given by the book, or is it the one you calculated? If it is the one given by the book, show us the numerical results of your calculation, so we can compare.

BTW: you should just type out the matrices, not attach images. It is probably less trouble to just go ahead and type the results than it is to scan, upload, etc. Certainly, it is a lot less trouble for the READER to read typed work than attached work. Usually I will not bother to respond to messages that do not type the results.
  • #7
No, both are from the book, which is in PDF form . They did some calculations and got the L matrix, which is the first attached image And then, I have no idea how, they performed a matrix operation and received the values in the second image. I haven't calculated anything yet, I just need to understand how they did this this.

i.e. , the matrix is (from the beginning):

L= [0.9473 0.5742 0.3007
0.0155 0.5747 0.7399
0.3201 0.5830 0.6018 ]

the operation (inverse of the unit vector L? The formula can is in figure two) gives:

L^-1=[28.593 56.908 –84.259
–76.035 –158.366 232.712
58.460 123.169 –178.99 ]

How exactly? :S When I type [L]^-1 in the calculator, I get:

[L]^-1 =[109.126 226.537 -330.791
-300.197 -630.505 918.900
232.764 490.312 -712.583]

completely wrong
  • #8
Physics-101 said:
No, both are from the book, which is in PDF form . They did some calculations and got the L matrix, which is the first attached image And then, I have no idea how, they performed a matrix operation and received the values in the second image. I haven't calculated anything yet, I just need to understand how they did this this.

i.e. , the matrix is (from the beginning):

L= [0.9473 0.5742 0.3007
0.0155 0.5747 0.7399
0.3201 0.5830 0.6018 ]

the operation (inverse of the unit vector L? The formula can is in figure two) gives:

L^-1=[28.593 56.908 –84.259
–76.035 –158.366 232.712
58.460 123.169 –178.99 ]

How exactly? :S When I type [L]^-1 in the calculator, I get:

[L]^-1 =[109.126 226.537 -330.791
-300.197 -630.505 918.900
232.764 490.312 -712.583]

completely wrong

Check to see if your calculator expects to see a matrix entered by rows or by columns.

When I put L into Wolfram Alpha, the L-1 returned is pretty close to the printed version. The differences can be attributed to round off.

If you multiply a matrix by its inverse, you should get the identity matrix as the result. This is how you check your calculations.
  • #9
SteamKing said:
Check to see if your calculator expects to see a matrix entered by rows or by columns.
That doesn't explain the difference. The inverse of the transpose is the transpose of the inverse of the original matrix.

Physics-101 said:
The formula can is in figure two) gives:

L^-1=[28.593 56.908 –84.259
–76.035 –158.366 232.712
58.460 123.169 –178.99 ]

How exactly? :S When I type [L]^-1 in the calculator, I get:

[L]^-1 =[109.126 226.537 -330.791
-300.197 -630.505 918.900
232.764 490.312 -712.583]

completely wrong
Did you actually try to calculate the inverse using the formula in the book?
  • #10
Physics-101 said:
No, both are from the book, which is in PDF form . They did some calculations and got the L matrix, which is the first attached image And then, I have no idea how, they performed a matrix operation and received the values in the second image. I haven't calculated anything yet, I just need to understand how they did this this.

i.e. , the matrix is (from the beginning):

L= [0.9473 0.5742 0.3007
0.0155 0.5747 0.7399
0.3201 0.5830 0.6018 ]

the operation (inverse of the unit vector L? The formula can is in figure two) gives:

L^-1=[28.593 56.908 –84.259
–76.035 –158.366 232.712
58.460 123.169 –178.99 ]

How exactly? :S When I type [L]^-1 in the calculator, I get:

[L]^-1 =[109.126 226.537 -330.791
-300.197 -630.505 918.900
232.764 490.312 -712.583]

completely wrong
When I use Maple to compute the inverse, I get something close to the book's answer:

[tex] L^{-1} = \pmatrix{ 28.8646 & 57.4696 & -85.0803 \\
-76.8017 & -159.951 & 235.031 \\
59.0493 & 124.386 & -180.773} [/tex]

Rounding errors are not an issue with Maple's result, because I input the elements of the matrix ##L## as rational numbers (instead of decimals), then had Maple do the exact rational inverse, printing out the results as decimal numbers after all computations were completed. I also checked that ##L^{-1} L = I##, as it should.

I truly do not understand how your calculator's answer was obtained, but I can suggest you try to verify at least some of the entries directly, using the algebraic formula given in the book.That might help you decide if your calculator's inversion routine is reliable or not----valuable information for the future.


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  • #11
Ray Vickson said:
When I use Maple to compute the inverse, I get something close to the book's answer:

[tex] L^{-1} = \pmatrix{ 28.8646 & 57.4696 & -85.0803 \\
-76.8017 & -159.951 & 235.031 \\
59.0493 & 124.386 & -180.773} [/tex]

Rounding errors are not an issue with Maple's result, because I input the elements of the matrix ##L## as rational numbers (instead of decimals), then had Maple do the exact rational inverse, printing out the results as decimal numbers after all computations were completed. I also checked that ##L^{-1} L = I##, as it should.

I truly do not understand how your calculator's answer was obtained, but I can suggest you try to verify at least some of the entries directly, using the algebraic formula given in the book.That might help you decide if your calculator's inversion routine is reliable or not----valuable information for the future.

Oh, that's nice. Yeah, I thin that I need to check that out. It's strange that it gives me the wrong answer. But about the Maple. I tried this with Matlab by inserting:
A=sym([0.9473 0.5742 0.3007;0.0155 0.5747 0.7399; ;0.3201 0.5830 0.6018])
inv(A), AND got the same answer as I did with my calculator. What did you write on Maple, because I'm clearly thinking wrong here.
  • #12
Ray Vickson said:
When I use Maple to compute the inverse, I get something close to the book's answer:

[tex] L^{-1} = \pmatrix{ 28.8646 & 57.4696 & -85.0803 \\
-76.8017 & -159.951 & 235.031 \\
59.0493 & 124.386 & -180.773} [/tex]

Rounding errors are not an issue with Maple's result, because I input the elements of the matrix ##L## as rational numbers (instead of decimals), then had Maple do the exact rational inverse, printing out the results as decimal numbers after all computations were completed. I also checked that ##L^{-1} L = I##, as it should.

I truly do not understand how your calculator's answer was obtained, but I can suggest you try to verify at least some of the entries directly, using the algebraic formula given in the book.That might help you decide if your calculator's inversion routine is reliable or not----valuable information for the future.
Never mind, I'll calculate it online instead. Thanks for the help, now I know that the calculator is the issue. Sat with this in an hour or so without knowing it. Cheers!
  • #13
Physics-101 said:
Oh, that's nice. Yeah, I thin that I need to check that out. It's strange that it gives me the wrong answer. But about the Maple. I tried this with Matlab by inserting:
A=sym([0.9473 0.5742 0.3007;0.0155 0.5747 0.7399; ;0.3201 0.5830 0.6018])
inv(A), AND got the same answer as I did with my calculator. What did you write on Maple, because I'm clearly thinking wrong here.

If I take C = your calculated Inverse(L), and test it, it fails: neither C.A or A.C is near equal to the unit matrix I.
In fact, C.A = [[1.0001, -0.00019, 1.3589],[-0.00956,0.99436,-3.7859],[-0.00006,-0.0005, 3.9415]] = [row1,row2,row3]. The final column is [1.3589,-3.7859, 3.9415], which is nowhere near [0,0,1]. I doubt that Matlab could have given you such an incorrect inverse matrix like C, so I can only conclude that somehow your inputs must be incorrect.

The Maple commands I used were:
with(LinearAlgebra): <----- loads the linear algebra package
<---- entered as <column1|column2|column3>
(This prints out the correct matrix A exactly as you have presented it). To get the inverse is a snap:
Here are the results, printed out to 6-digit accuracy:
[[28.8646, 57.4696, -85.0803],[ -76.8017, -159.951, 235.031], [59.0493, 124.386, -180.773]] = [row1,row2,row3].


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Related to 3x3 matrix inverse unit vector

1. What is a 3x3 matrix inverse unit vector?

A 3x3 matrix inverse unit vector is a mathematical object that represents the inverse of a 3x3 matrix, which is a square matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns. The unit vector refers to a vector with a magnitude of 1, which is commonly used in linear algebra.

2. How is the inverse of a 3x3 matrix calculated?

The inverse of a 3x3 matrix can be calculated using various methods, such as the Gauss-Jordan elimination method or the adjugate method. These methods involve performing a series of mathematical operations on the original matrix to obtain the inverse matrix.

3. Why is the inverse of a 3x3 matrix important?

The inverse of a 3x3 matrix is important because it allows us to solve linear equations involving matrices, which are commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It also has applications in finding solutions to systems of equations and in transforming geometric objects.

4. What is the relationship between a 3x3 matrix inverse and its determinant?

The determinant of a 3x3 matrix is a scalar value that is closely related to its inverse. In fact, the inverse of a 3x3 matrix can be calculated by dividing the adjugate of the matrix by its determinant.

5. How is a 3x3 matrix inverse unit vector used in real-world applications?

A 3x3 matrix inverse unit vector is commonly used in computer graphics to rotate and scale objects in 3D space. It is also used in physics to represent the orientation of an object in 3D and in engineering to solve systems of linear equations. Additionally, it has applications in statistics, economics, and other fields that involve matrix operations.

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