4th order Runge-Kutta with system of coupled 2nd order ode motion equations

In summary: Yes, it seems like the values for t, Phi, and W are being calculated correctly according to your code. However, it's possible that there may be something else affecting the output that is not immediately apparent. It may be helpful to try different initial conditions or values for the constants to see if that affects the results. Additionally, you may want to double check that your equations and calculations are correct, as even small errors can have a big impact on the output.
  • #1

I tried using Runge-Kutta methods to approximate motion equations in MATLAB but it turn out wrong.
I also tired finding and researching forums and web for solution but to no avail.

Fn,M,θ,u is constant fn/M = 0.866

it seems that i did my coupled runge kutta wrongly. my phi and omega does not change with time. please help

clc;                                               % Clears the screen
clear all;

g= 9.81;                                             %Constant

h=0.01;                                              % step size
tfinal = 3;
N=ceil(tfinal/h);                                      %ceil is round up                            

t(1) = 0;% initial condition
Vx(1)=0;%initial accleration
Z(1)=20;%initial velocity
fn = 0.866;
Bz = 0.35;
Phi(1)= 30;
W(1)= 0;

%Bxx = ((Z-Z(1))+5.8*cos(thete)+Bz*(sin(Phi)-sin(thete)));
Bxx = 0.5;
%sliding phase
F_X  = @(t,X,Vx,Phi) Vx;
F_Z  = @(t,Z,Vz,Phi) Vz;
F_Phi= @(t,Phi,W) W;
F_Vx = @(t,X,Vx,Phi)(fn*(cos(Phi)-0.05*(sin(Phi))));
F_Vz = @(t,Z,Vz,Phi)(fn*(sin(Phi)+0.05*(cos(Phi)))-g);
F_W  = @(t,Phi,W)((fn*(Bxx+Bz*0.05))/20000);

for i=1:N;                                         % calculation loop
    %update time
    %update motions main equation
    %rotation phase
    k_1 = F_X (t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i)          ,Phi(i));
    L_1 = F_Vx(t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i)          ,Phi(i));
    k_2 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_1);
    L_2 = F_Vx(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_1);
    k_3 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_2,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_2,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_2);
    L_3 = F_Vx(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_2,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_2,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_2);
    k_4 = F_X (t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_3,Vx(i)+    h*L_3,Phi(i)+h*L_3);
    L_4 = F_Vx(t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_3,Vx(i)+    h*L_3,Phi(i)+h*L_3);
    k_11 = F_Z (t(i)      ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i)            ,Phi(i));
    L_11 = F_Vz(t(i)      ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i)            ,Phi(i));
    k_22 = F_Z (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_11);
    L_22 = F_Vz(t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_11);
    k_33 = F_Z (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_22,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_22,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_22);
    L_33 = F_Vz(t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_22,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_22,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_22);
    k_44 = F_Z (t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_33,Vz(i)+    h*L_33,Phi(i)+h*L_33);
    L_44 = F_Vz(t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_33,Vz(i)+    h*L_33,Phi(i)+h*L_33);
    k_5 = F_Phi (t(i)      ,Phi(i)           ,W(i));
    L_5 = F_W   (t(i)      ,Phi(i)           ,W(i));
    k_6 = F_Phi (t(i)+0.5*h,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k_5,W(i)+0.5*h*L_5);
    L_6 = F_W   (t(i)+0.5*h,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k_5,W(i)+0.5*h*L_5);
    k_7 = F_Phi (t(i)+0.5*h,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k_6,W(i)+0.5*h*L_6);
    L_7 = F_W   (t(i)+0.5*h,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k_6,W(i)+0.5*h*L_6);
    k_8 = F_Phi (t(i)+    h,Phi(i)+    h*k_7,W(i)+    h*L_7);
    L_8 = F_W   (t(i)+    h,Phi(i)+    h*k_7,W(i)+    h*L_7);

    X(i+1)  = X(i) + (h/6)*(k_1+2*k_2+2*k_3+k_4);
    Vx(i+1) = Vx(i) + (h/6)*(L_1+2*L_2+2*L_3+L_4);
    Z(i+1)  = Z(i) + (h/6)*(k_11+2*k_22+2*k_33+k_44);
    Vz(i+1) = Vz(i) + (h/6)*(L_11+2*L_22+2*L_33+L_44);
    Phi(i+1)= Phi(i) + (h/6)*(k_5+2*k_6+2*k_7+k_8);
    W(i+1)  = W(i) + (h/6)*(L_5+2*L_6+2*L_7+L_8);

plot(X,Z,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'red')
plot(Phi,W,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'blue')
plot(t,Vx,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'black')
hold on
plot(t,Vz,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'yellow')
hold on

fprintf('time %.3f\n x %.3f\n z %.3f\n ',t,X,Z);
fprintf('W %.3f\n',W);
fprintf('Phi %.3f\n',Phi);
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  • #2
Try placing print statements inside your loop and/or use a debugger to step thru your code as you inspect each statements results.

There's a lot going on and you may have more than one thing wrong.
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
Try placing print statements inside your loop and/or use a debugger to step thru your code as you inspect each statements results.

There's a lot going on and you may have more than one thing wrong.

Hi thanks for your reply,

tried de-bugging it and the code seems fine, so i was thinking it should be my runge kutta algorithm.
I start learning runge kutta just last week and i still do not really understand how the coupled equations work.

base on what i did above, was to find the value of omega(W) and pass it into Phi and then pass Phi into X and Z respectively, i would like to ask is my understanding correct?

Thank you once again for your help
  • #4
So you're saying that printing t and phi and omega in the for loop the phi and omega don't change.

If so then that means the variables used to compute phi and omega aren't changing either is that right?

So I'd check them next and you should be able to find it.

The equations look right but I've never actually implemented RK instead I've done Euler variants which are decidedly simpler.
  • #5
jedishrfu said:
So you're saying that printing t and phi and omega in the for loop the phi and omega don't change.

If so then that means the variables used to compute phi and omega aren't changing either is that right?

So I'd check them next and you should be able to find it.

The equations look right but I've never actually implemented RK instead I've done Euler variants which are decidedly simpler.

Hi thank for your reply,

Yes my phi and omega did not change it still remain the same as what i have input as the initial parameters, however but for my X and Z it change according to time.

Therefore, I feel that my phi and omega is not passing into the runge kutta loop. Then again my X and Z get pass in the loop.

is my function wrong? i split up the three 2nd order ode into six 1st order ode.
F_X  = @(t,X,Vx,Phi) Vx;
F_Z  = @(t,Z,Vz,Phi) Vz;
F_Phi= @(t,Phi,W) W;
F_Vx = @(t,X,Vx,Phi)(fn*(cos(Phi)-0.05*(sin(Phi))));
F_Vz = @(t,Z,Vz,Phi)(fn*(sin(Phi)+0.05*(cos(Phi)))-g);
F_W  = @(t,Phi,W)((fn*(Bxx+Bz*0.05))/20000);

Thank you so much for helping me.
  • #6
Run your code again. Go into your workspace window and double click on the 1x301 double variable W. It's changing, it's just small. Phi changes in the least significant digit of the mantissa as well. Double check that you calculated your coefficients correctly. I wager that 20000 or that 0.05 in the expression for w is off by a couple orders of magnitude, or that W and phi just aren't supposed to change much.
  • #7
Twigg said:
Run your code again. Go into your workspace window and double click on the 1x301 double variable W. It's changing, it's just small. Phi changes in the least significant digit of the mantissa as well. Double check that you calculated your coefficients correctly. I wager that 20000 or that 0.05 in the expression for w is off by a couple orders of magnitude, or that W and phi just aren't supposed to change much.
Hi Twigg,

Thank you so much for your reply, yes i went to check and phi is changing by very small step, i also check my coefficients and the value i get is correct. Could it be my runge kutta algorithm were wrong? Because base on the motion equations i shared above,

Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threa...der-ode-motion-equations.862511/#post-5421571 the
equations does not have any X or Z variables.

Thank you again for helping
  • #8
I played with your code a bit, and sure enough you get a linearly increasing omega vs. time if you make Bxx a lot bigger. It seems to me like the Runge-Kutta algorithm is doing something that looks to me like integrating a constant angular acceleration, i.e. ##\Phi''##. Whether or not the data is accurate is another story. Is ##\omega(t)## being nearly constant not what you were expecting? I wouldn't change your RK code if I were you, until you're absolutely certain that the data it gives you is unmistakably false.

Also, using RK to solve for phi is overkill. The way you've defined it, it's just a constant angular acceleration. Why not just create a function handle to evaluate the displacement in terms of phi(1), W(1), and Fn*(Bxx+uBz)/M? It'll make troubleshooting a lot easier.
  • #9
Twigg said:
I played with your code a bit, and sure enough you get a linearly increasing omega vs. time if you make Bxx a lot bigger. It seems to me like the Runge-Kutta algorithm is doing something that looks to me like integrating a constant angular acceleration, i.e. ##\Phi''##. Whether or not the data is accurate is another story. Is ##\omega(t)## being nearly constant not what you were expecting? I wouldn't change your RK code if I were you, until you're absolutely certain that the data it gives you is unmistakably false.

Also, using RK to solve for phi is overkill. The way you've defined it, it's just a constant angular acceleration. Why not just create a function handle to evaluate the displacement in terms of phi(1), W(1), and Fn*(Bxx+uBz)/M? It'll make troubleshooting a lot easier.
Hi Twigg,

Thank you so much for your reply, I am currently following a journal paper(attached) base on the paper during rotation phase ##\Phi''## and ##\omega(t)## should constantly change with time. I am not sure if the problem due to my runge kutta algorithm. Therefore, i am not absolutely certain if my data is false or not.

I updated my previous code and i got a error, i know the error is cause by different size of vector, k_1 is 1x1, k_5 is 301x1, k_6 is 301x1 and lastly k_7 is 301x1. is the error due to k_1?
Hope you could help me, thank you so much!
In an assignment  A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.

Error in rotation2 (line 95)
    X(i+1)  = X(i) + (h/6)*(k_1+2*k_5+2*k_6+k_7);

clc;                                               % Clears the screen
clear all;

% Constants
g    = 9.81;
M    = 6000;
fr   = 0.05;
Bx1  = 1.95;
Bx2  = 3.20;
I    = 20000;
Bz   = 0.35;
L    = 8.5;
SL   = 5.8;

% Integration Parameters
h = 0.01;                                           % step size
tfinal = 3;
N = ceil(tfinal/h);                                 % ceil is round up    

% Simulation sections
% Pre-allocate vectors
t = zeros(N+1,1);
X = zeros(N+1,1);
Z = zeros(N+1,1);
Vx= zeros(N+1,1);
Vz= zeros(N+1,1);
Phi = zeros(N+1,1);
W = zeros(N+1,1);

% Initial Conditions
t(1) = 0;
Phi(1) = 0;
W(1) = 0;

Bxx = ((Z-Z(1))+SL*cos(alpha)+Bz*(sin(Phi)-sin(alpha)));
dBxx = ((Vz+Bz).*((sec(Phi)).^2).*(W-Bz.*(sin(alpha))).*(1./(cos(Phi)).^2).*(sin(Phi)).*W);
fn1 = ((W.*(Vx.*sin(Phi)-Vz.*cos(Phi)-dBxx)+(M.*g.*sin(Phi))./M)./((Bxx+Bz.*fr)./I+1./M));
RotationEnd = (SL*cos(alpha)+Bz*(sin(Phi)-sin(alpha))+Bx2*cos(Phi));

F_X  = @(t,X,Vx) Vx;
F_Z  = @(t,Z,Vz) Vz;
F_Vx = @(t,X,Vx)(fn1.*(cos(Phi)-fr*(sin(Phi))))/M;
F_Vz = @(t,Z,Vz)((fn1./M).*(sin(Phi)+fr*(cos(Phi)))-g);
F_Phi = @(t,W)W;
F_W = @(t,Z,Vx,Vz,Phi,W)((fn1.*(Bxx+Bz*fr))/I);

i = 1;

while (Z(1)-Z(i) < RotationEnd | i <= N )
    % update time and state (integrate)
    %update motions main equation
    %Rotation phase
    k_1 = F_X (t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i));
    L_1 = F_Vx(t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i));
    k_5 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1);
    L_5 = F_Vx(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1);
    k_6 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_5,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5);
    L_6 = F_Vx(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_5,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5);
    k_7 = F_X (t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_6,Vx(i)+    h*L_6);
    L_7 = F_Vx(t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_6,Vx(i)+    h*L_6);
    k_11 = F_Z (t(i)     ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i));
    L_11 = F_Vz(t(i)     ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i));
    k_55 = F_Z (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11);
    L_55 = F_Vz(t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11);
    k_66 = F_Z (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_55,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55);
    L_66 = F_Vz(t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_55,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55);
    k_77 = F_Z (t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_66,Vz(i)+    h*L_66);
    L_77 = F_Vz(t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_66,Vz(i)+    h*L_66);
    k1_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i), W(i));
    k1_W    = F_W   (t(i), Z(i), Vx(i), Vz(i), Phi(i), W(i));
    k5_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i)+0.5*h,W(i)+0.5*h*k1_W);
    k5_W    = F_W   (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k1_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k1_W);
    k6_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i)+0.5*h,W(i)+0.5*h*k5_W);
    k6_W    = F_W   (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_55,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k5_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k5_W);
    k7_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i)+    h,W(i)+    h*k6_W);
    k7_W    = F_W   (t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_66,Vx(i)+    h*L_6,Vz(i)+    h*L_66,Phi(i)+    h*k6_Phi,W(i)+    h*k6_W);

    X(i+1)  = X(i) + (h/6)*(k_1+2*k_5+2*k_6+k_7);
    Vx(i+1) = Vx(i) + (h/6)*(L_1+2*L_5+2*L_6+L_7);
    Z(i+1)  = Z(i) + (h/6)*(k_11+2*k_55+2*k_66+k_77);
    Vz(i+1) = Vz(i) + (h/6)*(L_11+2*L_55+2*L_66+L_77);
    Phi(i+1)= Phi(i) + (h/6)*(k1_Phi+2*k5_Phi+2*k6_Phi+k7_Phi);
    W(i+1)  = W(i) + (h/6)*(k1_W+2*k5_W+2*k6_W+k7_W);
    i = i+1;


plot(X,Z,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'red')
plot(t,Vx,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'black')
hold on
plot(t,Vz,'--', 'Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'yellow')

fprintf('time %.3f\n x %.3f\n z %.3f\n ',t,X,Z);
fprintf('Vx %.3f\n',Vx);
fprintf('Vz %.3f\n',Vz);
fprintf('pi %.3f\n',alpha);
fprintf('fn %.3f\n',fn);


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  • #10
The error you posted is about a mismatch between x(i) and k5, k6, and k7. x(i+1) is a scalar, so MATLAB expects a scalar value on the right side. x(i) and k1 are scalars, but the other k's (k5,k6,k7) are all 1x301 arrays. You have to index those as well. MATLAB assumes that any scalar plus a 1xn vector is another 1xn vector whose j-th entry is the j-th entry of the original vector plus the scalar value. That's why it throws a dimension mismatch error there.

I haven't had time to read the paper yet, but is there a set of initial conditions for which you know what the solution should look like? If so, see if the simulation matches the known solution. Is there a set of initial values for which you could solve the differential equations by hand, and then compare your results with your code's? I'll read through the paper and attempt to verify the algorithm this weekend.
  • #11
Your Runge-Kutta implementation is definitely wrong. You cannot decouple this system of six equations into three systems of two equations each.

Looking at your first implementation you at least have the correct functional dependence for F_Vx, etc. But in your first step you should be computing all of: k_1, L_1, k_11, L_11, k_5 and L_5, then using all of those for the second step to compute k_2, L_2, k_22, etc.

Your second implementation has additional problems that are even worse.

Hope that helps.

  • #12
Finally noticed this in the first implementation thanks to JasonRF's comment:

noelll said:
k_1 = F_X (t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i)          ,Phi(i));
L_1 = F_Vx(t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i)          ,Phi(i));
k_2 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1,Phi(i)+0.5*h*L_1);

L_1 isn't what you should add to Phi(i), as L_1 is a change in the Vx variable. What I think JasonRF is suggesting is to calculate all your RK coefficients at the same time, so you can do

k_2 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k_5)

One neat way you could implement this with minimal hassle is just to vectorize all your k's and L's (k_1 through k_4 being vectors with x,z,phi components, and L_1 through L_4 being vectors with x',z',w components). Then, for example, you could write:

k_1 = F_traj(t(i),            trajectory(:,i),                   velocity(:.i)                    );
L_1 = F_vel(t(i),            trajectory(:,i),                   velocity(:,i)                    );
k_2 = F_traj(t(i)+0.5*h, trajectory(:,i)+0.5*h*k_1, velocity(:,i) + 0.5*h*L_1);
%trajectory(:,i) = [X(i);Z(i);Phi(i)]
%velocity(:,i) = [Vx(i); Vz(i); W(i)] 
%F_traj = @(t(i),    trajectory(:,i),       velocity(:,i)     )      [ F_X( t(i),X(i),Vx(i),Phi(i) ); F_Z( t(i),Z(i),Vz(i),Phi(i) ); F_Phi( t(i),Phi(i),W(i) ) ]
%F_vel = @(t(i),    trajectory(:,i),       velocity(:,i)      )     [ F_Vx(t(i),X(i),Vx(i),Phi(i) ); F_Z( t(i),Z(i),Vz(i),Phi(i) ); F_W( t(i),Phi(i),W(i),Z(i) ) ]

or something along those lines.

Another solution you can consider is trying to change coordinates to an uncoupled system.
  • #13
Twigg said:
Finally noticed this in the first implementation thanks to JasonRF's comment:
L_1 isn't what you should add to Phi(i), as L_1 is a change in the Vx variable. What I think JasonRF is suggesting is to calculate all your RK coefficients at the same time, so you can do

k_2 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k_5)

One neat way you could implement this with minimal hassle is just to vectorize all your k's and L's (k_1 through k_4 being vectors with x,z,phi components, and L_1 through L_4 being vectors with x',z',w components). Then, for example, you could write:

k_1 = F_traj(t(i),            trajectory(:,i),                   velocity(:.i)                    );
L_1 = F_vel(t(i),            trajectory(:,i),                   velocity(:,i)                    );
k_2 = F_traj(t(i)+0.5*h, trajectory(:,i)+0.5*h*k_1, velocity(:,i) + 0.5*h*L_1);
%trajectory(:,i) = [X(i);Z(i);Phi(i)]
%velocity(:,i) = [Vx(i); Vz(i); W(i)]
%F_traj = @(t(i),    trajectory(:,i),       velocity(:,i)     )      [ F_X( t(i),X(i),Vx(i),Phi(i) ); F_Z( t(i),Z(i),Vz(i),Phi(i) ); F_Phi( t(i),Phi(i),W(i) ) ]
%F_vel = @(t(i),    trajectory(:,i),       velocity(:,i)      )     [ F_Vx(t(i),X(i),Vx(i),Phi(i) ); F_Z( t(i),Z(i),Vz(i),Phi(i) ); F_W( t(i),Phi(i),W(i),Z(i) ) ]

or something along those lines.

Another solution you can consider is trying to change coordinates to an uncoupled system.
jasonRF said:
Your Runge-Kutta implementation is definitely wrong. You cannot decouple this system of six equations into three systems of two equations each.

Looking at your first implementation you at least have the correct functional dependence for F_Vx, etc. But in your first step you should be computing all of: k_1, L_1, k_11, L_11, k_5 and L_5, then using all of those for the second step to compute k_2, L_2, k_22, etc.

Your second implementation has additional problems that are even worse.

Hope that helps.


Hi Twigg and Jason, thank you so much for your reply.

I took Jason advise and i re-do my RK algorithm.

clc;                                               % Clears the screen
clear all;

% Constants
g    = 9.81;
M    = 6000;
fr   = 0.05;
Bx1  = 1.95;
Bx2  = 3.20;
I    = 20000;
Bz   = 0.35;
L    = 8.5;
SL   = 5.8;

% Integration Parameters
h = 0.01;                                           % step size
tfinal = 3;
N = ceil(tfinal/h);                                 % ceil is round up    

% Simulation sections
% Pre-allocate vectors
t = zeros(N+1,1);
X = zeros(N+1,1);
Z = zeros(N+1,1);
Vx= zeros(N+1,1);
Vz= zeros(N+1,1);
Phi = zeros(N+1,1);
W = zeros(N+1,1);

% Initial Conditions
t(1) = 0;
Phi(1) = 0;
W(1) = 0;%% 1. Sliding Phase
fn   =(M*g*sin(alpha))-cos(alpha);           % normal force
SlidingCondition = ((SL+Bz*fr)*cos(alpha));  % terminal condition for sliding phase

F_X  = @(t,X,Vx) Vx;
F_Z  = @(t,Z,Vz) Vz;
F_Vx = @(t,X,Vx)(fn*(cos(alpha)-fr*(sin(alpha))))/M;
F_Vz = @(t,Z,Vz)(fn/M*(sin(alpha)+fr*(cos(alpha)))-g);
F_Phi = @(t,W)W;
F_W = @(t)0;

i = 1;
while(Z(1)-Z(i) < SlidingCondition && i <= N) % calculation loop
    %update time
    %update motions main equation
    %Sliding phase
    k_1 = F_X (t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i));
    L_1 = F_Vx(t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i));
    k_2 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1);
    L_2 = F_Vx(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_1,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_1);
    k_3 = F_X (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_2,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_2);
    L_3 = F_Vx(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_2,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_2);
    k_4 = F_X (t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_3,Vx(i)+    h*L_3);
    L_4 = F_Vx(t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_3,Vx(i)+    h*L_3);
    k_11 = F_Z (t(i)     ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i));
    L_11 = F_Vz(t(i)     ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i));
    k_22 = F_Z (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11);
    L_22 = F_Vz(t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_11,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_11);
    k_33 = F_Z (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_22,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_22);
    L_33 = F_Vz(t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_22,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_22);
    k_44 = F_Z (t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_33,Vz(i)+    h*L_33);
    L_44 = F_Vz(t(i)+    h,Z(i)+    h*k_33,Vz(i)+    h*L_33);
    k1_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i), W(i));
    k1_W    = F_W   (t(i));
    k2_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i)+0.5*h,W(i)+0.5*h*k1_W);
    k2_W    = F_W   (t(i)+0.5*h);
    k3_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i)+0.5*h,W(i)+0.5*h*k2_W);
    k3_W    = F_W   (t(i)+0.5*h);
    k4_Phi  = F_Phi (t(i)+    h,W(i)+    h*k3_W);
    k4_W    = F_W   (t(i)+    h);

    X(i+1)  = X(i) + (h/6)*(k_1+2*k_2+2*k_3+k_4);
    Vx(i+1) = Vx(i) + (h/6)*(L_1+2*L_2+2*L_3+L_4);
    Z(i+1)  = Z(i) + (h/6)*(k_11+2*k_22+2*k_33+k_44);
    Vz(i+1) = Vz(i) + (h/6)*(L_11+2*L_22+2*L_33+L_44);
    Phi(i+1)= Phi(i) + (h/6)*(k1_Phi+2*k2_Phi+2*k3_Phi+k4_Phi);
    W(i+1)  = W(i) + (h/6)*(k1_W+2*k2_W+2*k3_W+k4_W);
    i = i+1;

% Intermediate plotting
ind_sliding = 1:i; % select indices up to current time
plot(X(ind_sliding),Z(ind_sliding),'--', 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'color', 'red')
grid on
ylim([ 0 Z(1) ])
xlabel('x distance [m]')
ylabel('height [m]')
title('Sliding Phase')%% 2. Rotation Phase

%%% DEFINE EQUATIONS OF MOTION AND TERMINAL CONDITION FOR ROTATION PHASE HERE %%%Bxx = @(Z,Phi)((Z-Z(1))+SL*cos(alpha)+Bz*(sin(Phi)-sin(alpha)));
dBxx =@(Vz,Phi,W)((Vz+Bz).*((sec(Phi)).^2).*(W-Bz.*(sin(alpha))).*(1./(cos(Phi)).^2).*(sin(Phi)).*W);
fn1 = @(Z,Vx,Vz,Phi,W)((W.*(Vx.*sin(Phi)-Vz.*cos(Phi)-dBxx(Vz,Phi,W))+(M.*g.*sin(Phi))./M)./((Bxx(Z,Phi)+Bz.*fr)./I+1./M));
RotationEnd =@(Phi) (SL*cos(alpha)+Bz*(sin(Phi)-sin(alpha))+Bx2*cos(Phi));

F_Xr  = @(t,X,Vx) Vx;
F_Zr  = @(t,Z,Vz) Vz;
F_Phir= @(t,W)W;
F_Vxr = @(t,X,Z,Vx,Vz,Phi,W)(fn1(Z,Vx,Vz,Phi,W)*(cos(Phi)-fr*(sin(Phi))))/M;
F_Vzr = @(t,X,Z,Vx,Vz,Phi,W)(fn1(Z,Vx,Vz,W,Phi)/M*(sin(Phi)+fr*(cos(Phi)))-g);
F_Wr  = @(t,X,Z,Vx,Vz,Phi,W)((fn1(Z,Vx,Vz,W,Phi).*(Bxx(Z,Phi)+Bz*fr))/I);% continue integration where we stopped last time
while (Z(1)-Z(i) < RotationEnd(Phi) | i <= N )
    % update time and state (integrate)
    %update motions main equation
    %Rotation phase
    k_5     = F_Xr (t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Vx(i));
    L_5     = F_Vxr(t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Z(i)           ,Vx(i)          ,Vz(i)           ,Phi(i)             ,W(i));
    k_55    = F_Zr (t(i)      ,Z(i)          ,Vz(i));
    L_55    = F_Vzr(t(i)      ,X(i)          ,Z(i)           ,Vx(i)          ,Vz(i)           ,Phi(i)             ,W(i));
    k5_Phi  = F_Phir (t(i)    ,W(i));
    k5_W    = F_Wr   (t(i)    ,X(i)          ,Z(i)           ,Vx(i)          ,Vz(i)           ,Phi(i)             ,W(i));

    k_6    = F_Xr (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_5,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5);
    L_6    = F_Vxr(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_5,Z(i) +0.5*h*k_55,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k5_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k5_W);
    k_66   = F_Zr (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_55,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55);
    L_66   = F_Vzr(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_5,Z(i) +0.5*h*k_55,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k5_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k5_W);
    k6_Phi = F_Phir (t(i)+0.5*h,W(i)+0.5*h*k5_W);
    k6_W   = F_Wr   (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_5,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_55,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_5,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_55,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k5_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k5_W);
    k_7 = F_Xr (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_6,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_6);
    L_7 = F_Vxr(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_6,Z(i) +0.5*h*k_66,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_6,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_66,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k6_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k6_W);
    k_77 = F_Zr (t(i)+0.5*h,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_66,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_66);
    L_77 = F_Vzr(t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_6,Z(i) +0.5*h*k_66,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_6,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_66,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k6_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k6_W);
    k7_Phi  = F_Phir (t(i)+0.5*h,W(i)+0.5*h*k6_W);
    k7_W    = F_Wr   (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_6,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_66,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_6,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_66,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k6_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k6_W);
    k_8 = F_Xr (t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_7,Vx(i)+h    *L_7);
    L_8 = F_Vxr(t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_7,Z(i) +h    *k_77,Vx(i)+h    *L_7,Vz(i)+h    *L_77,Phi(i)+    h*k7_Phi,W(i)+h    *k7_W);
    k_88 = F_Zr (t(i)+h    ,Z(i)+h    *k_77,Vz(i)+h    *L_77);
    L_88 = F_Vzr(t(i)+h    ,X(i)+h    *k_7,Z(i) +h    *k_77,Vx(i)+h    *L_7,Vz(i)+h    *L_77,Phi(i)+    h*k7_Phi,W(i)+h    *k7_W);
    k8_Phi  = F_Phir (t(i)+    h,W(i)+    h*k7_W);
    k8_W    = F_Wr   (t(i)+0.5*h,X(i)+0.5*h*k_7,Z(i)+0.5*h*k_77,Vx(i)+0.5*h*L_7,Vz(i)+0.5*h*L_77,Phi(i)+0.5*h*k7_Phi,W(i)+0.5*h*k7_W);

    X(i+1)  = X(i) + (h/6)*(k_5+2*k_6+2*k_7+k_8);
    Vx(i+1) = Vx(i) + (h/6)*(L_5+2*L_6+2*L_7+L_8);
    Z(i+1)  = Z(i) + (h/6)*(k_55+2*k_66+2*k_77+k_88);
    Vz(i+1) = Vz(i) + (h/6)*(L_55+2*L_66+2*L_77+L_88);
    Phi(i+1)= Phi(i) + (h/6)*(k5_Phi+2*k6_Phi+2*k7_Phi+k8_Phi);
    W(i+1)  = W(i) + (h/6)*(k5_W+2*k6_W+2*k7_W+k8_W);
    i = i+1;


% Intermediate plotting
ind_rotation = 1:i; % select indices up to current time
plot(X(ind_rotation),Z(ind_rotation),'--', 'LineWidth', 1.5, 'color', 'red')
grid on
ylim([ 0 Z(1) ])
xlabel('x distance [m]')
ylabel('height [m]')
title('Rotation Phase')

plot(X,Z,'--','Linewidth', 1.5, 'color', 'blue')

Is this method of doing my RK correct?
One last thing now my sliding phase and rotation phase graph are separated, is there anyway i could plot them together into one graph?

Thanks again for helping me!
Best Regards,
  • #14
Structurally it looks okay, I guess, but it is really impossible to tell since you are clearly solving a different problem than you were earlier, and you never stated what problem it is! What is $$ \alpha $$? Also, you are solving two problems in this new code? The second problem has extra factors of 0.5 in k_8W, but otherwise has the right idea, I think. Again, without clear descriptions of what equations you are solving I cannot tell much of anything. Good luck.

  • #15
jasonRF said:
Structurally it looks okay, I guess, but it is really impossible to tell since you are clearly solving a different problem than you were earlier, and you never stated what problem it is! What is $$ \alpha $$? Also, you are solving two problems in this new code? The second problem has extra factors of 0.5 in k_8W, but otherwise has the right idea, I think. Again, without clear descriptions of what equations you are solving I cannot tell much of anything. Good luck.

Hi Jason,

Thank you so much for your reply, sorry for my bad explanation.

Currently I am using this journal paper (attach) to do my coding. Hence, the equations and solving two problem are all base on the equations in the paper.
alpha is the angle of launch and by using the equations in the paper i am required to solve for sliding phase, rotation phase and free-fall phase, also thank you so much for helping to check my codes, the extra factors of 0.5 in k_8 are totally my mistake, thank you for sounding it out.

I hope after seeing the equations from the paper, you could still guide and help me.
Thank you once again for your time,
Best Regards,


  • boef impact theory 2.pdf
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Related to 4th order Runge-Kutta with system of coupled 2nd order ode motion equations

1. What is 4th order Runge-Kutta method?

The 4th order Runge-Kutta method is a numerical method used to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs). It is a type of iterative method that calculates the solution of an ODE by taking small steps and using a weighted average of four different estimates at each step. It is commonly used to solve systems of coupled 2nd order ODEs.

2. How does 4th order Runge-Kutta method work?

The 4th order Runge-Kutta method works by using a set of four equations to estimate the value of the function at the next time step. These equations are based on the slope of the function at different points, and the weighted average of these slopes is used to calculate the next value. This process is repeated until the desired accuracy is achieved.

3. What are the advantages of using 4th order Runge-Kutta method?

4th order Runge-Kutta method has several advantages over other numerical methods for solving ODEs. It is a higher-order method, which means it can achieve a higher level of accuracy with fewer steps. It is also a self-starting method, which means it does not require an initial guess for the solution. Additionally, it is a stable and reliable method for solving a wide range of ODEs.

4. What are the limitations of 4th order Runge-Kutta method?

Although 4th order Runge-Kutta method has many advantages, it also has some limitations. It can be computationally intensive, especially for large systems of equations. It also requires the ODEs to be well-behaved and continuous in order to produce accurate results. Additionally, it may not be suitable for stiff systems, where the solution changes rapidly over a small time interval.

5. How is 4th order Runge-Kutta method implemented in practice?

In practice, 4th order Runge-Kutta method is implemented by dividing the time interval into smaller steps and calculating the solution at each step using the four equations. The step size is chosen based on the desired accuracy and the behavior of the ODEs. The method can be implemented using computer programs or specialized software, and it is commonly used in various fields of science and engineering.

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