5 Parallel Large Flat Electrodes (Potential/E-Field)

In summary, In this conversation, the speaker is seeking clarification on a problem involving finding electric field vectors between two plates. The professor's approach is to use equations, specifically Gauss' Law, to solve for the electric fields. The speaker is confused about the use of a minus sign in the equation and the direction of the normal vector in Gauss' Law.
  • #1

Homework Statement

See figure attached.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

My professor came up with this example in lecture and the way he went it about it was very confusing so hopefully you guys can help me clear up some of steps/thought process he took.

We are asked to find all the electric field vectors between each plate, so he begins to write equations for these electric fields.

He first notes that,

[tex]E_{inside conductor} = 0[/tex]

He then proceeds to write,

[tex]V = E_{2}d + E_{3}d[/tex]

I'll put in my thought process for all the work he skipped,

[tex]V = \int_{l_{1}} \vec{E_{2}} \vec{dl} + \int_{l_{2}} \vec{E_{3}} \vec{dl} [/tex]


[tex]\vec{E_{2}} \text{ and } \vec{E_{3}} \text{ are parallel to } \vec{dl}[/tex]

[tex]\Rightarrow V = E_{2} \int_{l_{1}}dl + E_{3} \int_{l_{2}}dl[/tex]

Since the distance between the plates in the same,(i.e. a distance d)

[tex]V = E_{2}d + E_{3}d[/tex]

He then writes another equation,

[tex]A\epsilon_{0}E_{3} - A\epsilon_{0}E_{2} = Q[/tex]

Where is he getting this from? I know that's the difference in flux, but it looks like it's coming from Gauss' Law applied to a Gaussian surface around the middle plate that has a charge Q.

[tex]\oint_{S} \vec{E} \cdot \hat{n}dS = \frac{Q_{enclosed}}{\epsilon_{0}}[/tex]

It seems as though

[tex]E = E_{3} - E_{2}[/tex]

because then,

[tex]\Rightarrow \left( E_{3} - E_{2} \right)A = \frac{Q}{\epsilon_{0}} [/tex]

Rearranging gives me his original equation,

[tex]A\epsilon_{0}E_{3} - A\epsilon_{0}E_{2} = Q[/tex]

Why is the electric field for the gaussian surface enclosed the middle plate (E3-E2)?

After writing those 2 equations, it's obvious that we can solve for E2 & E3.

He then states that,

[tex]\rho_{S} = \epsilon_{0} \left( \vec{E} \cdot \hat{n} \right)[/tex]

and denotes the charge on the plate to the right of the leftmost plate as

[tex]Q_{2}=A\rho_{S2} - A\rho_{S1} = A\epsilon_{0}E_{2} - A\epsilon_{0}E_{1}[/tex]

(This comes from Gauss' Law around the plate, where the electric field is (E2-E1) [Just like my question above, why is it (E2-E1)?])

We now have 1 equation, and 2 unknowns (i.e. Q2 and E1).

Then he explains how the voltage source is going to pull charge off the 2 rightmost plates and place it onto the plate with charge Q2.

[tex]Q_{2} = A \rho_{S3} = A\epsilon_{0}E_{3}[/tex]

Since we know E3 he solves for Q2 in terms of E3 and it is found that,

[tex]E_{1} = E_{2} - E_{3}[/tex]

The two main points which I'm confused about are,

  • Why is the electric field for the gaussian surface enclosing the middle plate (E3-E2)?
  • Where does he get the equation,
    [tex]\rho_{S} = \epsilon_{0} \left( \vec{E} \cdot \hat{n} \right)[/tex]

If I anything I said sounds goofy, or if I am misunderstanding anything else please feel encouraged to correct me.

Thanks again!


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  • #2
This is what I think is going on, see the attached,


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  • #3
Spinnor said:
This is what I think is going on, see the attached,

This is exactly what I had already mentioned in my original thread.

I am looking to get the points I have bulleted explained.
  • #4
You wrote,

"Why is the electric field for the gaussian surface enclosing the middle plate (E3-E2)?"

The integral is E dot dA where dA either points outward or inward, therefore as drawn the minus sign, (E3-E2).

You wrote,

"Where does he get the equation,
ρS=ϵ0(E⃗ ⋅nˆ)"

This comes from Gauss's Law, in one form

integral of E dot dA = Q/ε_o

in simple case you have this is simply

E times area = Q/ε_o or

E = rho/ε_o
  • #5
Spinnor said:
You wrote,

"Why is the electric field for the gaussian surface enclosing the middle plate (E3-E2)?"

The integral is E dot dA where dA either points outward or inward, therefore as drawn the minus sign, (E3-E2).

I'm confused.

For Gauss' Law,

[tex]\oint_{s} \vec{E}\cdot\hat{n}dS = \frac{Q_{enclosed}}{\epsilon_{0}}[/tex]

My text explains that [tex]\hat{n}[/tex] is always pointing from the charge outward, so how would it ever point inward?

The minus sign still isn't clear to me, from the picture it looks as through E2 and E3 are both pointing to the right, thus why the subtraction?

FAQ: 5 Parallel Large Flat Electrodes (Potential/E-Field)

1. What is the purpose of using 5 parallel large flat electrodes for potential and electric field measurements?

The purpose of using 5 parallel large flat electrodes is to obtain more accurate and precise measurements of potential and electric field. Having multiple electrodes allows for better spatial resolution and reduces the effects of noise and interference.

2. How are the electrodes arranged in relation to each other?

The 5 parallel large flat electrodes are arranged equidistant from each other, forming a straight line. The distance between each electrode should be equal to ensure consistent measurements.

3. What type of materials are used for the electrodes?

The electrodes are typically made of conductive materials such as metal, graphite, or carbon. These materials have low resistance and allow for efficient transfer of electric current.

4. Are there any limitations to using 5 parallel large flat electrodes?

One limitation of using 5 parallel large flat electrodes is that they may not accurately measure potential and electric field in three-dimensional space. They are most effective for two-dimensional measurements. Additionally, the accuracy of the measurements may be affected by the thickness and uniformity of the electrodes.

5. How can the data obtained from these electrodes be analyzed?

The data obtained from the electrodes can be analyzed using various mathematical and statistical methods. For potential and electric field measurements, the data can be used to calculate values such as voltage, electric field strength, and potential difference. The data can also be graphed to visualize any patterns or trends.

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