64 events occurring in the flipping of a die

  • Thread starter kautilya
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In summary: But rolling 3 6-sided dice an infinite number of times would always result in a 64 outcome, as long as the sequence remained even after an infinite number of rolls.
  • #1
Hi there,

I am trying to figure out the 64 events occurring in the flipping of a die. Can someone help me with this?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can you elaborate? Do you mean 64 outcomes of the die roll, or do you mean 64 muscle movements that go into throwing the die?
  • #3
Is this an ordinary six-sided die? An eight-sided die (e.g. shaped like an octahedron) could lead to 64 possible outcomes if you rolled it twice.
  • #4
Thanks a lot Dave and belliott.

Yes, i meant the 64 outcomes of the die roll of a six-sided die. Can you help me obtain this using the laws of probability?

  • #5
We don't know what you mean. You'll have to tell us more if you want a sensible answer. To me, a die roll is an abstract event with exactly six equiprobable outcomes.
  • #6
kautilya said:
Thanks a lot Dave and belliott.

Yes, i meant the 64 outcomes of the die roll of a six-sided die. Can you help me obtain this using the laws of probability?


Yes, as CRG points out, a single roll of a 6-sided die results in one of only six outcomes, all of which are equally probable.

If you roll two D6, then the number of possible outcomes rises to 36.
3 dice gets you 216.

I don't know any way of getting 64.

Sure it was 6-siders?
Rolling 2 8-siders would get you 64, as would rolling 3 4-siders...
  • #7
Of course, none of this has to do with probability - it's just basic combinatorics, i.e. counting the number of possible outcomes. Probability enters only when you start to ask about the liklihood of a given outcome, that is, the fraction of all possible outcomes that will produce the given outcome, e.g. the number of ways to roll at least one "three" in four rolls of the die.
  • #8
DaveC426913 said:
I don't know any way of getting 64.

Even/odd sequence after 6 rolls? :wink:

Edit: Turning that to a serious response, I can generate 64 equiprobable outcomes in 760/243 ≈ 3.13 fair die rolls on average. Is a better result possible? It can't be done with two rolls, since 6^2 = 36 < 64. It can't always be done in 3 rolls, since 6^3 = 216 is not divisible by 64 so some outcomes would be more likely than others.
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FAQ: 64 events occurring in the flipping of a die

What are the "64 events" in the flipping of a die?

The "64 events" refer to the possible outcomes when flipping a six-sided die 6 times, with each flip resulting in a unique combination of numbers from 1 to 6. This results in a total of 64 (6x6x6x6x6x6) possible events.

How is the probability of each event determined?

The probability of each event is determined by dividing the number of possible outcomes by the total number of events. In this case, the probability of each event is 1/64 or approximately 1.6%.

What is the significance of studying these 64 events?

Studying these events can help us understand the randomness and probability involved in flipping a die, and can also be applied to other probability problems and experiments.

Can the 64 events be visualized in a chart or table?

Yes, the 64 events can be visualized in a chart or table, also known as a sample space. This can help us visualize the possible outcomes and their corresponding probabilities.

What is the relationship between the 64 events and permutations/combinations?

The 64 events can be seen as a permutation of 6 objects taken 6 at a time, with repetition allowed. This means that the order of the flips matters and the same number can appear multiple times in a sequence. Alternatively, it can also be seen as a combination of 6 objects taken 6 at a time without repetition, as each flip results in a unique combination of numbers.

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