7-million digit prime number discovered

  • Thread starter Monique
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In summary, a prime number was recently discovered after 14 days of calculation, with a reward of $100,000. The search continues for even larger prime numbers. The conversation also touched on the difference between cell duplication and division in biology, and the relationship between the Prime Number Theorem and the Mersenne prime search. There are no known formulas or patterns for predicting which Mersenne numbers will be prime.
  • #1
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  • #2
Viva ! Shoeless Jamie Joes !
  • #3
i would have thought that was about goldbachs conjecture. but interesting none the less
  • #4
FlatlineLemon said:
i would have thought that was about goldbachs conjecture. but interesting none the less

That's a millenium problem. It's worth much more than just a bunch of prize money.
  • #5
My high school biology teacher always insisted that we say/write "cell duplication" and never "cell division".

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
  • #6
Gokul43201 said:
My high school biology teacher always insisted that we say/write "cell duplication" and never "cell division".

Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same thing as division.
trying to tease monique? :surprise: :biggrin:
  • #7
Monique said:

The time it took to calculate? 14 days, the reward? $100,000
now the wait is on for a 10-/100-million/1-billion digit prime number :eek:

I am in quantum physics (just trying to let you know my deficiencies), but I am following the Mersenne Prime search and have read a little about the Prime Number Theorem. Can you tell me the following?:

I've noticed the Prime Number Theorem effort seems entirely on the proof of how many primes below a certain number. But it seems to me the objective should be the prime solution (equation) for all primes and then the number of primes below a given number would be an outcome of a so-called "Prime Solution".

Do I have this backward? Is it too hard to get the Prime Solution directly so everyone is focused on the Prime Number Theorem. I am so glad you made this post. I was about to create my own from my current and complete confusion.
  • #8
I've noticed the Prime Number Theorem effort seems entirely on the proof of how many primes below a certain number. But it seems to me the objective should be the prime solution (equation) for all primes and then the number of primes below a given number would be an outcome of a so-called "Prime Solution".

Come again? :confused: What "prime number theorem effort" (AFAIK, the prime number theorem has been proven. I'm not even sure how the prime number theorem relates to this topic, which seems to be mostly about primality testing and factoring integers)? What is "the" prime solution?
  • #9
Clearly then, I am indeed off-track. However, I was responding to the initial entry of this thread from Monique - the latest Mersene prime. My understanding is that each new prime is found by iteration...every computer involved takes the next possible Mersenne prime and tests its primality. So I assumed that there must not be an equation for generating the primes in a simple way aside from an iterative method. But I can not find any reference to this. Therefore I was wondering, is there a prime solution or theoretical effort in this area? I am quite possibly still on the wrong track...can you help me?
  • #10
i think to my knowledge that the largest twin primes known to date are 33218925*2^169690 +-1. (that is 51090 digits)!

muzza i think you are referring to the prime number theorem? or are you making a reference to the infinitude of primes theorem? they are much different, and give you information on primes, but is that needed to talk about this mersenne prime discovery?
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  • #11
There are formulae involving many variables whose positive values are exactly the primes. They are too convoluted and take too long to use to be of any use (given a set of input values, you have no a priori reason for expecting the output to be positive). Not all primes are Mersenne anyway (obviously almost none are going to be mersenne, in some sense). You are still misusing the word solution, and no there is obviously no (known) pattern in the Mersenne numbers that tells you which will be the prime ones.
  • #12
muzza i think you are referring to the prime number theorem?

Uh, yes, when I say "prime number theorem", I do mean the "prime number theorem".

or are you making a reference to the infinitude of primes theorem? they are much different, and give you information on primes, but is that needed to talk about this mersenne prime discovery?

I'll be damned if I know, I was asking the exact same question ;)
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FAQ: 7-million digit prime number discovered

1. What is a "7-million digit prime number"?

A prime number is a positive integer that is only divisible by 1 and itself. A 7-million digit prime number, also known as a "mega-prime", is a prime number that contains 7 million digits.

2. How was this 7-million digit prime number discovered?

This prime number was discovered through a collaborative effort by thousands of computers running a specialized software called PrimeGrid. The software uses algorithms to search for large prime numbers.

3. Why is the discovery of a 7-million digit prime number significant?

The discovery of a 7-million digit prime number is significant because it is currently the largest known prime number. It also contributes to our understanding of prime numbers and their distribution.

4. Can this 7-million digit prime number be used for any practical purposes?

While this prime number may not have any immediate practical applications, it is important in the field of mathematics and can be used for encryption and coding techniques.

5. Are there any rewards for discovering large prime numbers?

In most cases, there are no monetary rewards for discovering large prime numbers. However, the discoverer may receive recognition and become part of a community of mathematicians and computer enthusiasts interested in prime numbers.

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