7th Grader Interested In Future Physics Career

In summary: They then end up in other fields, such as finance, insurance, sales, etc, where their skills are highly valued. However, they may not catch up to their peers who took a more traditional route to their careers, such as a college degree followed by a stable job. In summary, becoming a physicist requires a significant amount of education and can be a short-lived career due to limited job opportunities. Many physicists end up in other fields after their initial career, where their skills are highly valued but they may not catch up to their peers who took a more traditional route. Additionally, it is important for aspiring physicists to have a strong foundation in mathematics and to pursue additional reading and study outside of traditional education.
  • #1
Hi, I am in 7th grade and have a great interest in learning how the universe works. I also love math and programming. A few days ago we started a career project in class and that has made me think about a career as a physicist. I have done lots of research onto being a physicist but I could use help in understanding from people who have experience in physics.

I would like to know what skills/education I would need to become a physicist, what the wage is like and in detail about what exactly experimental physicists and theoretical physicists do.

Thanks for your posts! :D
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF.
Being keenly interested is a very good start.
If you find that knowing how something works does not diminish the sense of awe and wonder, then you are good scientist material. Do puzzles and read stuff in your spare time, and study math and science. (And a little bit of anything else that attracts your attention.) You'll be able to specialize in physics quite soon at high school.

what the wage is like
... mostly crap. It can get quite good though depending on what you end up doing.

At your level you are best advised to follow what lights you up - your course will become clearer as you progress. Since you seem to want to be organized, you'd want to see what colleges you'd want to apply to maybe and see what they expect for their science/physics program entrants.

It may be interesting to discover how many people replying to you are doing physics for the money. I got into it to meet girls - smart huh?
  • #3
You should also do as much math as you can!

Look into these books:

1) Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang (as recommended by micromass)
2) Elements of Algebra by Euler (as recommended by mathwonk)
3) Challenge and Thrill of Pre-College Mathematics by Krishnamurthy and Pranesachar (this one's from me!)

All three books can be pre-viewed freely and legally via Google Books and most of 2) is actually available free of charge online. 1) and 3), you will have to buy. I'd suggest you preview them and see if you like them first.

These are the kind of books I wish I had known about when I was around your age. I'm actually working through 3) right now! Also, don't be put off if you find the books a little hard to understand, because they actually are. More importantly, they present the same material you would learn in high school in a more thorough, yet concise way while also being more "fun". Admittedly, I don't have too much experience with 1) but I already knew the material in it, so I moved on to 3), which I should be studying concurrently with 2).

You should note that mathematics is essential for studying the sciences and their applied forms.

Good luck and have fun!
  • #4
Simon Bridge said:
It may be interesting to discover how many people replying to you are doing physics for the money. I got into it to meet girls - smart huh?

Lol I know most physicists don't do it for the money but do they make a decent or more living? Since money is important as well. :-p
  • #5
Mépris said:
You should also do as much math as you can!

Look into these books:

1) Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang (as recommended by micromass)
2) Elements of Algebra by Euler (as recommended by mathwonk)
3) Challenge and Thrill of Pre-College Mathematics by Krishnamurthy and Pranesachar (this one's from me!)

All three books can be pre-viewed freely and legally via Google Books and most of 2) is actually available free of charge online. 1) and 3), you will have to buy. I'd suggest you preview them and see if you like them first.

These are the kind of books I wish I had known about when I was around your age. I'm actually working through 3) right now! Also, don't be put off if you find the books a little hard to understand, because they actually are. More importantly, they present the same material you would learn in high school in a more thorough, yet concise way while also being more "fun". Admittedly, I don't have too much experience with 1) but I already knew the material in it, so I moved on to 3), which I should be studying concurrently with 2).

Thanks, I'll read 2 and try to get my hands on 1 and 3.
  • #6
Physics careers require a lot of education and are very short. The median physicist spends a decade (4 years in undergrad, 6 of grad school) as a student for a career that lasts about 5 years after the phd. That 5 years is on short (2 or 3 year) contract work, so its not a stable situation, which can be hard if you have a significant other.

After that physicists end up all over the place (finance,insurance, sales, etc), but for the most part they won't catch up to their peers who took a more traditional (i.e. not a phd) route to their careers.
  • #7
ParticleGrl said:
Physics careers require a lot of education and are very short. The median physicist spends a decade (4 years in undergrad, 6 of grad school) as a student for a career that lasts about 5 years after the phd. That 5 years is on short (2 or 3 year) contract work, so its not a stable situation, which can be hard if you have a significant other.

After that physicists end up all over the place (finance,insurance, sales, etc), but for the most part they won't catch up to their peers who took a more traditional (i.e. not a phd) route to their careers.

Uh... what? Physicists only have careers for 5 years? I'm confused.
  • #8
Uh... what? Physicists only have careers for 5 years?

Yes, most physicis phds take a few postdoctoral appointments for the years after their phds, and then are forced out of the field by a lack of job opportunities. They generally start new careers in other fields, as I said (insurance, finance, etc)

There are, of course, people who land permanent positions in national labs, universities, or the semi-conductor industry BUT these are the exceptions, not the rule.
  • #9
Few of people who graduate with a postgraduate degree in physics (and thus can be called a "physicist" without the inverted commas) will spend more than about 5 years actually working as a professional physicist after getting their degree.

Most of the physicists in the lab are actually postgrad students though - so you will get to do some physics and maybe even get paid for it for longer than the five.

You only have to count the number of professional physicists and compare with the number of graduates.

We don't do it for the end result but in spite of it.
And there is the chance that you get to spend part of your half-decade working on something cool.

On the one hand I don't want to actually discourage you when you are keen - we like to see keen bright people interested in physics. On the other hand, we'd be doing you a disservice not pointing out the downside since you mentioned money and careers. The gripping hand is that if you are interested enough to make a real go for it you won't be put off by a few hard realities.
  • #10
Simon Bridge said:
On the one hand I don't want to actually discourage you when you are keen - we like to see keen bright people interested in physics.

Letting someone make an informed choice isn't discouragement. I still harbor some resentment that people who should have known better blindly encouraged me to get a physics phd- making it more difficult for me to make an informed judgement.
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  • #11
@Particle Grl, this doesn't change your point - I'm just curious why you count getting a PhD as training rather than career (since you are paid at that time, albeit poorly)?
  • #12
atyy said:
@Particle Grl, this doesn't change your point - I'm just curious why you count getting a PhD as training rather than career (since you are paid at that time, albeit poorly)?

The distinction is totally arbitrary- I lumped it into education because most people seem to think of phd programs as education (a side point: I often wonder if people would take such low pay if there wasn't a credential at the end of the process).

Of course, if we consider students to be career scientists, then the median career scientist in this country makes about as much per year as a full time Burger King employee (a postdoc at least manages to make about as much as a Burger King manager!)
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  • #13
ParticleGrl said:
Letting someone make an informed choice isn't discouragement. I still harbor some resentment that people who should have known better blindly encouraged me to get a physics phd- making it more difficult for me to make an informed judgement.
Absolutely! Which is why I needed another two hands :)

Related to 7th Grader Interested In Future Physics Career

What type of education and training is required for a career in physics?

To pursue a career in physics, you will need to have a strong foundation in mathematics and science. This typically includes completing courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, and biology in high school. To become a professional physicist, you will need to earn at least a bachelor's degree in physics or a related field. Many physicists also go on to obtain a master's or doctoral degree.

What types of jobs are available for someone with a degree in physics?

There are a variety of career paths available for individuals with a degree in physics. Some common job titles include research scientist, data analyst, engineer, teacher, and technical writer. The skills and knowledge gained through studying physics can also be applied to other fields such as finance, computer science, and medicine.

What skills are important for a successful career in physics?

In addition to strong analytical and problem-solving skills, successful physicists also possess excellent critical thinking, communication, and computer skills. They are also detail-oriented, curious, and persistent in their pursuit of understanding the natural world. A strong foundation in mathematics is also crucial for a career in physics.

What are the current advancements and breakthroughs in the field of physics?

Physics is a constantly evolving field with new discoveries and breakthroughs being made all the time. Some current areas of research and advancement include quantum mechanics, astrophysics, and particle physics. Scientists are also studying cutting-edge topics such as dark matter, gravitational waves, and the origins of the universe.

What are some challenges and ethical considerations in the field of physics?

As with any scientific field, there are ethical considerations and challenges in physics. Some of these include the use of nuclear energy, the impact of technology on society, and potential risks involved in certain experiments. There is also a need for diversity and inclusion in the field, as well as addressing issues of scientific integrity and responsibility.

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