Could the Sea Dragon Rocket Have Revolutionized Space Travel?

In summary, the Sea Dragon Rocket would have been a much more efficient design for manned space flight and could have made it further along in our space program.
  • #1
I ran into the Sea Dragon Rocket that was cooked up on paper in 1962, could this have worked efficiently and if so could it have made it to where we would have been much further along in manned space and the ability to launch over sized payloads...

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  • #2
Was there a question in there?
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  • #3
Just curious as to weather or not this was very feasible and if so would this have been a much better style platform to get the space program going for a heavy launch system. A lot of people feel the Shuttle was the wrong way to go for long term reliable reusable launch system.

Just curious as to weather people had seen this proposal for a monster rocket before...
  • #4
I ran across it elsewhere just recently, on Youtube, I think.
  • #5
The Soviets have been known to think big but even they would have been in total awe of such a flying beast with a 1.1 million pound payload capacity.
  • #8
I just found it on UTube as the other poster did, I have been watching rocket vids and I thought this was worth a talk. I remember reading a magazine or something back years ago where in the article after the space shuttle was in operation engineers were finally admitting under the stresses of getting into space a launch vehicle is best built as simple as possible and he did not come directly out and say it but was alluring to the fact they out foxed themselves with the Shuttle.

I am no engineer so I have no idea if this could work but it seems if so 3 different sizes of rockets built of a similar design in order to place payloads in orbit depending on payload size and a small space plane like the X37 to do service would have been the real way to go long term and would have no reason to be retired.

I most definitely have to give the Space Shuttle program credit and the personnel that fixed Hubble admiration proving the concept, even Nasa thought the Hubble was a right off but that group who fixed it did a incredible feet so much so that even the world space community was shocked about the end result...

FAQ: Could the Sea Dragon Rocket Have Revolutionized Space Travel?

1. How does an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket work?

An 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket works by burning a mixture of fuel and oxidizer in its combustion chamber. This creates hot gases that are expelled through a nozzle at the back of the rocket, propelling it forward with a tremendous amount of force.

2. What is the purpose of an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket?

The purpose of an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket is to launch heavy payloads into space. These rockets are typically used for missions that require a large amount of thrust to overcome Earth's gravity, such as launching satellites, probes, and manned spacecraft.

3. How much power does an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket generate?

An 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket generates a tremendous amount of power. To put it into perspective, this is equivalent to the thrust generated by approximately 160 Boeing 747 jet engines! This level of power is necessary to overcome the Earth's gravity and lift heavy objects into space.

4. How is the thrust of an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket measured?

The thrust of an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket is typically measured in pounds or newtons. This measurement is obtained by using a device called a thrust stand, which is essentially a scale that measures the force exerted by the rocket's exhaust gases. The higher the thrust, the greater the force pushing the rocket forward.

5. What limitations are there for an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket?

There are several limitations for an 80,000,000 pound thrust rocket. One of the main limitations is the amount of fuel and oxidizer that the rocket can carry. This limits the amount of thrust that can be generated and the duration of the rocket's flight. Additionally, the size and weight of the rocket itself can also pose limitations on its capabilities.

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