9.73 Statistics on Large Sample Tests of Hypotheses?

  • Thread starter Little Bear
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In summary: This is because the samples used for the verbal and math scores are not the same, and thus a direct comparison cannot be made. We would need to gather data from the same group of students for both tests in order to make this comparison.
  • #1
Little Bear

Homework Statement

How do California H.S. students compare to students nationwide in their college readiness, as measured by their SAT scores? The national average scores for the class of 2003 were 507 on the verbal portion and 519 on the math portion. Suppose that 100 California students from the class of 2003 were randomly selected and their SAT scores recorded as:

Verbal: Sample average = 499, Sample standard dev = 98

Math: Sample average = 516, Sample standard dev = 96

a. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the average verbal score for all California students in the class of 2003 is different from the national average? Test using alpha = .05.

b. Do the data provide sufficient evidence to indicate that the average math score for all California students in the class of 2003 is different from the national average? Test using alpha = .05.

c. Could you use this data to determine if there is a difference between the average math and verbal scores for all California
students in the class of 2003? Explain your answer.

Homework Equations

Relevant DATA:
n = 100 (California students sampled)
national average scores for verbal = 507
sample California average for verbal = 499
standard dev California for verbal = 98

Relevant EQUATION:

SE = standard dev/sqrt(n)
z = [sample California average - mean National]
[standard dev Californial for verbal/sqrt(n)]
z = [sample California average - mean National]/ SE

The Attempt at a Solution

Since, standard dev of california sample for verbal test = 98 and n = 100 samples
SE = standard dev/sqrt(n) = 98/sqrt(100) = 9.8
Thus z = [mean of sample California - mean of National (Popn)]/SE
= [499-507]/9.8
= -8/9.8
= - 0.816

This answer for part a. is wrong.

Answers at the back of the book:
a. yes; z = -3.33 b. no; z = 1 c. no
I am stuck at part a. My wrong answer is z = -0.816. The back of the book says z = -3.33. Please show me how step-by-step to derive at the correct answer. Thank you very much.

I get the same answer of z = -0.816 instead of -3.33. I am only concerned about getting the z value because how can I answer yes or no, without knowing it.
Also, it is asking for us to test using alpha = .05. Z-test is the only test that seems to apply here since we were are comparing a sample (California) from a population (National). The textbook is expecting students to know which tests (z-test, t-test, etc) to solve the problem. Also, the back of the book even says z = -3.33.
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  • #2
So why are we using t-test?

it is important to carefully analyze and interpret data in order to draw accurate conclusions. In this case, we are comparing the average SAT scores of California high school students to the national average for the class of 2003. To determine if there is a significant difference between the two, we need to use a statistical test.

In this problem, we are given the sample averages and standard deviations for both the verbal and math portions of the SAT. We also know the national average scores for the class of 2003. We can use a z-test to determine if there is a significant difference between the sample means and the population mean.

a. To test if the average verbal score for all California students is different from the national average, we can use the following formula:

z = (sample mean - population mean) / (standard deviation / √n)

Plugging in the given values, we get:

z = (499 - 507) / (98 / √100) = -0.816

To determine if this result is statistically significant, we need to compare it to the critical value at a 0.05 significance level. Looking at a z-table, we can see that the critical value for a one-tailed test at α = 0.05 is -1.645. Since our calculated z-value is greater than the critical value, we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a significant difference between the average verbal score of California students and the national average.

b. To test if the average math score for all California students is different from the national average, we can use the same formula as above:

z = (sample mean - population mean) / (standard deviation / √n)

Plugging in the given values, we get:

z = (516 - 519) / (96 / √100) = -0.3125

Again, we compare this result to the critical value at a 0.05 significance level. The critical value for a one-tailed test at α = 0.05 is -1.645, which is greater than our calculated z-value. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is not a significant difference between the average math score of California students and the national average.

c. We cannot use this data to determine if there is a difference between the average math and verbal scores for all California students

FAQ: 9.73 Statistics on Large Sample Tests of Hypotheses?

1. What is a large sample test of hypothesis?

A large sample test of hypothesis is a statistical method used to determine whether a certain hypothesis is true or false based on a large sample of data. It involves calculating a test statistic and comparing it to a critical value to make a decision about the hypothesis.

2. Why is a large sample necessary for this type of test?

A large sample is necessary for a large sample test of hypothesis because it increases the accuracy and reliability of the results. With a larger sample size, the sample will better represent the population, reducing the chances of a biased or misleading conclusion.

3. How do you calculate the test statistic for a large sample test?

The test statistic for a large sample test of hypothesis is calculated by taking the difference between the sample mean and the hypothesized population mean, and dividing it by the standard error of the sample mean. This gives the z-score, which is then compared to a critical value from a z-table to make a decision about the hypothesis.

4. What is the significance level in a large sample test of hypothesis?

The significance level, denoted by α, is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true. It is typically set at 0.05 or 0.01, and the decision about the hypothesis is based on whether the calculated test statistic falls within the critical region, which is determined by the chosen significance level.

5. Can a large sample test of hypothesis be used for any type of data?

Yes, a large sample test of hypothesis can be used for any type of data as long as the data meets the assumptions of the test. These assumptions include having a random sample, a normal distribution, and independent observations. If these assumptions are met, then a large sample test of hypothesis can be used to make conclusions about the population based on the sample data.

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