9 Space Dimensions 2 Time Dimensions

In summary, according to string theory, there are 11 dimensions in the universe, and one of these extra dimensions is thought to be curled space dimensions, like in the book Elegant Universe by Douglas Greene. It is unclear if there are actually multiple time dimensions, but some physicists believe that this could be the dimension in which God exists.
  • #1
In string theory i know that many of the ideas revolve around their being 11 dimensions for the equations to work out, the extra 7 dimensions are normally said to be curled space dimensions such as Greene's flatland portrayed in his book with the extra dimensions that the worm could not sense, i was wondering if in fact instead of 3 space and 1 time that we can see, and the rest 7 being space dimensions could there not be multiple time dimensions such one would maybe correspond to where black wholes matter goes this would be keep the 2 law of thermo the argument that hawking and thorne have in check either way, and on a more theological expedition maybe the extra time dimensions could be god could be other past people einstein maybe even lol in another time dimension all around us. I just wondered if anyone i know greene speaks of it in Elegant universe but not very elaborately, wondered if anyone would care to share any ideas since I'm sure all of you know more about this than me. thanx
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  • #2
Some physicists have played around with multiple time dimensions, but AFAIK they haven't come up with anything very compelling to other theorists.
  • #3
1 time that we can see
Do we see or experience time?
  • #4

I don't think we actually see time, but we do experience it.. Aging is a great example of someone experiencing time...

Of course, I could be wrong as hell...
  • #5
Time out of time!

Deca-of-CD said:
I don't think we actually see time, but we do experience it.. Aging is a great example of someone experiencing time...

Of course, I could be wrong as hell...

Time exists outside of linear conceptions!
It neither flows nor does it pass!
It simply exists, as an all encompassing state our hubris cannot allow us to understand, since we are in it, not outside it!
  • #6
F-theory had like 10 spatial dimensions and 2 times I think.
  • #7
Where exactly are these extra space dimenions and why do we not feel them? For some strange reason i believe the dimensions they seek lie someplace else.
  • #8
They meet our four dimensional spacetime everywhere, at every point. Just as a two dimensional sheet of paper is connected to the third dimension at every point. We don't see the dimensions (according to string physics) becouse they are "compacted" into tiny shapes millions of times smaller than a proton.

FAQ: 9 Space Dimensions 2 Time Dimensions

What are 9 Space Dimensions and 2 Time Dimensions?

9 Space Dimensions and 2 Time Dimensions refer to a hypothetical concept within physics and mathematics that suggests there may be additional dimensions beyond the commonly known three dimensions of length, width, and height, and one dimension of time. These additional dimensions are theorized to exist beyond our perception and could help explain some phenomena that cannot be fully understood with our current understanding of the universe.

How do scientists study and understand these dimensions?

Scientists use various theoretical models and mathematical equations to explore the possibility of these dimensions. They also conduct experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider, to try and detect any evidence of these dimensions. However, as these dimensions are beyond our perception and current technology, they are still largely theoretical and not fully understood.

What is the significance of 9 Space Dimensions and 2 Time Dimensions?

If these dimensions were proven to exist, it would drastically change our understanding of the universe and how it operates. It could potentially help explain phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy, and provide a deeper understanding of gravity and the structure of the universe.

Could we ever access or experience these dimensions?

It is currently unknown if we could ever access or experience these dimensions. Some theories suggest that higher dimensions may be folded or compacted within the three-dimensional space we perceive, making them impossible to access. Others suggest that only certain beings or advanced technology could access these dimensions.

Are there other theories about the number of dimensions in our universe?

Yes, there are various theories about the number of dimensions in our universe, including the popular string theory which suggests there may be 10 or 11 dimensions, and the M-theory which suggests there may be an infinite number of dimensions. However, these theories are still highly debated and none have been proven to be true.

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