A banked roadway with static friction

In summary: Okay, thank you! I think I understand now. So, if I were to stop on a banked road, friction would keep me from sliding all the way down, correct?
  • #1

Homework Statement

A car rounds a banked curve. The radius of curvature of the road is R, the banking angle is θ, and the coefficient of static friction is μ.

a) Determine the range of speeds the car can have without slipping up or down the road.

Homework Equations

Newton's second law, as well as centripetal acceleration.

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm trying to conceptualize this problem. I saw a similar example with a banked road, except it didn't involve friction.

I've attached a picture of what I think the FBD of the car should look like.
My procedure involved a net forces equation in the y-direction and a net forces equation in the x-direction (which is also the "radial" direction, right?).

0 = n*sinθ - mg

Fx= m*a
m*a = n*sinθ + Fs*cosθ
m*v2/r = n*sinθ + μ*n*cosθ

I then isolated both equations for "n", then equated the two resulting expressions to each other to solve for v. I don't seem to be getting the correct expression in the end... Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? I suspect it has something to do with the way I've looked at the force of static friction, although I don't know for sure. Maybe I'm missing something conceptual...

Help would be greatly appreciated :)

Edited: Oh - I'm also unsure about the "ranges" aspect of this question. What's the difference between "slipping up" and "slipping down"? In my FBD, I don't seem to have a force that would result in "slipping up" since all point inwards/towards centre of the circle. I can only imagine "slipping down" to occur...


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  • #2
The force of friction has both x and y components.

The force of friction can act both up and down along the road, to prevent the car from slipping down or up, respectively.

  • #3
Whoops, thank you. Changing the equations...

0 = n*sinθ - mg - Fs*sinθ
0 = n*sinθ - mg - μ*n*sinθ

Fx= m*a
m*a = n*sinθ + Fs*cosθ
m*v2/r = n*sinθ + μ*n*cosθSo this set-up is correct for the net forces?
  • #4
shawli said:
0 = n*sinθ - mg - Fs*sinθ

It has to be cosθ.

  • #5
Thanks again! I end up with the correct expression for "minimum velocity", but I still don't quite understand what makes the difference between slipping up/slipping down.

In what case would friction be working "up" along the road? I can redraw my FBD to show that but I'm not sure what the car is actually doing in this moment... What force is acting on the car to make it so that friction acts from the opposite side?
  • #6
shawli said:
In what case would friction be working "up" along the road? I can redraw my FBD to show that but I'm not sure what the car is actually doing in this moment... What force is acting on the car to make it so that friction acts from the opposite side?

It is gravity. What happens if the car stops on a icy banked road? What would prevent it to slide down on the sloppy surface ?

It is dangerous to drive to slow as you slide inward. It is dangerous to drive to fast as you slide outward.


FAQ: A banked roadway with static friction

1. What is a banked roadway with static friction?

A banked roadway with static friction is a type of road design where the surface of the road is angled in such a way that it helps vehicles make turns more easily. It utilizes the force of static friction between the tires and the road surface to keep the vehicles from sliding off the road while making a turn.

2. How does a banked roadway with static friction work?

A banked roadway with static friction works by utilizing the force of static friction between the tires and the road surface to counteract the centrifugal force that acts on the vehicle while making a turn. The angle of the road surface helps to redirect the force of the vehicle towards the center of the turn, allowing it to make the turn more easily.

3. What are the benefits of using a banked roadway with static friction?

The main benefit of using a banked roadway with static friction is that it helps to make turns more easily and safely for vehicles. This can reduce the risk of accidents and increase the overall efficiency of the road, as vehicles can maintain their speed while making turns without sliding off the road.

4. What factors are considered when designing a banked roadway with static friction?

When designing a banked roadway with static friction, factors such as the speed of the vehicles using the road, the radius of the turns, and the weight of the vehicles are all taken into consideration. The angle of the road surface is also carefully calculated to ensure that the force of static friction is sufficient to keep the vehicles from sliding off the road.

5. Are there any disadvantages of using a banked roadway with static friction?

One potential disadvantage of using a banked roadway with static friction is that it may not be suitable for all types of vehicles. For example, vehicles with a high center of gravity may not be able to take advantage of the banked roadway and may still be at risk of sliding off the road while making a turn. Additionally, the cost of designing and constructing a banked roadway may be higher compared to a flat roadway.

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