A baseball's movement when considering air drag

In summary: Good luck!In summary, a baseball with a mass of 0.145 kg is thrown directly upward with an initial speed of 45 m/s and experiences air drag with a constant of 0.0013 Ns2/m2. The differential equation for the ball's movement is set up and solved for both v(t) and z(t). The maximum height reached is 58.4 m after 3.16 seconds and it takes a total of 21.78 seconds to return to the Earth, with a total distance of 191.2 meters. The book's answers are incorrect, but the analysis of the problem is correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A baseball, with mass m = 0.145 kg, is thrown directly upward from z(0) = 0 m, with initial speed v(0) = 45 m/s. The air drag on the ball is given by Cv2, C = 0.0013 Ns2/m2. Set up a diff. eq. for the ball's movement and solve it for both v(t) and z(t).

m = 0.145 kg
C = 0.0013 Ns2/m2
g = 9.81 m/s2
v(0) = 45 m/s
z(0) = 0 m

Homework Equations

F = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]m \cdot \frac{\mathrm{d}v}{\mathrm{d}t} = -mg-Cv^2[/tex]

[tex]\frac{\mathrm{d}v}{v^2 + \frac{mg}{C}} = -\frac{C}{m}\mathrm{d}t[/tex]

[tex]-\frac{C}{m}t = \sqrt{\frac{C}{mg}}\arctan(\sqrt{\frac{C}{mg}}v) + A[/tex]

[tex]V(t) = \sqrt{\frac{mg}{C}}\tan(-\sqrt{\frac{Cg}{m}}t - B)[/tex]

[tex]V(0) = \sqrt{\frac{mg}{C}}\tan(-B) = 45 m/s \Rightarrow B = -0.94[/tex]

[tex]V(t) = \sqrt{\frac{mg}{C}}\tan(-\sqrt{\frac{Cg}{m}}t + 0.94)[/tex]

The ball is supposed to reach its maximum height after 3.36 s, according to the book. However, when I set v(t) = 0, I get this:

[tex]\sqrt{\frac{mg}{C}}\tan(-\sqrt{\frac{Cg}{m}}t + 0.94) = 0[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{\frac{Cg}{m}}t = -B \Rightarrow t = -B \cdot \sqrt{\frac{m}{Cg}} = 3.17 s[/tex]

Maple gives me the same answer.

What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
What you are doing wrong is that you are evaluating the indefinite integrals first, then try to apply the initial conditions. The correct way to do it is as shown below. Then v0 will find its proper place.

\int^{v}_{v_{0}}\frac{\mathrm{d}u}{u^2 + \frac{mg}{C}} = -\int^{t}_{0}\frac{C}{m}\mathrm{d}t'
  • #3
I still get the same result.

[tex]\int^v_{v_0} \frac{\mathrm{d}u}{u^2 + \frac{mg}{C}} = \sqrt {{\frac {C}{mg}}} \left( \arctan \left( \sqrt {{\frac {C}{mg}}}v
_{{0}} \right) -\arctan \left( \sqrt {{\frac {C}{mg}}}v \right)

If you then let
[tex]B = -\arctan (\sqrt{{\frac {C}{mg}}}v_{{0}}),[/tex]
you get what I had to begin with.
  • #4
You are right. If it is any consolation, I checked the numbers according to the last result above and my answer is 3.16 s. There may be a typo in the book, but I think that your analysis of this problem is correct and that there is very little left to learn from it.
  • #5
I have the same result of 3.16 seconds.
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  • #6
I have the same result of 3.16 seconds. I also have the result of 21.78 seconds to return to the Earth and a total height of 191.2 meters.

If by "total" you mean "maximum" height, then I think the number is too large. Without air resistance the maximum height v02/2g = 103.3 m.
  • #7
Since air resistance is taken into account in the calculation of the time of 3.16 seconds how could the distance be incorrect?

It would seem that you could use the standard equation

x(t) = x(0) + V(0) * t + 1/2*a*t^2

to determine the maximum height. Otherwise, it would seem you are "doubling up" on the air resistance.

Correct me if I am wrong.

  • #8
The kinematic equation is valid only if the acceleration is constant. In this problem it is not. It is velocity-dependent and given by

a = -g - Cv2

One needs to integrate the expression for v(t) to get x(t) then evaluate this last result at the the time of 3.16 s. If I did this correctly, the maximum height reached is 58.4 m. To calculate the time the ball takes to come down, one needs to solve the diff. eq. again because the resistive force changes sign relative to gravity.
  • #9

I agree with the above. I starting thinking the same as I drove into work this morning.

  • #10
The answers in the book are wrong, apparently, so there's no problem after all. Thanks anyway!
  • #11
The consolation is that you know how to do the problem. It has nothing left to teach you.

Related to A baseball's movement when considering air drag

What is air drag and how does it affect a baseball's movement?

Air drag is the force that opposes the motion of an object through air. In the case of a baseball, air drag causes it to slow down and change direction as it travels through the air. This is due to the interaction between the air molecules and the surface of the ball.

How does the density of the air affect a baseball's movement?

The density of the air plays a significant role in determining the amount of air drag experienced by a baseball. The denser the air, the greater the air drag force, and the more it will slow down the ball. This is why baseballs tend to travel further in high altitude environments where the air is less dense.

What is the Magnus effect and how does it impact a baseball's movement?

The Magnus effect is a phenomenon where a spinning object experiences a force perpendicular to the direction of motion. In the case of a baseball, the spin of the ball creates a pressure difference between the top and bottom of the ball, causing it to curve in the direction of the spin. This can be seen in the movement of a curveball or a slider.

How does the speed of a baseball affect the amount of air drag it experiences?

The speed of a baseball has a direct relationship with the amount of air drag it experiences. As the speed increases, so does the amount of air drag. This means that a faster pitch will experience more air drag, causing it to slow down more quickly compared to a slower pitch.

What factors can influence the amount of air drag on a baseball?

Aside from air density and speed, other factors that can influence the amount of air drag on a baseball include the surface roughness of the ball, the shape of the ball, and the direction of the wind. These factors can all affect the interaction between the ball and the air molecules, leading to changes in the ball's movement.

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