A compact, B closed Disjoint subsets of Metric Space then d(A,B)=0

In summary: However, it might be helpful to clarify that the subsequences {a_n_k} and {b_n_j} are chosen such that d(a_n_k, b_n_j) is close to c (within a small distance), so that the limit of d(a_n_k, b_n_j) is also c. This then shows that there are points a and b in A and B respectively with d(a,b)=c.
  • #1
Hi, All:
Let X be a metric space and let A be a compact subset of X, B a closed subset of X. I am trying to show this implies that d(A,B)=0.
Please critique my proof:

First, we define d(A,B) as inf{d(a,b): a in A, b in B}. We then show that compactness of A forces the existence of a in A with d(a,B)=0 (note that A,B both closed is not enough; a counterexample is given by S={(x,0)} and S':={(x,1/x):x>0}, both in $\mathbb R$.

If d(A,B)=0, then there are sequences ${a_n}$ in A and ${b_n}$ in B such that
$d(a_n,b_n)<1/n$. Since A is compact+metric (as a closed subset of X-metric), there
exists a subsequence $a_{n_k}$ of ${a_n}$ with $a_{n_k}$-->a (since A is compact and X is Hausdorff--on golf :) -- A is also closed, so that a is in A ). Then a_{n_k} is Cauchy, there is an integer j with :

$d(a_{n_k}, a)$< 1/2n for j>k,m


$d(b_{n_k},a_{n_k})$ <1/2n , j>k

By triangle inequality, for every index a_{n_k} with k> j , we have $d(b_{n_k},a)<1/n

so that d(a,B)=0 .

But in a compact metric space X, the closure of a subset B consists of the set of points {x} in X with d(x,B)=0 , so a is in the closure of B. But B is closed to start with, so a belongs to both A,B, contradicting the assumption that A,B are disjoint.
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  • #2
Your proof seems good. An other way is the following: prove that the map [tex]x\mapsto \inf_{b\in B}\, d(x,b)[/tex] is continuous, and use the fact that a continuous function on a compact gets its min. Since A and B are disjoint, this min is positive and you can conclude.
  • #3
Bacle said:
Hi, All:
Let X be a metric space and let A be a compact subset of X, B a closed subset of X. I am trying to show this implies that d(A,B)=0.

Certainly you meant [itex]d(A,B)\neq 0[/itex]??

Your proof seems to be ok...
  • #4
Thanks, Both; a followup, please:

I wonder if we can extend the argument to show that if A,B are disjoint compact subsets of X metric, and d(A,B)=c >0 , then there are points a,b in A,B respectively,
with d(a,b)=c, i.e., the distance value is actually reached:

We use again the sequences {a_n}, {b_n}, so that d(a_n,b_n)<1/n , and then there are respective subsequences {a_n_k} and {b_n_j} of {a_n},{b_n} respectively, with
{a_n}->a and {b_n}->b , so that d(a,B)=d(A,b)=c.
  • #5
Bacle said:
Thanks, Both; a followup, please:

I wonder if we can extend the argument to show that if A,B are disjoint compact subsets of X metric, and d(A,B)=c >0 , then there are points a,b in A,B respectively,
with d(a,b)=c, i.e., the distance value is actually reached:

We use again the sequences {a_n}, {b_n}, so that d(a_n,b_n)<1/n , and then there are respective subsequences {a_n_k} and {b_n_j} of {a_n},{b_n} respectively, with
{a_n}->a and {b_n}->b , so that d(a,B)=d(A,b)=c.

That's good!

Related to A compact, B closed Disjoint subsets of Metric Space then d(A,B)=0

1. What does it mean for subsets A and B to be "compact" and "closed" in a metric space?

In a metric space, a subset A is considered compact if every open cover of A has a finite subcover, meaning that there exists a finite set of open sets that cover A. A subset B is considered closed if its complement in the metric space is open.

2. How is the distance between two disjoint subsets A and B in a metric space defined?

The distance between two disjoint subsets A and B in a metric space is defined as the infimum (greatest lower bound) of all possible distances between any point in A and any point in B.

3. Why is it important for A and B to be disjoint in the statement "A compact, B closed Disjoint subsets of Metric Space then d(A,B)=0"?

The disjointness of A and B is important because it ensures that the infimum of the distances between any point in A and any point in B is not influenced by any points that may be shared between the two subsets. This allows for a more precise definition of the distance between A and B.

4. Is the converse of the statement "A compact, B closed Disjoint subsets of Metric Space then d(A,B)=0" true?

No, the converse of this statement is not necessarily true. Just because the distance between two disjoint subsets A and B in a metric space is equal to 0, it does not necessarily mean that A is compact and B is closed. There may be other factors at play that contribute to the distance being 0.

5. How does the result "d(A,B)=0" impact the topology of the metric space?

The result "d(A,B)=0" indicates that the distance between the two disjoint subsets A and B is very small, if not 0. This can have implications for the topology of the metric space, as it suggests that A and B may be close to each other or even overlap in some way. It also highlights the importance of considering disjointness when discussing distances between subsets in a metric space.

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