A concept of time with the future as an emergent property

In summary, the conversation discussed a YouTube video about a theory of time as a physical process supported by mathematics. The video suggests that time is formed by the absorption and emission of light photons and that consciousness is the most advanced part of this process. However, the conversation also questioned the validity of the video, as it was found on YouTube and lacked credible sources. It was advised to rely on textbooks and reliable sources for studying physics rather than pseudoscience on the internet. Overall, the video was deemed as junk and not worth watching.
  • #1
Rodrigo Cesar
I was watching a video on youtube with a theory of time, the video explains 'Time' as a physical process supported by mathematics)
I want to know what you think about this? Pseudoscience, or have any validity?

"Could the future be an emergent interactive property with 'time' formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy? A continuous process of energy exchange that forms the ever changing world of our everyday life. The Universe is a continuum with the future coming into existence photon by photon with each new photon electron coupling or dipole moment. This forms the movement of positive and negative charge with the continuous flow of electromagnetic fields. Consciousness in the form of electrical activity in the brain is the most advanced part of this process and can therefore comprehend this process as 'time'. With a past that has gone forever and a future that is always uncertain in the form of a probability function or quantum wave particle function that is explained mathematically by Schrödinger's wave equation Ψ. Therefore each individual is in the centre of their own reference frame as an interactive part of this process being able to look back in time in all directions at the beauty of the stars! It is this personalization of the brain being in ‘the moment of now’ in the center of its own reference frame that gives us the concept of ‘mind’ with each one of us having our own personal view of the beauty and uncertainty of life. At the smallest scale of this process this uncertainty is seen as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ∆×∆p×≥h/4π with the Planck constant ħ=h/2π being a constant of action in the dynamics of space and time!"
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I was watching a video on youtube with a theory of time, the video explains 'Time' as a physical process supported by mathematics)
I want to know what you think about this? Pseudoscience, or have any validity?
... it is on youtube, therefore it starts out in the junk category and needs some heavy-lifting to be considered worthy of a further look. Why would anyone think it isn't junk?
What sort of video is it - i.e. is it; off someones vlog, a recording from a TV program (seems likely: which program, when did it air, which station?), from a college lecture series, or something else?

Note - the quoted passage is a bit of poetic nonsense and does not actually mean anything.
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  • #3
First of all: Always provide references. Do not simply state "I watched a YouTube movie". Link it! Otherwise we have absolutely no reference.

Second: The internet is full of crap. In particular YouTube and other sources where anyone can upload anything. Be very sceptical with anything that is not from an accredited source.
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  • #4
Source: watch?v=qvTgSJAMtOU

sorry, I'm a non phycisist, I'm studying physics, and I end up reading too much pseudoscience on the Internet .. I just want to make sure
  • #5
Thanks for the link - it's junk.
  • #6
Rodrigo Cesar said:
I'm studying physics

If you are studying physics you should know the value of not getting carried away with pop-sci stuff or pure <<Moderator note: Self censorship>>. Instead, do it the good way, study what is in textbooks and given in courses and what you can find through reliable sources. YouTube is not a reliable source.

Regarding the video itself, the very first words give it away as a pure crackpot: "I am on the www promoting my theory on the physics of time ..."
The choice of user name is also a dead give away: "An artist theory on the physics of 'Time' as a physical process. Quantum Atom Theory"
  • #7
I ended up watching unintentionally this video
thanks for the answers!
  • #8
A good thing to keep in mind is at 2:39:

This is one of a small percentage of YouTube videos worth watching.

Related to A concept of time with the future as an emergent property

1. What is the concept of time with the future as an emergent property?

The concept of time with the future as an emergent property suggests that time is not a fixed entity, but rather a fluid and dynamic concept that is constantly evolving. The future is seen as an emergent property of time, meaning that it is not predetermined or set in stone, but rather emerges based on the choices and actions taken in the present.

2. How does this concept differ from traditional views of time?

Traditional views of time often see it as a linear progression from past to present to future, with the future being predetermined and fixed. However, the concept of time with the future as an emergent property challenges this notion by suggesting that the future is not predetermined, but rather influenced by the choices and actions taken in the present.

3. What evidence supports this concept of time?

There is no definitive evidence that supports this concept of time, as it is still a philosophical and theoretical concept. However, some scientific theories, such as quantum mechanics, suggest that the future is not predetermined and can be influenced by the present. Additionally, the concept aligns with many philosophical and spiritual beliefs about the fluidity of time.

4. How does this concept impact our understanding of the future?

This concept of time challenges the idea that the future is fixed and predetermined. It suggests that our actions and choices in the present can shape and influence the future. This can have a profound impact on our understanding of free will and the power of the present moment.

5. Can this concept of time be applied in practical ways?

While this concept of time may have profound implications for our understanding of the universe, it is not easily applicable in practical ways. It is still a theoretical concept and has not yet been proven or tested in a practical setting. However, it can be used as a thought experiment to challenge traditional notions of time and explore the possibilities of the future.

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