A connected ordered set in the order topology

In summary, the conversation discusses the conditions for a set X to be a linear continuum, which includes having more than one element, the least upper bound property, and for any x, y in X, there exists an element z between them. It also discusses the contrapositive statement that if X is not a linear continuum, then it is disconnected. The attempt at a solution explores the different conditions and how they relate to X being connected.
  • #1
Homework Helper

Homework Statement

This seems very simple, that's why I want to check it.

Let X be an ordered set in the order topology. If X is connected, then X is a linear continuum.

The Attempt at a Solution

An ordered set is a set with an order relation "<" which is antireflexive, transitive, and satisfies, for any x, y, either x < y or x > y.

First of all, X cannot be finite. Since if it were, we could find two nonempty, disjoint open intervals whose union would equal X. So, X is infinite.

A linear continuum is a set with more than one element, with the least upper bound property, and the property that for any x, y in it, there is an element z such that x < z < y.

Clearly, an infinite set has more than one element.

Let x, y be two elements of X. If there were no element between x and y, X would be disconnected. So, there must be some element z such that x < z < y.

Let A be a non empty subset of X which is bounded above, i.e. for all x in A, x < M. If there were no elements of X between x and M, X would be disconnected. So, there exists some element x1 such that x < x1 < M. The same holds for x1 and M. Hence, for any neighbourhood of M (i.e. an open interval containing M), there exists some xn which is contained in the interval, which shows that M is the least upper bound for A.

Hence, X is a linear continuum.
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  • #2
radou said:
Let A be a non empty subset of X which is bounded above, i.e. for all x in A, x < M. If there were no elements of X between x and M, X would be disconnected. So, there exists some element x1 such that x < x1 < M. The same holds for x1 and M. Hence, for any neighbourhood of M (i.e. an open interval containing M), there exists some xn which is contained in the interval, which shows that M is the least upper bound for A.

M is just an arbitrary upper bound. The probability that it's the least upper bound is approximately zero. In particular the part where you started talking about neighborhoods of M is where you went off track.

This is probably best approached by contrapositive: If X is not a linear continuum, show X is disconnected. A general rule of thumb is that the property of being connected is hard to work with (because it's a statement about non-existence), whereas "not connected" is a lot easier
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  • #3
OK, here's another atempt.

So, the contrapositive statement is: "If X is not a linear continuum, then X is disconnected."

X is not a linear continuum if it does not satisfy at least one of these:

i) X has more than one element
ii) X has the least upper bound property
iii) for any x, y in X there exists some z between x and y

i) trivial, since a set with only one element can't possibly connected
iii) assume this doesn't hold. then there exist x, y such that there is no z between them. then <-∞, x> U <y, +∞> disconnects X.
ii) I'm not sure about this one.

Let A be a nonempty subset of X, and let M be its upper bound, so that x <= M, for all x in A. x cannot possibly equal M, for any x in A, since then it couldn't not satisfy the least upper bound property, since then for this very x there would be some upper bound M1 such that M1 < M and M1 < x. So, x < M, for all x in A.

Let's see what A looks like. It is an interval, either of the form <-∞, d> or <e, f>, or some union of such intervals. Does A U X\A disconnect X? Well, A is nonempty, open, X\A is nonempty too, since it contains the upper bounds for A. Can X\A be written (assume now that A = <-∞, f> for simplicity, the other cases are quite obvious too) as <f, +∞>? I claim that f is no upper bound for A. Since if it were, f1, would be too, and then A would be equal <-∞, f1>, which it isn't, specially because iii) holds. Does this work?
  • #4
Any thoughts?

FAQ: A connected ordered set in the order topology

1. What is a connected ordered set?

A connected ordered set is a mathematical structure that combines the properties of both a set and an ordered set. It is a set in which the elements are arranged in a specific order, and the order is preserved even when the elements are connected or linked together.

2. What is the order topology?

The order topology is a way of defining a topology on an ordered set. It takes into account the order of the elements in the set and defines open sets as intervals between certain elements. This topology allows for a notion of continuity and convergence to be defined on the ordered set.

3. How does the order topology differ from other topologies?

The order topology is different from other topologies in that it takes into account the order of the elements in the set. In other topologies, the open sets are defined based on neighborhoods or distances between points, while in the order topology, the open sets are defined as intervals between certain elements.

4. What is the importance of connectedness in the order topology?

Connectedness is an important concept in the order topology because it allows for the study of continuity and convergence on the ordered set. A connected ordered set is one in which there are no gaps or breaks in the order, and this property allows for the definition of continuous functions and the convergence of sequences in the topology.

5. Can a disconnected ordered set exist in the order topology?

No, a disconnected ordered set cannot exist in the order topology. If a set is disconnected, it means that it can be divided into two non-empty and non-overlapping subsets. In the order topology, this would imply that there are gaps or breaks in the order of the set, which goes against the definition of a connected ordered set.
