A de Sitter like Universe with matter

In summary, the de Sitter model is a model of the Universe with zero matter density, zero pressure, and zero spatial curvature, but a non-zero cosmological constant. It describes an accelerating empty universe. However, this model contradicts observations as we know there is matter in the Universe. Another model, with negative pressure equal to the energy density of matter and no explicit cosmological constant, also describes an accelerating universe and is in agreement with observations. This model suggests that the negative pressure is associated with the particles of matter themselves, rather than the background space. However, it is important to note that our own universe has a significant amount of matter with no pressure on cosmological scales. The idea of excess pressure from zero-point gluon fields
  • #1
As I understand it the de Sitter model is a model of the Universe with:

rho = matter density = rho = 0

p = pressure = 0

k = spatial curvature = 0

cosmological constant = Lambda = non zero

Putting these values in the Friedmann equations one finds the solution for the scale factor a(t) is:

a(t) = exp( sqrt(Lambda c^2/3) * t)

This describes an accelerating empty universe with a non-zero cosmological constant.

Although this model has the right deceleration parameter q = -1 it is contrary to observations as we know there is matter in the Universe.

Now consider the following model:

p = - rho c^2

k = 0

Plugging these values into the Friedmann equations we find we are left with the following equation for the scale factor a:

a'^2 = a a''

This also has the solution:

a(t) = exp(H * t)


H^2 = 8 Pi G rho' / 3

where rho' = rho + Lambda c^2

Now this model describes a matter-filled accelerating Universe with no explicit cosmological constant provided that the equation of state of the matter is:

p = -rho c^2

Is this right?

Does this latter model describe the present Universe provided that p = -rho c^2 holds for present day matter?

In this model the negative pressure is associated with the particles of matter themselves rather than having a cosmological constant that is associated with the background space.

Perhaps the negative pressure is a zero-point energy phenomenon holding the individual particles of matter together (in the same manner as the Casimir effect pushes conducting plates together).
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Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
The http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_field_equations" .
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  • #3
johne1618 said:
As I understand it the de Sitter model is a model of the Universe with:

rho = matter density = rho = 0

p = pressure = 0

k = spatial curvature = 0

cosmological constant = Lambda = non zero

Putting these values in the Friedmann equations one finds the solution for the scale factor a(t) is:

a(t) = exp( sqrt(Lambda c^2/3) * t)

This describes an accelerating empty universe with a non-zero cosmological constant.

Although this model has the right deceleration parameter q = -1 it is contrary to observations as we know there is matter in the Universe.

Now consider the following model:

p = - rho c^2

k = 0

Plugging these values into the Friedmann equations we find we are left with the following equation for the scale factor a:

a'^2 = a a''

This also has the solution:

a(t) = exp(H * t)


H^2 = 8 Pi G rho' / 3

where rho' = rho + Lambda c^2

Now this model describes a matter-filled accelerating Universe with no explicit cosmological constant provided that the equation of state of the matter is:

p = -rho c^2

Is this right?

Does this latter model describe the present Universe provided that p = -rho c^2 holds for present day matter?

In this model the negative pressure is associated with the particles of matter themselves rather than having a cosmological constant that is associated with the background space.

Perhaps the negative pressure is a zero-point energy phenomenon holding the individual particles of matter together (in the same manner as the Casimir effect pushes conducting plates together).
There's no difference between an empty universe with a cosmological constant and a universe that is filled only with matter that has negative pressure equal to its energy density. They are just two different ways of describing the same thing.

Just bear in mind that our own universe has quite a bit of normal matter that has no pressure on cosmological scales.
  • #4
Chalnoth said:
There's no difference between an empty universe with a cosmological constant and a universe that is filled only with matter that has negative pressure equal to its energy density. They are just two different ways of describing the same thing.

Just bear in mind that our own universe has quite a bit of normal matter that has no pressure on cosmological scales.

Maybe each baryon of normal and dark matter is held together by the excess pressure of zero-point gluon fields outside the particle. Thus there would be a region of negative pressure hiding inside every baryon in the Universe.
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  • #5
johne1618 said:
Maybe each baryon of normal and dark matter is held together by the excess pressure of zero-point gluon fields outside the particle. Thus there would be a region of negative pressure hiding inside every baryon in the Universe.
But then matter wouldn't collapse and form structures.
  • #6
Good point - I'll have to think about that one!

FAQ: A de Sitter like Universe with matter

1. What is a de Sitter-like universe with matter?

A de Sitter-like universe with matter is a theoretical model of the universe that is based on the de Sitter space-time, which is a solution to Einstein's equations of general relativity. This model assumes that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and is filled with matter, such as dark matter and dark energy.

2. How does a de Sitter-like universe with matter differ from a standard de Sitter universe?

In a standard de Sitter universe, there is no matter present and the expansion is driven solely by the cosmological constant. In a de Sitter-like universe with matter, the expansion is also affected by the presence of matter, which can either contribute to or counteract the effects of the cosmological constant.

3. What evidence supports the existence of a de Sitter-like universe with matter?

Observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the large-scale structure of the universe, and the accelerating expansion of the universe all provide evidence for the existence of a de Sitter-like universe with matter. These observations are consistent with the predictions of the model and support the idea that the universe is filled with both matter and dark energy.

4. Can a de Sitter-like universe with matter explain the origin of the universe?

No, a de Sitter-like universe with matter does not provide an explanation for the origin of the universe. It is simply a model that describes the current state and evolution of the universe based on our current understanding of physics. The origin of the universe is still a topic of ongoing research and debate.

5. How does a de Sitter-like universe with matter affect our understanding of the fate of the universe?

A de Sitter-like universe with matter suggests that the universe will continue to expand at an accelerating rate, eventually leading to a "big freeze" scenario in which all matter and energy become too spread out to support life. However, this is still a subject of ongoing research and our understanding of the fate of the universe may change as we continue to gather more data and refine our models.

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