A few questions about a ring of polynomials over a field K

In summary: You've already shown that it's a divisor of 1. The other thing you need to show is that it's not zero. But it can't be zero, since ##x=p_x d## and ##p_x## is a polynomial, so the order of ##x## is 1.After that, you need to show that, for the same reason, if ##y=p_y d##, then the order of ##d## is also 1. Since ##d## is a unit, it must be of the form ##a x + b y##, which is the content of (b).
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the ring of polynomails in two variables over a field K:

[itex]R=K[x,y] [/itex]

a)Show the elements x and y are relatively prime

b) Show that it is not possible to write [itex]1=p(x,y)x+q(x,y)y [/itex]with [itex]p,q \in R [/itex]

c) Show R is not a principle ideal domain

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I'd like to give an attempt, but I have no idea on how to start.

I know that two elements a,b are relatively prime if the only integer that divides them is 1.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
For (a) you need to show that if ##x=p_x d## and ##y=p_y d## where ##p_x,p_y,d## are polynomials over K then ##d=1##.

Write each of the three polynomials as a finite sum of allowable terms, eg ##p_x=\sum_{i=0}^{m_x} \sum_{j=0}^{n_x} a_{ij}x^iy^j##.

Then multiply out and equate coefficients.

By the way, what is the meaning of ##p(x,y)## and ##q(x,y)## in (b)?
  • #3
andrewkirk said:
For (a) you need to show that if ##x=p_x d## and ##y=p_y d## where ##p_x,p_y,d## are polynomials over K then ##d=1##.

Write each of the three polynomials as a finite sum of allowable terms, eg ##p_x=\sum_{i=0}^{m_x} \sum_{j=0}^{n_x} a_{ij}x^iy^j##.

Then multiply out and equate coefficients.

By the way, what is the meaning of ##p(x,y)## and ##q(x,y)## in (b)?
Hmm, ok. I see what I can do. Thanks!

p(x,y) and q(x,y) are polynomials in terms of x and y
  • #4
DeldotB said:
p(x,y) and q(x,y) are polynomials in terms of x and y
Then they need to put more constraints on them for (b) to be true, because p(x,y)=1, q(x,y)=0 are two such polynomials that satisfy the equation. They are zero-order, but still polynomials.
  • #5
ohh sorry, that's my bad, let me edit it...
  • #6
Which terms do I equate? When the polynomials are expanded it looks pretty bad...
  • #7
First try to prove that the ##order(pq)=order(p)+order(q)##, where ##order(f)## for polynomial ##f## is the highest sum of exponents. This is very easy for polynomials in a single variable. It's slightly harder for polynomials in two variables, but still very doable. Focus on the terms with the highest order in each of the two polynomials, but note that there may be more than one such term in each of them (eg ##x^2+xy+y^2##).

Once you have that, you know that if ##x=p_x d## the order of one of the factors must be 1 and that of the other must be zero. A polynomial of order zero is a constant, which is a unit (divisor of 1) in the ring of polynomials. That's all you need. Above, where I said in post #2 that you need to show that ##d=1##, I should have said you need to show that ##d## is a unit.

Related to A few questions about a ring of polynomials over a field K

What is a ring of polynomials over a field K?

A ring of polynomials over a field K is a mathematical structure that consists of polynomials with coefficients from the field K, along with operations of addition and multiplication. It forms a commutative ring, meaning the order of multiplication does not matter, and is closed under addition and multiplication.

How is a ring of polynomials over a field K different from a polynomial ring?

A ring of polynomials over a field K is a specific type of polynomial ring. While a polynomial ring can have coefficients from any ring, a ring of polynomials over a field K specifically has coefficients from a field K. This means that the polynomials in the ring have more properties and can be manipulated in different ways.

What is the significance of a ring of polynomials over a field K in mathematics?

A ring of polynomials over a field K is used extensively in many areas of mathematics, including algebra, number theory, and algebraic geometry. It allows for the study of polynomials and their properties in a more general and abstract setting, leading to deeper insights and applications.

Can a ring of polynomials over a field K have more than one variable?

Yes, a ring of polynomials over a field K can have more than one variable. In fact, it is common for such a ring to have multiple variables, such as x and y. This allows for the study of polynomials in multiple dimensions and is important in fields such as algebraic geometry.

How is the degree of a polynomial in a ring of polynomials over a field K determined?

The degree of a polynomial in a ring of polynomials over a field K is determined by the highest power of the variable in the polynomial. For example, the degree of the polynomial 3x^2 + 5x + 2 in the ring of polynomials over a field K with variable x is 2.

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