A fix for the Cosmological Constant problem?

In summary, the conversation discusses the discrepancy between the calculated value of vacuum energy from quantum field theory and observed cosmological constant, and suggests that this may be due to the use of a non-expanding metric in the calculation. It is also mentioned that a holographic and entropic viewpoint may provide a natural explanation for the small value of the vacuum energy. The conversation also touches on the idea that both quantum field theory and general relativity may be approximations and that incorporating time is important in understanding the universe.
  • #1
I hear that the calculated value of the vacuum energy using QFT is 120 orders of magnitude more than what is observed for the cosmological constant (or vacuum energy). But I wonder if this calculation was done in a very slow locally expanding spacetime. Or was it done with a strictly non-expanding metric? Perhaps when the QFT calculation is done in a very slowly expanding spacetime metric that the calculation might come out more equal to observation. Perhaps the small value of the differential expansion factor ends up multiplying the result and lowers it by 120 orders of magnitude.

Anyone have any insight into these things? Thanks.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

This is no longer such a mystery. In

Padmanabhan's papers

it is explained how the small number is natural from a certain holographic point of view. Moreover, an analysis of the type IA supernovae data based on a similar entropic viewpoint, made by

L. Riofrio

shows good agreement with the data. These are semiclassical pictures for which it is important to view the cosmos from a quantum informational perspective in terms of observer horizons - no magically concrete spacetime.

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  • #3
Kea said:

This is no longer such a mystery. In

Padmanabhan's papers

it is explained how the small number is natural from a certain holographic point of view. Moreover, an analysis of the type IA supernovae data based on a similar entropic viewpoint, made by
Sorry, but I'm not able to open this type of file. Can you point me to a free application that opens these types of files? Thanks.

Off hand I would think that holographic and entropic view points seem to be global consideration and do not seem to address the local QFT calculation of the matter. Does this sound right to you?

L. Riofrio

shows good agreement with the data. These are semiclassical pictures for which it is important to view the cosmos from a quantum informational perspective in terms of observer horizons - no magically concrete spacetime.

There does not seem to be a date of publication on this paper. Can you tell me how old it is? Do I read this right in that it is saying there is no acceleration in the expansion of the universe as was first suggested by the '98 supernovae data because the speed of light has changed over time? This seems quite controversal. Can you tell me what kind of reception this paper or authors have gotten? Thanks.
  • #4
The 120M energy density problem is a quantum theory anomaly, and example of where QT predictions butt heads with GR. Since energy and mass are interchangeable under GR, the QT predicted energy density of the vacuum would result in a closed universe - and one that collapsed a long time ago at that. This, IMO, is symptomatic of a larger problem with QFT - it does not incorporate time. QFT breaks down at macroscopic scales just as GR does in the quantum realm. I think it suggests both models are approximations. I do, however, very much doubt it is possible to quantize gravity via renormalization as usual procedures. I lean toward GR as closer to correct. A universe without time is unphysical, IMO.
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Related to A fix for the Cosmological Constant problem?

1. What is the Cosmological Constant problem?

The Cosmological Constant problem, also known as the "vacuum energy problem," refers to the discrepancy between the theoretically predicted value of the cosmological constant (a term in Einstein's equations of general relativity that describes the energy density of empty space) and the observed value of the universe's expansion rate.

2. Why is the Cosmological Constant problem important?

The Cosmological Constant problem is important because it is one of the biggest challenges in modern physics. Solving this problem would not only help us understand the fundamental nature of the universe, but it could also lead to a more complete theory of gravity and potentially revolutionize our understanding of physics.

3. What are some proposed solutions to the Cosmological Constant problem?

Some proposed solutions include the introduction of new physics, such as the existence of a new type of particle or a modification of general relativity. Another approach is to consider the cosmological constant as a dynamical quantity that changes over time, rather than a constant value.

4. How do scientists test and measure the cosmological constant?

Scientists measure the cosmological constant by using astronomical observations, such as the expansion rate of the universe and the distribution of matter and energy. They also use data from cosmic microwave background radiation and supernovae to determine the value of the cosmological constant.

5. Can the Cosmological Constant problem ever be fully solved?

At this time, it is not known if the Cosmological Constant problem can be fully solved. However, scientists continue to work on various theories and experiments in hopes of finding a solution. It is possible that with further advancements in technology and understanding, we may one day have a complete understanding of the cosmological constant and its role in the universe.

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