A Girl with an X-ray vision and Pravda

In summary, the conversation discusses the reliability of Pravda as a news source and mentions a story about a girl with a unique gift of "dual vision" in discerning internal organs. The conversation also includes a sarcastic remark about the source and a mention of a previous fringe story from Pravda about high-speed helicopters. The participants agree that Pravda is not a reliable source and often publishes fringe stories.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Does anyone remember when Pravda only told the government's lies? I am posting this as a reminder that IMHO, Pravda is not a valid news source.

Moscow's medical workers discovered a magnificent gift of a sixteen-year-old girl Natalya Demkina from Saransk. The girl possesses "dual vision". She is capable of discerning a person's internal organs without using X-ray or ultrasound...

...Despite a number of experiments and thorough medical examinations, the girl's gift still needs to be backed up by scientific evidences and facts. Today, the girl hopes that scientists will notice her and conduct all the necessary experiments.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Seems awfully freaky to me. The only thing that comes to mind is a superhero.
  • #3
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I am posting this as a reminder that IMHO, Pravda is not a valid news source.
Thanks for alerting us to the danger. Since I, and all my acquaintainces read Pravda religiously every day we may well have otherwise fallen into their snare of misinformation.
  • #4

Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Thanks for alerting us to the danger. Since I, and all my acquaintainces read Pravda religiously every day we may well have otherwise fallen into their snare of misinformation.

Well I'm not surprised. Is this where you came up with your secret high speed Iranian helicopters that can out run an F4 fighter jet; and then land on another secret high speed craft that is in flight and that can also out run an F4?

Pravda is a common source for fringe stories. Many people don't realize that this is no longer a mainstream publication.
  • #5

Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Well I'm not surprised. Is this where you came up with your secret high speed Iranian helicopters that can out run an F4 fighter jet; and then land on another secret high speed craft that is in flight and that can also out run an F4?
Who said they were Iranian helecopters?
Pravda is a common source for fringe stories. Many people don't realize that this is no longer a mainstream publication.
As you pointed out Pravda was never considered a reliable source of any kind of information.
  • #6

Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Who said they were Iranian helecopters?


As you pointed out Pravda was never considered a reliable source of any kind of information.

True. Unfortunately many people seem to think otherwise. Pravda is one of the best sources of fringe, garbage information.

FAQ: A Girl with an X-ray vision and Pravda

1. How does a girl with X-ray vision work?

The concept of a girl with X-ray vision is based on the idea that she has the ability to see through objects using X-rays. This is not possible in real life as X-rays can only pass through certain materials, and the human eye cannot process X-rays. In fiction, this ability is often portrayed as a superpower.

2. Is X-ray vision possible in real life?

No, X-ray vision is not possible in real life. As mentioned before, X-rays can only pass through certain materials and the human eye cannot process them. X-rays are also harmful to living beings, so even if someone were to have the ability to see through objects with X-rays, it would be dangerous for their health.

3. How does Pravda fit into the story?

Pravda is a Russian word that means "truth". In the context of this story, it could refer to the girl's ability to see the truth behind things, or it could be a metaphor for the way society and the media often manipulate or hide the truth. It is up to interpretation and the author's intent.

4. What kind of experiments would a scientist conduct on a girl with X-ray vision?

In a scientific setting, a girl with X-ray vision would likely be studied to understand the mechanism behind her ability. This could include brain imaging to see if there are any differences in her brain structure or activity, testing her visual acuity and ability to see through different materials, and possibly genetic testing to see if there are any mutations that could explain her ability.

5. What are the ethical implications of a girl with X-ray vision?

There could be many ethical implications surrounding a girl with X-ray vision. For example, her privacy and right to consent may be violated if she is constantly being studied and monitored. There could also be concerns about her safety and well-being, as her ability could make her a target for exploitation or harm. Additionally, there may be debates about the use of her ability for medical purposes or in law enforcement. These are all important considerations that would need to be addressed in the fictional world where a girl with X-ray vision exists.
