A harmonic oscillator problem

The probability of measuring a state with the old energy is small because the initial state is now a linear combination of many different states. The new ground state has a different energy and the initial state will have a different energy. The probability of measuring the initial state is small because the initial state has changed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle in the ground state of the harmonic oscillator with classical frequency [itex]\omega[/itex], when the spring const quadruples (so [itex]\omega^{'}=2\omega[/itex]) without initially changing the wave function. What is the probability that a measurement of the energy would still return the value [itex]\frac{\hbar\omega}{2}[/itex]? And the probability for [itex]\hbar\omega[/itex]?

Homework Equations

The initial ground state of a harmonic oscillator is [tex]E_{0}^{\omega}=\frac{\hbar\omega}{2}[/tex]
The time-independent part of the wavefunction: [tex]\psi_{0}^{\omega} = \left(\frac{m\omega}{\hbar\pi}\right)^{\frac{1}{4}} e^{\frac{-m \omega x^{2}}{2\hbar}}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

After the spring const change, [tex]E_{0}^{\omega'}=\hbar\omega[/tex]
And [tex]\psi_{0}^{\omega'}=\left(\frac{2m\omega}{\hbar\pi}\right)^{\frac{1}{4}}e^{\frac{-m \omega x^{2}}{\hbar}}[/tex]
To build our wavefunctions, we will need our coefficients, which can be done via
When I evaluated the integral, I got the answer [itex]c_{n}=\frac{2^{1/4}}{\sqrt3}[/itex]

But now I'm stuck, because there must be a mistake somewhere. You see, the problem states that the probability for measuring the energy and getting [itex]\hbar\omega[/itex] should be 0.943. The probability of the nth energy is easily given by [itex]|c_{n}|^2[/itex], but my coefficient gave me only a discrete value, which I plugged into wolframalpha to square it and it does seem to be 0.943 (it's ~0.9428). My issue is that I didn't get any [itex]c_{n}[/itex] for any other nth energy, but I know the sum of the square of all these coefficients should equal one. By my crude instincts (this stuff is terribly hard), my result says that the probability for getting the ground state measurement should be zero, but this is obviously wrong since the square of my coefficients do not add up to one.

Any ideas and/or suggestions would be welcome.
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  • #2
You have a simple mistake, the coefficients are


where [tex]\psi_{n}^{\omega'}[/tex] are the complete set of states for the harmonic oscillator at the new frequency. However to answer the two questions stated in the problem, you only need [tex]c_0[/tex].
  • #3
fzero said:
You have a simple mistake, the coefficients are


where [tex]\psi_{n}^{\omega'}[/tex] are the complete set of states for the harmonic oscillator at the new frequency. However to answer the two questions stated in the problem, you only need [tex]c_0[/tex].

ahh you're right. So if I'm interpreting this correctly according to [tex]E_{n}^{\omega}= \left(n+\frac{1}{2}\right)\hbar\omega[/tex], [tex]\hbar\omega/2[/tex] will not be found. thanks!
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  • #4
Could someone give a more conceptual feel for this problem? What happens when the spring constant changes and the angular frequency thus doubles? Does this mean the complete n-states now change? What happens with the energy? Is the energy of the ground state the same before and after frequency change?
  • #5
YAHA said:
Could someone give a more conceptual feel for this problem? What happens when the spring constant changes and the angular frequency thus doubles? Does this mean the complete n-states now change? What happens with the energy? Is the energy of the ground state the same before and after frequency change?

When we suddenly change the potential, we must write the initial state as a linear combination of the new basis states. The ground state energy of the new potential is different (double the old if we double the frequency). The initial state will have a different energy because work was done on the system.

FAQ: A harmonic oscillator problem

1. What is a harmonic oscillator problem?

A harmonic oscillator problem is a type of physics problem that deals with the motion of an object that is subject to a restoring force that is proportional to its displacement from equilibrium. This type of problem is often encountered in introductory physics courses and can be solved using mathematical equations such as Hooke's law and the equation of motion for simple harmonic motion.

2. What are some real-world examples of harmonic oscillators?

Some common examples of harmonic oscillators in the real world include a mass attached to a spring, a pendulum, and a child on a swing. All of these systems exhibit simple harmonic motion when they are displaced from their equilibrium positions and experience a restoring force.

3. How do you solve a harmonic oscillator problem?

To solve a harmonic oscillator problem, you need to first identify the system in question as a harmonic oscillator. Then, you can use equations such as Hooke's law and the equation of motion for simple harmonic motion to calculate the displacement, velocity, and acceleration of the object at any given time. Finally, you can use these values to plot a graph of the object's motion and analyze its behavior.

4. What factors affect the behavior of a harmonic oscillator?

The behavior of a harmonic oscillator is affected by several factors, including the mass of the object, the spring constant of the spring, and the amplitude of the oscillation. Other factors such as damping, external forces, and the initial conditions can also have an impact on the behavior of a harmonic oscillator.

5. Why are harmonic oscillators important in science?

Harmonic oscillators are important in science because they can help us understand and model the behavior of many systems in the natural world. They are used in fields such as physics, engineering, and biology to study and predict the motion of objects and systems. Additionally, harmonic oscillators have practical applications in technologies such as clocks, musical instruments, and electronic circuits.
