A homomorphism is injective if and only if its kernel is trivial.

In summary: Congratulations!In summary, the conversation discusses a proof for a proposition involving a homomorphism and its injectivity. The conversation also points out a mistake in the proof and presents a corrected version. Ultimately, it is concluded that the proof is correct and the proposition is proven.
  • #1
I was a little curious on if I did the converse of this biconditonal statement correctly. Thanks in advance! =)Proposition: Suppose f:G->H is a homomorphism. Then, f is injective if and only if K={e}.
Conversely, suppose K={e}, and suppose f(g)=f(g’). Now, if f(g)=f(g’)=e, then it follows that g=g’=e since the kernel is trivial. Otherwise, assume f(g)=f(g’)≠e. Then, since f is a homomorphism, we have
(1) f(gg’)=f(g)f(g’).
By our assumption f(g)=f(g’). Hence, f(g)f(g’)=f(g)2. Then,
(2) f(gg’)=f(g)f(g’)=f(g)2=f(gg).
Thus, gg’=gg. By using our left cancellation law, we obtain g=g’ and hence f is injective as required.
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  • #2
No, it's incorrect. This is easily seen since you never really use that the kernel is trivial in your second part.

The fundamental mistake is here:

jmjlt88 said:
Thus, gg’=gg.

From [itex]f(gg^\prime)=f(gg)[/itex], we can of course not deduce that [itex]gg^\prime=gg[/itex] unless we know that the function is injective! But this is exactly what we want to prove.
  • #3
Thank you! Thought about it. Now, here's what I got.

If f(g)=f(g'), then f(g)f(g')-1=e=f(g)f(g'-1). Since f is a homomorphism, this implies f(gg'-1)=e. Since the kernel is trivial, its follows that gg'-1=e. Multiplying on both sides on the right by g', we obtain g=g'.
  • #4
That is correct!

FAQ: A homomorphism is injective if and only if its kernel is trivial.

1. What is a homomorphism?

A homomorphism is a function that preserves the algebraic structure between two mathematical objects. In other words, it maps elements of one object to elements of another object in a way that respects the operations defined on those objects.

2. What does it mean for a homomorphism to be injective?

A homomorphism is injective if every element in the domain has a unique element in the co-domain that it is mapped to. In other words, no two elements in the domain are mapped to the same element in the co-domain.

3. What is the kernel of a homomorphism?

The kernel of a homomorphism is the set of all elements in the domain that are mapped to the identity element in the co-domain. In other words, it is the set of elements that are mapped to the neutral element under the homomorphism.

4. What does it mean for the kernel of a homomorphism to be trivial?

A trivial kernel means that the only element in the kernel is the identity element. In other words, the homomorphism maps all elements in the domain to unique elements in the co-domain.

5. How is injectivity of a homomorphism related to its kernel being trivial?

A homomorphism is injective if and only if its kernel is trivial. This means that if a homomorphism maps every element in the domain to a unique element in the co-domain, then the only element in the kernel is the identity element. Similarly, if the kernel is trivial, then the homomorphism is injective and maps all elements in the domain to unique elements in the co-domain.

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