A k-element selection, repetitions allowed, with a twist

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In summary, the conversation is about solving combination problems involving selecting a certain number of balls from different colored piles. The formula C(k+t-1,t-1) can be used for cases where all piles have at least k balls. However, for cases where one of the piles has a limited number of balls, the formula cannot be applied and the combinations must be counted manually. Additional considerations, such as the order and specific requirements for each color, may also affect the solution.
  • #1
Hey I have kind of a general question.

In my textbook, there are lots of questions that go something like this:

"Say we have 3 piles of balls, a blue pile, a red pile, and a yellow pile. Each pile has at least 8 balls. How many ways can we pick 8 balls from these three piles?"

(so for example in this case you could pick YYYYYYYY or BYYRRRRR, etc.)

In this case we use C(k+t-1,t-1) formula

But I'm stumped on ideas like this:

What if I take the above scenario, but this time the "blue pile" has only 2 balls, while the rest have 8. And I'd still like to pick 8 balls. I can't use the formula like normal because there are less options: for example BBBYYRRR isn't an answer as there are only 2 blue balls in the pile. Now let me go even further and say, there are only 2 blue balls, and only 3 red balls and only 4 yellow balls and I want to make a selection of 8 balls. I am completely stumped as to how to do this as I can't apply the normal formulas.

So I guess, is there a formula for when one of your sets is "limited"? Every single problem in the book the example is to make a k-element selection but the "sets" you are choosing from always have at least k elements in their set so you don't run into this problem.This is NOT a HW problem, this is just something I keep trying to figure out on my own. I am really, really poor at combination/permutation stuff so there is most likely a very easy answer to this I'm just not seeing.
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  • #2
In that case you have to count them out rather than use the formula.

If you don't care which colors are included, then it is just the number of ways of picking eight balls from 8+8+2 balls. For anything else you need to be specific - eg: perhaps you must have at least one ball of each color?

In that case, you are selecting from 7+7+1 balls in five trials (the first three are certain).
Does the order matter? Stuff like that. But you should have got an idea how to think about these now.

FAQ: A k-element selection, repetitions allowed, with a twist

1. What is meant by "k-element selection" in this context?

In this context, "k-element selection" refers to the process of choosing k elements from a given set or collection of elements. This selection can be done with or without replacement, depending on the specific problem.

2. What is the "twist" in this type of selection?

The "twist" in this type of selection refers to an additional constraint or condition that is imposed on the selection process. This can be in the form of certain elements being required or excluded from the selection, or a specific pattern or rule that must be followed.

3. How is this type of selection different from a regular k-element selection?

Unlike a regular k-element selection, where only the number of elements to be chosen is specified, a "k-element selection with a twist" includes an additional constraint or condition that must be considered in the selection process. This adds an extra layer of complexity and requires careful consideration of the twist when making the selection.

4. Can you provide an example of a "k-element selection with a twist" problem?

An example of a "k-element selection with a twist" problem could be selecting 3 cards from a deck of playing cards, where the twist is that at least one of the cards must be a red card. This means that the selection cannot include only black cards, and at least one of the three selected cards must be a red card.

5. How can this type of selection be applied in real-world situations?

This type of selection can be applied in various real-world situations, such as selecting a team of players from a pool of athletes, choosing a combination of ingredients for a recipe, or selecting a portfolio of investments from a list of options. The twist can represent specific criteria or preferences that need to be considered in the selection process.
