A limsup inequality (showing that the root test is stronger than the ratio test)

In summary, if a_n > 0 for all n, then\liminf{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}} \leq \liminf{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}}as desired.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that if [itex]a_n > 0[/itex] for all n,

[itex]\liminf{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}} \leq \liminf{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}}[/itex]

Homework Equations

[itex]\liminf{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{a_n^{1/n}}[/itex]

[itex]\liminf{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}} \leq \limsup{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}}[/itex]
These are obvious, by properties of sup and inf.

Which implies that, to complete the proof, I must show that

[itex]\liminf{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}} \leq \liminf{a_n^{1/n}}[/itex]
[itex]\limsup{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}}[/itex]

I'm focusing right now on the limsup inequality.

The Attempt at a Solution

I took ln of each term,

[itex]\ln{\limsup{a_n^{1/n}}} = \limsup{\ln{a_n^{1/n}}} = \limsup{\frac{\ln{a_n}}{n}}[/itex]


[itex]\ln{\limsup{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}}} = \limsup{\ln{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}}} = \limsup{(\ln{a_{n+1}}-\ln{a_n})}[/itex]

This implies that I need to show that

[itex]\limsup{\frac{\ln{a_n}}{n}} \leq \limsup{(\ln{a_{n+1}}-\ln{a_n})}[/itex]I've let

[itex]M_1 := \limsup{\frac{\ln{a_n}}{n}}[/itex]
[itex]M_2 := \limsup{(\ln{a_{n+1}}-\ln{a_n})}[/itex]

So now I just have to show that [itex]M_1 \leq M_2[/itex]

By the definition of limit, for all ε>0 there exists an N1 in the natural numbers such that for all [itex]n > N_1[/itex] we have

[itex]M_1 - ε < \frac{\ln{a_n}}{n} < M_1 + ε[/itex]Similarly, for all ε>0 there exists an N2 such that for all [itex]n > N_1[/itex] we have

[itex]M_2 - ε < \ln{a_{n+1}}-\ln{a_n} < M_2 + ε[/itex]I think I can say that the epsilons are the same, since for each of these statements, I can choose a specific epsilon and I'm guaranteed that an N1, N2 exist to satisfy the inequalities. However, I don't know how to go from here to show [itex]M_1 \leq M_2[/itex]. It might be trivial, I don't know, but I just don't see it. I've been working on this problem for too long, and it's making me cross-eyed. It was a homework problem that I turned in unfinished, and now I'm just trying to finally figure it out for my own sanity.
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  • #2

One way to approach this problem is to use the fact that the logarithm function is strictly increasing. This means that if a_n > 0 for all n, then

\frac{\ln{a_n}}{n} < \frac{\ln{a_{n+1}}}{n+1}

for all n. This can be seen by rearranging the terms and noting that n+1 > n.

Using this fact, we can rewrite the inequality as

M_1 - ε < \frac{\ln{a_n}}{n} < \frac{\ln{a_{n+1}}}{n+1} < M_2 + ε

for all n > N1.

Now, taking the limit as n -> ∞, we have

M_1 \leq \limsup{\frac{\ln{a_n}}{n}} \leq \limsup{\frac{\ln{a_{n+1}}}{n+1}} \leq M_2

since \limsup is monotone. This implies that M_1 \leq M_2, as desired.

Alternatively, we can also use the fact that the sequence a_n is positive and strictly increasing to show that \limsup{\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}} = \limsup{a_n^{1/n}}. This allows us to rewrite the inequality as

M_1 - ε < \frac{a_n}{a_{n+1}} < \frac{a_n^{1/n}}{a_{n+1}^{1/(n+1)}} < M_2 + ε

for all n > N1.

Taking the limit as n -> ∞, we have

M_1 \leq \limsup{\frac{a_n}{a_{n+1}}} = \limsup{a_n^{1/n}} \leq \limsup{\frac{a_n^{1/n}}{a_{n+1}^{1/(n+1)}}} \leq M_2

since \limsup is monotone. This implies that M_1 \leq M_2, as desired.

Overall, the key idea is to use the monotonicity of the limit and the properties of the logarithm function to show that the two limits are equal, which then allows us to use the properties of \limsup and \liminf to

FAQ: A limsup inequality (showing that the root test is stronger than the ratio test)

1. What is a limsup inequality?

A limsup inequality is a mathematical inequality that compares the limit superior of a sequence to the limit of the suprema of that sequence. In simpler terms, it is a way to determine the behavior of a sequence as it approaches infinity.

2. How does the root test relate to limsup inequality?

The root test is a way to determine the convergence of a series, and it is closely related to limsup inequality. In fact, the root test relies on limsup inequality to prove that a series converges.

3. How is the root test stronger than the ratio test?

The root test is considered stronger than the ratio test because it can determine the convergence of a larger range of series. This is because the ratio test relies on the comparison of the ratio of consecutive terms, while the root test considers the behavior of the entire sequence.

4. What is the significance of proving that the root test is stronger than the ratio test?

Proving that the root test is stronger than the ratio test is important in mathematical analysis, as it provides a more efficient and accurate method for determining the convergence of a series. It also helps to simplify complex mathematical problems and allows for more precise calculations.

5. Can limsup inequality be applied to other mathematical concepts?

Yes, limsup inequality is a widely used concept in mathematics and can be applied to various topics such as real analysis, set theory, and topology. It is a fundamental tool for determining the behavior of sequences and series, and has many applications in different branches of mathematics.

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