A little direction regarding dark energy.

In summary, dark energy is a proposed force that is responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe. The evidence suggests that the universe is essentially flat, and that requires the existence of some kind of antigravitational effect. However, the existence of dark energy is still somewhat controversial, and various theories have been proposed to explain it.
  • #1
I am writing a 2nd year essay for my Physics degree, and have chosen dark energy as my topic. I've been reading papers and material for around a week now, and would like some reassurance that I am heading in the right direction and have made no major blunders or omissions. Here's the general structure of my essay ATM.

  • Hubble's observations of red shifts
  • Study of early universe requires old bright objects (discard Cepheids, SN 1a use)
  • Recent study shows excessive red shift in far SN, accelerating expansion.
  • CMB evidence discredits excessive warping of space to fill critial energy density. Universe is essentially flat.
  • Requires antigravitational effect, re Einstein's original equation cosmological constant.
  • Show negative pressure with classical thermodynamics (vacuum energy associated with space)
  • Friedmann equation governs expansion, define w factor (p/rho) as important to nature of dark matter
  • Describe various theories with w values (Cos constant, quintessence, phantom energy(?)).
  • Evaluate evidence for each, sum up

The title of my essay is to critically analyse the evidence and compare theories. Do i have things in roughly the right order, am I missing anything crucial. I haven't officially covered any of this material yet in classes, so a formal knowledge is not necessarily required to be shown in the essay.
Astronomy news on Phys.org
  • #2
This structure makes sense to me. Either in point 6. or in 8. you could mention the fact that the QFT vacuum produces a negative pressure that is completely discordant with the cosmological observations ("old cosmological constant problem"). In point 7. I would mention the so called "new cosmological constant problem": why does the acceleration of expansion take place in the present universe and not earlier or later. This reference gives a nice overview.
  • #3
I would think that it would be easier to start with the Friedman equations (summarily stating the assumptions behind it and that it flows from GR) and then showing how you need to fill in the blanks, then show how various blanks have been filled in. This first, makes the model dependencies clear, and second, gives the other points more context.
  • #4
ohwilleke: Thanks for the input. Because I haven't done any formal study of GR and the Friedmann equations I decided not to use them on a formal basis. From knowing nothing about cosmology a week ago, I think I've done reasonably ok!

hellfire: Thanks for the reference, I'm fairly sure I have come across it before but I've read a lot of papers over the last few days, might have just skimmed it. The old problem is now in the essay, and as I have to critically analyse evidence (!) the new problem will be an interesting addition.

I've found Carroll's papers to be a really good introduction on this subject, hope others find this useful.
  • #5
If you can somehow mention that none of the other observational evidence for the concordance model (esp large scale structure) is inconsistent with DE, that would help - i.e. it's a complete package, not just a curiosity, added as an ad hoc patch.

FAQ: A little direction regarding dark energy.

1. What is dark energy?

Dark energy is a hypothetical form of energy that is believed to make up approximately 70% of the total energy in the universe. It is thought to be responsible for the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

2. How was dark energy discovered?

Dark energy was first theorized by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity, but it was not until the late 1990s that it was discovered through observations of distant supernovae. These observations showed that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, rather than slowing down as previously thought.

3. What is the difference between dark energy and dark matter?

Dark energy and dark matter are two separate, but often confused, concepts. Dark matter is a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation, but can be detected through its gravitational effects. Dark energy, on the other hand, is a form of energy that is thought to permeate all of space and is responsible for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.

4. How does dark energy affect the universe?

Dark energy is thought to be the driving force behind the expansion of the universe. As it continues to push galaxies and other matter further and further apart, it also affects the overall structure and evolution of the universe. Without dark energy, the universe would be expanding at a much slower rate and may even eventually collapse back in on itself.

5. Can dark energy be harnessed or used for energy purposes?

No, dark energy cannot currently be harnessed or used for any practical purposes. Its existence and effects are still largely theoretical, and we do not have the technology or understanding to manipulate it in any way. However, continued research and study of dark energy may lead to new discoveries and potential applications in the future.

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