A little help with integration and trigonometric functions.

In summary, In the first problem, tan^2 was differentiated using the chain rule, and in the second problem, the differential equation for population was solved.
  • #1
I was doing my exam today and ran into a couple problems.
First one: how do you differentiate [tex]\tan^2[/tex]?
I converted it into [tex]\sec^2 - 1[/tex] and used the u/v = (u`v - v`u)/v^2 method, but I would like somebody clever to do it for me, just to be sure, please.

Homework Statement

Another problem.
Rate of change of population P equals [tex]\lambda P \cos(\lambda t)[/tex]
Find the formula for population P in terms of [tex] P_0[/tex],[tex] \lambda[/tex] and t.

Then, find t. When P = [tex]2P_0[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I had problems with finding t.

t came out to be arcsin of something. The problem is, they never said anything about degrees or radians and so t could vary quite a bit, depending on that. Did I do it wrong or am I missing something out?

I don't have the exact question. It was in the exam I did two hours ago. All help is appreciated.

Thank you.
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  • #2
differentiate tan^2 x? tan x = sinx/cosx , chain rule or remember the result.. d(tanx)/dx = sec^2 x, chain rule simply gives d(tan^2x)/dx = 2 tan x sec^2 x

dP(t)/dt = L P(t) cos (Lt)
=> dP(t)/P(t) = L cos(Lt) dt
=> integrate both sides
=> Log_e P(t) = sin (Lt) +C
=> P(t) = A e^(sin Lt)
where A is some constant
I suppose P0 means initial value so A = P0
and so when P(t) = 2 P0
=> 2 P0 = P0 e^(sin L t)
=> Log_e 2 = sin Lt
=> t = 1/L arcsin (Log_e 2)

ok... I am expecting you to be able to do it next time
  • #3
1. To differentiate tan^2x, one would use the chain rule. [tex]\frac{d}{dx}\tan^2x=2\tan x\frac{d}{dx}(\tan x)=2\tan x \sec^2 x[/tex] where the last step is done either using the quotient rule for tangent, or from memory.

2. For this question you need to solve the differential equation [tex]\frac{dP}{dt}=\lambda P\cos(\lambda t) [/tex], using the initial conditions given. Is that what you did?
  • #4
cristo said:
1. To differentiate tan^2x, one would use the chain rule. [tex]\frac{d}{dx}\tan^2x=2\tan x\frac{d}{dx}(\tan x)=2\tan x \sec^2 x[/tex] where the last step is done either using the quotient rule for tangent, or from memory.

2. For this question you need to solve the differential equation [tex]\frac{dP}{dt}=\lambda P\cos(\lambda t) [/tex], using the initial conditions given. Is that what you did?
1)Chain rule, of course!
I got [tex]\frac{\cos^4(x)}{\sin(2x)} for that one.

2) Yes, I did that, it's easy. But then you have to make t the subject of the formula and substitute some values to find when the population doubles. That's where I had the problem, as I wasn't sure what to use: degrees or radians. Try it yourself and see.
  • #5
For the second one you get [tex] P = P_0e^\sin(\lambda t)[/tex] <= I think.

When [tex] P = 2P_0[/tex], [tex] t = \frac{\arcsin(ln 2)}{\lambda}[/tex]. <= did it in my head, so could be wrong, but the principle is there. Arcsin can give you different values, depending on what system you use: degrees, radians, grads. Or am I getting something wrong here?
  • #6
Unicyclist said:
1)Chain rule, of course!
I got [tex]\frac{\cos^4(x)}{\sin(2x)}[/tex] for that one.
Looks like you've got the reciprocal of the correct answer (or just made a typo here!)

2) Yes, I did that, it's easy. But then you have to make t the subject of the formula and substitute some values to find when the population doubles. That's where I had the problem, as I wasn't sure what to use: degrees or radians. Try it yourself and see.
Ok, I see your point now. It doesn't really matter which you use, but I would always use radians. They'll both give the same answer, it's just the units of time will be different.
  • #7
The units will be different, eh? How do I even figure out the units? They said to give your answer in minutes. And t is in days, I think.
  • #8
When dealing with logs, its usually best to use radians as angle measures that require units give workable but difficult results, such as 2 log seconds.
  • #9
I used degrees, doesn't matter. I'll probably lose one mark for that or something.

And I'll know next time. I actually thought about using radians, but couldn't be bothered to change the mode on my calculator.

Thanks to everyone for their help.
  • #10
Could someone integrate his for me, please?

[tex]2\int\sec^4x dx[/tex]

I had it in my exam today and I want to know if I did it correctly. Thank you.
  • #11
The result is

[tex]\frac{2\,\left( 2 + {\sec (x)}^2 \right) \,\tan (x)}{3}[/tex]

Did you have that?
  • #12

[tex]\tan x + \tan^2 x + \sec^2 x[/tex]

If I remember correctly. The sad thing is, I didn't really have to do that integration. I missed out the minus in ln, which would've given me [tex]\sec^2 x[/tex], which is considerably easier to integrate.
  • #13
Woops, I meant tan and sec to the power of 3, not too. Is that more correct in any way?
  • #14
OK, my Mathematica gives something else (the expression above).
Then perhaps it's time to show your calculation :)
  • #15
Forget about it, I've got to revise for a different exam tomorrow. Thanks for your help anyway.
  • #16
OK, good luck with the exam.

FAQ: A little help with integration and trigonometric functions.

1. What is integration?

Integration is a mathematical process of finding the area under a curve. It is the reverse process of differentiation, and it is used to solve problems in physics, engineering, and other fields.

2. What are the different methods of integration?

The three main methods of integration are substitution, integration by parts, and partial fractions. Substitution involves replacing a variable with another expression to make the integration easier. Integration by parts is used for integrating products of functions. Partial fractions is used for integrating rational functions.

3. What are trigonometric functions?

Trigonometric functions are mathematical functions that relate angles and sides of a right triangle. The most common trigonometric functions are sine, cosine, and tangent.

4. How are trigonometric functions used in integration?

Trigonometric functions are often used in integration to simplify complex integrals. They can be integrated using trigonometric identities and substitution.

5. What are some real-life applications of integration and trigonometric functions?

Integration and trigonometric functions are used in a variety of real-life applications, such as calculating the areas of irregular shapes in engineering and physics, analyzing the motion of objects in physics, and modeling periodic functions in economics and finance.

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