A man sits in a seat that is suspended from a rope (tension & force)

In summary: the tension in the rope at the top is the weight of the person + chair and the weight of the rope. the tension in the other rope is the weight of the rope + the weight of the pulley. the total tension is the weight of the person + chair + the weight of the rope + the weight of the pulley.
  • #1

Homework Statement

the rope passes over a pulley suspended from the ceiling, and the man holds the other end of the rope in his hands. What is the tension in the rope and what is the force supported by the pulley.

Homework Equations

3 theories of Newton

The Attempt at a Solution

since its in equilibrium i guess that the force in the pulley is zero. the tension in the rope at the top is the weight of the person + chair and the weight of the rope.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
chaotiiic said:

Homework Statement

a man sits in a seat that is suspended from a rope... (tension & force)
the rope passes over a pulley suspended from the ceiling, and the man holds the other end of the rope in his hands. What is the tension in the rope and what is the force supported by the pulley.

Homework Equations

3 theories of Newton

The Attempt at a Solution

Hello chaotiiic. Welcome to PF !

Is there any more information that goes with this question? --- like weight or mass of the man and/or the seat ?

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On helping with questions: Any and all assistance given to homework assignments or textbook style exercises should be given only after the questioner has shown some effort in solving the problem. If no attempt is made then the questioner should be asked to provide one before any assistance is given.​
So you need to show what you know or what you're thinking about this problem before we can help.

"idk." is probably not enough.
  • #3
welcome to pf!

hi chaotiiic! welcome to pf! :wink:
chaotiiic said:
since its in equilibrium i guess that the force in the pulley is zero. the tension in the rope at the top is the weight of the person + chair and the weight of the rope.

yes that's correct (except that we say "the force on the pulley" :wink:)

(oh, and if you're going to include the weight of the rope, then you should include the weight of the pulley also)

ok, that was the tension in the rope at the top…

now what about the tension in the other rope? :smile:
  • #4
@sammy thanks for the welcome. there is no additional info given. its just a written response. no math.

@tiny the problem doesn't specify which part of rope where i find tension. idk if its at the top on the pulley, tied to the chair, or held by the man's hand. after skimming through my book i guess the tension at the pulley is the weight of the rope + man + chair. the tension at point tied to the chair is just the rope. the tension held by the man's hand is also just the rope. is this right?
  • #5
chaotiiic said:
@tiny the problem doesn't specify which part of rope where i find tension.

yes it does … it asks for the tension in the rope that passes over the pulley (ie up to the pulley, over the top, and down again)
… i guess the tension at the pulley is the weight of the rope + man + chair. the tension at point tied to the chair is just the rope. the tension held by the man's hand is also just the rope.

this doesn't make any sense :redface:

tension can't be at a point, or in someone's hand

there is a rope, it has a tension

do you know what a free-body diagram is? if so, draw one for each of the bodies in the question​
  • #6
my teacher sucks. he gives out quizes before the actual lecture. the good news is that they are take home quizzes. yes i knda know what free body diagrams are because my book showed me a couple examples but we haven't done any in class. I am just going to put the tension is the ropes weight + man + chair.
  • #7
hi chaotiiic! :smile:

(just got up :zzz: …)
chaotiiic said:
… yes i knda know what free body diagrams are because my book showed me a couple examples but we haven't done any in class. I am just going to put the tension is the ropes weight + man + chair.

that's no way to learn :redface:

draw the fee body diagram for the man-and-seat…

draw all the external forces on that body (how many are there?) …

now add them up :smile:

FAQ: A man sits in a seat that is suspended from a rope (tension & force)

1. What is the tension in the rope supporting the man's seat?

The tension in the rope is equal to the weight of the man and his seat. This is known as the "tension force" and it is represented by the symbol T.

2. How is the tension force related to the weight of the man?

The tension force and the weight of the man are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This means that the tension force is pulling up on the man while his weight is pulling down on the rope.

3. How does the tension force change if the man's weight changes?

The tension force will increase or decrease proportionally to the weight of the man. If the man gains weight, the tension force will increase; if he loses weight, the tension force will decrease.

4. Is there a limit to how much weight the rope can support?

Yes, there is a limit to how much weight the rope can support before it breaks. This limit is determined by the strength and durability of the rope and should always be taken into consideration when determining the appropriate tension force.

5. Can the tension force be greater than the weight of the man?

Yes, the tension force can be greater than the weight of the man. This can happen if there are other external forces acting on the rope, such as strong winds or an additional weight being placed on the seat. In this case, the tension force will need to be strong enough to counteract these external forces and keep the man and his seat suspended.

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