A man weighing 80 kg is standing on a trolley weighing 400 kg

  • Thread starter hims100
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A summary of the conversation is that the person is seeking help with two questions involving friction and displacement. They are asking for assistance in solving the questions and are directed to post in the Homework Help category for better response.
  • #1
Hi all!

can somebody help me out in solving following 2 questions:

1. A man weighing 80 kg is standing on a trolley weighing 400 kg.The trolly is resting on a frictionless horizontal rail .If the man starts walking on the trolley along the rail at a speed of 1 m/s with respect to the trolley ,find his displacement relative to the ground after 4 sec.

2. for steel surface the coefficient of friction is 0.8 and between teflon surfaces 0.04. A steel block of mass 2 kg kept on a steel surface has a limiting frictional force f. What should be the mass of a teflon block kept on a teflon surface to have the limiting frictional force same as f . Take g =10 m/s.

Thanking in anticipation
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  • #2
Hi hims100,
I believe that you get no replies because everybody thinks this belongs in Homework Help, so maybe you try re-posting it there...:wink:

...AND tell us what you got so far and where you're stuck.
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FAQ: A man weighing 80 kg is standing on a trolley weighing 400 kg

1. What is the total weight of the system?

The total weight of the system is 480 kg. This includes the weight of the man (80 kg) and the weight of the trolley (400 kg).

2. Will the trolley move if the man starts walking?

Yes, the trolley will move if the man starts walking. This is because the man's weight will create a force, causing the trolley to move due to Newton's Third Law of Motion.

3. How does the weight distribution affect the movement of the trolley?

The weight distribution does not affect the movement of the trolley. As long as the total weight of the system remains the same, the trolley will move in the same manner regardless of where the weight is placed.

4. If the man jumps off the trolley, will it stop moving?

Yes, if the man jumps off the trolley, it will eventually stop moving due to friction and air resistance. However, the trolley may continue to move for a short period of time before coming to a complete stop.

5. How does the mass of the trolley affect the force required to move it?

The mass of the trolley does not affect the force required to move it. According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the force required to move an object is directly proportional to its mass. Therefore, the force required to move the trolley will be the same regardless of its mass.
