A module choice between Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics....

In summary, the speaker is a university student studying Mathematics and Theoretical Physics who will have to choose between three modules next year: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Cosmology, and Fluid Mechanics. They are most interested in Condensed Matter Physics and have already decided on taking the thermodynamics and statistical physics module. However, they are having trouble deciding between cosmology and fluid mechanics and are seeking advice from others. They mention that both modules use sophisticated mathematics and deal with vector calculus, but fluid mechanics is known to be more useful while cosmology is said to be more enjoyable. They also discuss the different teaching styles of the lecturers and mention that both are experts in their fields. After receiving advice from others, the speaker ultimately decides to go with
  • #1
Hi all,

I study Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at university. Next year, I'll have a choice between three modules;
  1. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
  2. Cosmology
  3. Fluid Mechanics
My main interest is Condensed Matter Physics; therefore, thermodynamics and statistical physics is a given (it always was, as I'm not really convinced that studying physics can be done without a grounding in thermodynamics). Quantum mechanics is compulsory in my course and of course, I already have a grounding in Electromagnetism.

So... that leaves Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics. I actually cannot, for the life of me, decide which to pick. Perhaps it's because from the small amount I know, they seem to be very similar; both require sophisticated mathematics and deal with vector calculus, which I like. I've been told that fluid mechanics is a lot more useful than cosmology, but that's not even a factor in my decision at the moment.

Some further details:
  • Fluid mechanics will be taught with much greater mathematical rigour than cosmology; that's great! However, the students I know who're studying cosmology say it's supposed to be more enjoyable.
  • The lecturer for fluid mechanics is very demanding and apparently hard to deal with whilst the lecturer for cosmology is known to be excellent and easy to get along with. I've actually dealt with both before and I think they're both great; I actually like how brutal the fluid mechanics lecturer is. Both are experts in their fields.
  • The modules are undergraduate level, but tensor calculus is used in both. Fluid mechanics is, according to more senior students, apparently much harder than cosmology, but everything is difficult for me and I get through it all the same.
So, all you physicists and mathematicians on this great forum; would you be so kind as to sell me your favourite of two? What are the pros and cons of either?

Thank you for reading!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Go with the friendly Cosmology prof if you're not concerned about applicability or being the one to solve the Navier Stokes million dollar millennial challenge although fluid mechanics could be applied to cosmology at some point.

However, I think you decided that already.

You could also read the Frost poem, "The Road Not Taken" for inspiration:

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Likes Ryu0
  • #3
If you are interested in condensed matter you should do fluid mechanics. It's useful for a lot of things/research and the math techniques you learn should be helpful. People have recently been studying hydronamical regimes in strongly interacting metals.
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Likes Ryu0
  • #4
Thank you both for the advice! That was a great poem, jedishrfu; I admit I completely misunderstood it at first but with a bit of research, its meaning got through.

I'll be going with fluid mechanics. From what it looks like? I'm probably going to be one of three people taking the module, but that barely matters. It's not like choosing fluids automatically bans me from ever studying cosmology; I have no qualms studying independently.

Related to A module choice between Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics....

1. What is the difference between Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics?

Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and structure of the universe as a whole. It deals with the large-scale structures and dynamics of the universe, including topics such as dark matter, dark energy, and the Big Bang Theory. On the other hand, Fluid Mechanics is the study of how fluids (liquids and gases) behave and interact with their surroundings. It deals with the properties of fluids, such as viscosity and density, and how they flow and can be manipulated.

2. Which module would be more applicable to a career in engineering?

Both Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics have applications in engineering. However, Fluid Mechanics is more directly applicable to engineering fields such as aerospace, mechanical, and civil engineering. Cosmology may have more indirect applications, such as in the development of new technologies for space exploration.

3. Is prior knowledge of physics required for these modules?

Yes, a basic understanding of physics is necessary for both Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics. These modules build upon concepts from classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and electromagnetism. However, the level of physics required may vary depending on the specific course and university.

4. How do these modules relate to each other?

Cosmology and Fluid Mechanics are two distinct branches of physics, but they do have some connections and overlapping concepts. For example, both fields involve the study of energy and motion. In Cosmology, this can be seen in the expansion of the universe, while in Fluid Mechanics, it is evident in the movement and flow of fluids.

5. Which module would be more suitable for someone interested in astrophysics?

Cosmology would be the more suitable option for someone interested in astrophysics. This module specifically deals with the study of the universe and its origins, which aligns with the field of astrophysics. However, knowledge of Fluid Mechanics can also be beneficial in understanding the behavior of fluids in space, such as in the study of planetary atmospheres.

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