A Particle Moving Along a Ring with Variable Potential

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a particle confined to move along a circular ring with a varied potential. The question is how to solve for the wave function in this scenario. The individual attempting the solution initially approaches it as a one-dimensional problem and suggests using a harmonic oscillator approach for the second region of the ring. However, they then remember that a ring can be related to an infinite square potential well and ultimately solve the problem using this method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Alrighty, so here's my problem in a nutshell:

Some particle of mass m is confined to move along a ring of radius R. Since it's on a ring, it has periodic boundary conditions--i.e.:

For the boundary defined as ##-\pi R \leq x \leq \pi R##, ## x = -\pi R ## and ## x = \pi R ## is the same physical point.

Now here's where things get interesting. The circular ring has a varied potential. At the region enclosed by ## - \frac \pi 2 R \leq x \leq \frac \pi 2 R ##, the potential ## V \left( x \right) = 0##. For the remaining half of the ring, however, the potential ##V \left(x\right) = V_0 \gt 0##.

The question is, how does a varied potential along a ring change how you solve for the wave function ##\Psi \left(x\right)##?

Homework Equations

Here's my Schrodinger equation:

## H \Psi = -\frac {\hbar^2} {2m} \frac {1} {R^2} \frac {\partial^2 \Psi} {\partial \phi^2} + V \left( R \right)\Psi = i \hbar \frac {\partial \Psi} {\partial t} ##

I figured that ##\Psi## would be independent of ##R## and ##\theta## because of the periodic boundary conditions, turning this into a one-dimensional problem. I know how to solve for where the potential across the entire ring is zero, but I'm stumped at where to start when it's varied across the ring.

The Attempt at a Solution

This is how I solved for a ring where the potential was zero:

## - \frac {\hbar^2}{2m} \frac {d\psi^2}{dx^2} + V\left(x\right) = E\psi##

Solutions are in the form of ##\cos\left(kx\right), \sin\left(kx\right)##, or ##e^{\pm ikx}##. There's degeneracy since there are multiple solutions for energy levels. The plane is infinitely degenerate, since the energy depends only on the magnitude and not on direction.

##k^2 = \frac {2mE}{\hbar^2} \gt 0##

##k = \sqrt \frac {2mE}{\hbar^2} \gt 0##

So I could use that value of ##k## to represent the energy levels, due to the form of the solutions depending on ##k##. Could I do something similar with my current problem? I already think I can treat it like a one-dimensional problem, and certainly for half of the ring I can apply the above approach, where ##V\left(x\right) = 0##. How would I go about solving for the other half though, and how would I formulate a cohesive transcendental equation with both halves? Thank you in advance for any insights.

EDIT: So I just thought, since it has repeating boundary conditions, it essentially "oscillates," so should I approach the second region as a harmonic oscillator problem? I'll try it and see what I get.

EDIT #2: I ran into some problems with the harmonic oscillator approach, and I'm trying out a different method. I remembered that a ring can be related to an infinite square potential well so I'm going with that idea.

EDIT #3: SOLVED IT! Man, I feel so smort right now. THANKS FOR NOTHING, CHUMPS! (JK--Posting my question really helped me brainstorm! Thanks, Physics Forums!)
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  • #2
Automata-Theory said:
THANKS FOR NOTHING, CHUMPS! (JK--Posting my question really helped me brainstorm! Thanks, Physics Forums!)
This ain't nothing.
  • #3
Hi Automata-Theory,

I am also dealing with a similar problem and I am curious as to how you went about solving this. How did you set up a transcendental equation, or did you have any luck relating the ring to an infinite square well problem?


Related to A Particle Moving Along a Ring with Variable Potential

1. What is a particle moving along a ring with variable potential?

A particle moving along a ring with variable potential is a physical system where a single particle is constrained to move along a circular path and is subject to a varying force, represented by a potential function.

2. What is the significance of studying this type of system?

Studying a particle moving along a ring with variable potential allows us to understand and analyze the behavior of particles in real-world situations, such as electrons in an atom or planets in orbit. It also has applications in fields such as quantum mechanics and celestial mechanics.

3. How is the motion of the particle described mathematically?

The motion of the particle is described by the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics and the Newton's laws of motion in classical mechanics. The potential function plays a crucial role in determining the behavior of the particle.

4. Can the potential energy of the particle change over time?

Yes, the potential energy of the particle can change over time in this system. This is because the potential function is not constant and can vary depending on the position of the particle along the ring.

5. How does the potential energy affect the motion of the particle?

The potential energy affects the motion of the particle by exerting a force on it. This force can either accelerate or decelerate the particle, depending on the direction and magnitude of the force. The potential also determines the stability of the particle's motion and whether it will remain in a bounded orbit or escape to infinity.

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