A plane going into (temporary) orbit

In summary, the conversation discusses an early experiment in the space program where a jet aircraft was used to simulate weightless space flight. The aircraft would reach a speed of 590 m/s at an angle of 30.9° above the horizontal and then follow a free fall path with the engines only being used to overcome air friction. The question posed is how long the weightlessness experiments could be done before the plane fell back to its original altitude. The solution involves using parabolic motion equations to calculate the time it takes to go from cruise altitude and back again to cruise altitude. It is clarified that in free fall, an object is weightless regardless of its direction of motion.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Early in the space program a jet aircraft was used to simulate "weightless" space flight. Beginning from a comfortable cruising altitude, assume such a craft could reach a speed of v = 590 m/s at an angle q = 30.9° above the horizontal. Subsequently the engines were used only to overcome air friction, and the plane followed a "free fall" path.

How long could "weightlessness" experiments be done before the plane fell back to its original altitude?

Homework Equations

I do not understand what the problem is asking me. I understand what free fall is and how it relates to orbit and "weighlessness" but I 'm not getting what they are asking.
I mean how does the angle play into orbit, if I don't know the original alititude??
Please someone help, --i just need question reasked in a different way ??
thanks for any help!

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I agree - Ithink some of the question is missing
  • #3
I believe the problem is not asking about 'orbiting', but rather, it is referring to the parabolic path taken by the aircraft during it's 'free fall'. The problem isn't any different than asking how long a cannonball is in the air when it is fired at an initial speed at a certain angle. For the aircraft, since it is stated that the air friction is overcome just enough by the engines, then the only net force acting on the craft is the force of gravity, and hence, the plane and person is in 'free fall' just like the cannonball or a thrown ball or a person jumping from a tall building or an orbiting space ship. In all cases, the person or object's weight is still there, but since no normal force is acting, their weight is 'apparently' zero, (and you get that 'roller coaster' feeling in your stomach!). So to solve your problem, use the parabolic motion equations to solve for the time it takes to go from cruise altitude and back again to cruise altitude, using V_initial = 590m/s at 30.9 degrees.
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  • #4
I assumed you would have to fly downward to get 'weightlessness' - I see the question is assuming you fly up in an arc and get weightless only for the second half of the trajectory.
  • #5
Actually, an object subject to gravity force and gravity force alone is in 'free fall' and 'apparently weightless' (zero G's) regardless of its direction of motion. So the astronaut is 'weightless' throughout the parabolic arc.
  • #6
Of course it is, sorry - looks like my dream of becoming of 'vomit comet' pilot just went out the window!
(note to self: must not reply to physics questions just before going to bed)
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FAQ: A plane going into (temporary) orbit

1. How does a plane go into temporary orbit?

A plane can go into temporary orbit by following a specific trajectory that allows it to reach a certain altitude and velocity. This is typically done through a combination of propulsion and aerodynamic forces. The plane must also be able to withstand the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures and radiation.

2. How high does a plane need to be to enter temporary orbit?

In order to enter temporary orbit, a plane needs to reach an altitude of at least 100 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This is known as the Kármán line, which is the internationally recognized boundary of space.

3. How fast does a plane need to go to enter temporary orbit?

A plane needs to reach a speed of at least 17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour) to enter temporary orbit. This is known as orbital velocity, and it allows the plane to counteract the pull of gravity and maintain its position in orbit.

4. How long can a plane stay in temporary orbit?

The length of time a plane can stay in temporary orbit depends on various factors, such as its altitude, velocity, and fuel supply. Generally, a plane can remain in temporary orbit for a few hours to a few days before it needs to return to Earth.

5. How does a plane return from temporary orbit?

To return from temporary orbit, a plane must first slow down and lower its altitude. This is typically done by using propulsion systems to decelerate and enter the Earth's atmosphere. The plane must also withstand the intense heat and pressure of re-entry before landing safely on the ground.
