A point in a proof about sequential compactness

In summary, the theorem states that if X is a metrizable space, then the following statements are equivalent: (1) X is compact, (2) X is limit point compact, (3) X is sequentially compact.
  • #1
Homework Helper
OK, so I'm going through the proof of a theorem in Munkres:

Theorem 28.2. If X is a metrizable space, then the following statements are equivalent:

(1) X is compact
(2) X is limit point compact
(3) X is sequentially compact

There's an argument in (2) ==> (3) which I don't quite get. I'll quote directly:

Assume X is limit point compact. Given a sequence (xn) of points in X, consider the set A = {xn : n is a positive integer}. If the set is finite, then there is a point x such that x = xn, for infinitely many values of n. In this case, the sequence (xn) has a constant subsequence, and therefore converges trivially.

OK, if the set A is finite, we have a finite sequence. By definition, a subsequence yn of a given sequence is obtained from the original one by taking an increasing sequence of positive integers n1 < n2 < n3 < ... and defining yi = xni.

I don't understand how we obtained a constant infinite sequence from a finite sequence?

Thanks for any help on this one, it's really bugging me.
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  • #2
No, I think you interpreted that wrong. A sequence ALWAYS has infinitely many elements. But if A is finite, then this sequence can only assume finitely many elements.

Take the sequence [tex] x_n=(-1)^n[/tex]. This has infinitely many elements (which coincide). But the sequences image is finite.

In the proof we have that A is finite. So the sequence (although having an infinity of elements) has a finite image. So there has to be inifitely many elements of the sequence which are sent to the same element. So we have found an infinite subsequence which is constant.

I wish I could explain this better...
  • #3
What micromass said is correct. What you have to understand is that there are infinitely many elements of a sequence; however, if that sequence is taken as a set, then the set may be finite. I'll steal his example. Consider the sequence [itex]x_n = (-1)^n[/itex]. That sequence looks like -1,1,-1,1,... for all natural numbers n, and since there are infinitely many natural numbers, the sequence is infinite. However, as a set, the sequence is [itex]\{-1,1\}[/itex]. So there exists some [itex]x \in x_n[/itex] such that [itex]x = x_n[/itex] for infinitely many values of n. Note that it doesn't say for all n, or for all n > some N, but for infinitely many. In this example, if you let [itex]x = 1[/itex], then [itex]x = x_2,x_4,... = x_{2n}[/itex]. Clearly there are infinitely many such instances of this occurring.

This is a subsequence, and since it is constant, it converges. If there is any way to form a constant subsequence out of a sequence, then it converges, as is the case for a periodic sequence like this.

n.b.: Obviously a sequence taken as a set is not always finite. Consider [itex]a_n = \frac{1}{n}[/itex]. As a set, this is [itex]\{1,1/2,1/3,...\}[/itex].
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  • #4
Gee, this was really simple. Thanks a lot :)

FAQ: A point in a proof about sequential compactness

1. What is a point in a proof about sequential compactness?

A point in a proof about sequential compactness refers to a specific element or member of a set that is being examined in the context of this mathematical concept. It is typically used in the context of theorems or proofs related to sequential compactness, which is a property of topological spaces.

2. How is a point related to sequential compactness?

A point is essential in understanding sequential compactness because it is used to demonstrate the convergence of a sequence in a topological space. In order for a topological space to be sequentially compact, every sequence in that space must have a convergent subsequence.

3. Can a point be sequentially compact?

No, a point cannot be sequentially compact as it is an element or member of a set and not a set itself. Only topological spaces can be sequentially compact, meaning that every sequence in the space has a convergent subsequence.

4. What does it mean for a point to be in the closure of a set?

If a point is in the closure of a set, it means that it is either in the set itself or it is a limit point of the set. In other words, any open set containing the point will also contain points from the given set. This concept is important in proving sequential compactness as it is used to show that every sequence has a convergent subsequence that is in the closure of the set.

5. How is a point used in the proof of sequential compactness?

In the proof of sequential compactness, a point is used to demonstrate that a sequence has a convergent subsequence that is in the closure of the set. This is done by constructing a sequence of nested closed sets that contain the point, and then using the property of compactness to show that the intersection of these sets is non-empty and contains the desired subsequence.

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