A Poor Man's CMB Primer. Part 5: Quantum Seeds - Comments

In summary, Bapowell's article discusses the equation of state for the scalar field in inflationary cosmology, and shows that the CMB fluctuations may be considered as a result of quantum fluctuations.
  • #1
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bapowell submitted a new PF Insights post

A Poor Man's CMB Primer. Part 5: Quantum Seeds

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  • #2
The "A Poor Man's CMB Primer" series has really been a treasure at PF! Thanks!
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Likes vanhees71 and bapowell
  • #3
Just read it, nice. You bring it to where it "all boils down to"! Excellent work.
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  • #4
@bapowell You speak of quantum fluctuations and their decoherence, and that seems very plausible. But just from the formulas that you discuss, is it clear that ##\delta\phi_k## needs to have a quantum origin?

It looks, superficially, like all derivations that you sketch in the entry would remain valid if we think of ##\delta \phi_k## as some classical stochastic contribution. What is it that allows us to deduce that the CMB fluctuations seen are of quantum origin, as opposed to some classical stochastic perturbations?

I suppose it must be that we can somehow estimate the total effect of quantum fluctuations from first principles and then find that this exhausts the seen CMB fluctuations?
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  • #5
Excellent article Bapowell, I particularly liked how you detailed the scalar field equation of state with regards to inflation.
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  • #6
[URL='https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/author/urs-schreiber/']Urs Schreiber[/URL] said:
@bapowell You speak of quantum fluctuations and their decoherence, and that seems very plausible. But just from the formulas that you discuss, is it clear that ##\delta\phi_k## needs to have a quantum origin?

It looks, superficially, like all derivations that you sketch in the entry would remain valid if we think of ##\delta \phi_k## as some classical stochastic contribution. What is it that allows us to deduce that the CMB fluctuations seen are of quantum origin, as opposed to some classical stochastic perturbations?

I suppose it must be that we can somehow estimate the total effect of quantum fluctuations from first principles and then find that this exhausts the seen CMB fluctuations?

Yes there is correlations in those formulas to QFT. However that's a lengthy topic unto itself. The potential and kinetic energy relations are very similar to the equation of state formula Bapowell posted.
  • #7
Mordred said:
Yes there is correlations in those formulas to QFT. However that's a lengthy topic unto itself. The potential and kinetic energy relations are very similar to the equation of state formula Bapowell posted.

Thanks for offering a reply. It remains a bit mysterious to me what you have in mind. Maybe you can point me to the relevant page in some textbook or review? Thanks!
  • #8
see the section detailing to equations 16 to 18


as one example of its application, I've seen other references prior but can't recal which one offhand so this was a quick search. I'll see if I can relocate the one I read some time back that applied directly to the scalar field equation of state equation posted in the insight article.

Here is the Klien Gordon relations to the [tex]P=-\rho[/tex]
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  • #9
Mordred said:

Thanks for offering pointers. But please allow me to recall that the question I am asking is how exactly one deduces that the CMB fluctuations originate in quantum fluctuations, as opposed to some generic stochastic perturbance of other or unknown origin. (I have no reason to doubt that it's quantum fluctuations, but I realize that I don't know what the precise evidence is, so I thought I'd check.)

I gather one criterion is that quantum fluctuations are mostly Gaussian distributed and also the CMB fluctuations are mostly Gaussian distributed, so that this is consistent with assuming quantum origin of the fluctuations.

I am opening now
On p. 85, in the intro of chapter 6, they state the claim whose evidence I am asking for, where they say:

"we will see that in the inflationary cosmology the randomness of cosmological perturbations does have its origin in quantum uncertainty."

I need to keep reading to see where in the book this "we will see" is happening. Maybe it's equation (24.51). Unfortunately I don't have time to dig around more right now. Will try to come back to this later.
  • #10
Ah ok I didn't catch the meaning of your question.
Anyways the relations I posted in those articles are related to inflationary models involving the inflaton.

See equations 2.1 onward

Encyclopedia Inflationaris


2.1 The slow-roll phase
"Let us consider a single-field inflationary model with a minimal kinetic term and a potential V (φ). The behavior of the system is controlled by the Friedmann-Lemaıtre and Klein-Gordon
equations, namely" then it goes into the equations which copy paste doesn't handle well.

Page 16

It will step into Fourier space further on via the Muhkanov Sasaki variable of the 4th order fluctuations.
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  • #11
Hi @[URL='https://www.physicsforums.com/insights/author/urs-schreiber/']Urs Schreiber[/URL]. Sorry for the delayed response. As far as I know, there's nothing about the CMB anisotropies that singles out a quantum mechanical origin. Just before I got into the field in 2003 or so, the competing theory of structure formation (and, hence, CMB anisotropy) arose out of perturbations generated from cosmic strings. If I recall correctly, WMAP nailed that coffin; specifically, it was the adiabaticity of the perturbations (that all fluid components are perturbed by the same amount relative to their background densities) that could not be accounted for with cosmic strings.

It would seem that a key aspect here is that the perturbations begin in the adiabatic vacuum of the spacetime (during inflation, the vacuum is taken to be that of free falling observers), and that their statistics are Gaussian. (Of course, non-Gaussian fluctuations can still be handled by inflation, by adding non-canonical or non-slow roll dynamics).

It's a good question: I don't have a complete answer!
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Related to A Poor Man's CMB Primer. Part 5: Quantum Seeds - Comments

What is a "Poor Man's CMB Primer"?

A "Poor Man's CMB Primer" is a series of articles that explain the basics of cosmology and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in simple terms, without the use of complex mathematical equations. It aims to make these concepts accessible to those without a formal background in physics or astronomy.

What is the significance of quantum seeds in cosmology?

Quantum seeds, also known as primordial fluctuations, are small variations in the density of matter and energy in the early universe. These fluctuations are believed to have been the seeds from which galaxies and larger structures eventually formed. Understanding quantum seeds is crucial for understanding the large-scale structure of the universe and the formation of cosmic structures.

How are quantum seeds related to the cosmic microwave background?

The cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is the leftover thermal radiation from the early universe. It is a snapshot of the universe when it was only about 380,000 years old. The patterns and fluctuations in the CMB provide valuable information about the density and distribution of matter and energy in the early universe, including the quantum seeds that gave rise to the structures we see today.

Can quantum seeds be directly observed?

No, quantum seeds cannot be directly observed. They are too small and have been stretched and distorted by the expansion of the universe. However, their effects can be observed indirectly through the patterns and fluctuations in the CMB radiation, as well as the distribution of galaxies and other cosmic structures.

How do scientists study quantum seeds?

Scientists study quantum seeds through a combination of observations, simulations, and theoretical models. They use data from instruments such as the Planck satellite and ground-based telescopes to map the patterns and fluctuations in the CMB. They also use computer simulations to recreate the evolution of the universe and test different theoretical models that can explain the observed data.

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