A problem on calculus in Griffiths' book

In summary: I am really grateful to you.In summary, when considering the probability of an event in two different representations (using two different variables), the probability must be equal in both representations. In the case of Problem 1.4(a) in Griffith's quantum mechanics textbook, the event of the needle hand on the speedometer lying in a specific interval can be represented in polar coordinates as ρ(θ)dθ, and in cartesian coordinates as ρ(x)dx. This is because the same physical interval can be expressed differently in both coordinate systems. Thus, they must be equal, and the probability distribution can be determined using the relationship between dθ and dx, given by dx = -r sinθ dθ.
  • #1

I can't understand the solution to Problem 1.4(a). The solution is the following:

What puzzles me is that ρ(θ)dθ=ρ(x)dx ? Why are they equal?
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  • #2
Obviously Griffiths in problem 1.4 has not given a precise definition. So the only way is to guess from the solution (I don't like his QM textbook so much, because of all these little imprecisions, although I've not read the book myself but extrapolate this from the questions here in the forum). He takes usual polar coordinates for the speedometer with the angle restricted to ##\theta \in [0,\pi]##. Then the ##x## coordinate of the needle hand is
$$x=r \cos \theta.$$
The probability distribution for the angle is uniform, i.e.,
Now he wants the probability for the projection ##x##, which is in the range ##x \in [-r,r]##. You have to remember that this is a probability distribution, i.e., you must have
$$|\mathrm{d} \theta| P(\theta) = |\mathrm{d} x| \tilde{P}(x).$$
Now you have
$$|\mathrm{d} x|=r \sin \theta=\sqrt{r^2-x^2}.$$
Thus we have
$$\tilde{P}(x) = \left |\frac{\mathrm{d} \theta}{\mathrm{d} x} \right| P(\theta)=\frac{1}{\pi \sqrt{r^2-x^2}}.$$
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  • #3
vanhees71 said:
You have to remember that this is a probability distribution, i.e., you must have
Why should a probability distribution satisfy |dθ|P(θ)=|dx|~P(x) ? That's really my question. Thank you!


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  • #4
Tspirit said:

What puzzles me is that ρ(θ)dθ=ρ(x)dx ? Why are they equal?

What he means is that if you take a small interval (a physical interval), then there is a definite probability that the needle lies in that interval, independent of coordinates.

If you express this probability in polar coordinates you get ##\rho (\theta) d\theta## and if you express this probability in cartesian coordinates you get ##\rho (x) dx## and, therefore, they must be equal.

What you must be careful of is that when you set up your problem, ##d \theta## and ##dx## do indeed cover the same physical interval.
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  • #5
PeroK said:
What he means is that if you take a small interval (a physical interval), then there is a definite probability that the needle lies in that interval, independent of coordinates.

If you express this probability in polar coordinates you get ##\rho (\theta) d\theta## and if you express this probability in cartesian coordinates you get ##\rho (x) dx## and, therefore, they must be equal.

What you must be careful of is that when you set up your problem, ##d \theta## and ##dx## do indeed cover the same physical interval.
Yes, and it must be a one-to-one-mapping (more precisely a diffeomorphism).

PS: I'm sorry that I gave the complete answer, but when I answered, this was posted to the QT forum not the homework forum!
  • #6
Tspirit said:
What puzzles me is that ρ(θ)dθ=ρ(x)dx ? Why are they equal?
It helps me to think of it this way (similar to PeroK's reply). The only way for the shadow to be between x and x + dx is for the pointer to be between the corresponding θ and θ + dθ as shown below (and vice versa). So, the probability that the shadow is between x and x + dx equals the probability that the pointer is between the corresponding values θ and θ + dθ. The values of dθ and dx that correspond to each other are given by dx = -r sinθ dθ
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  • #7
Tspirit said:
View attachment 106575
I can't understand the solution to Problem 1.4(a). The solution is the following:
View attachment 106576
What puzzles me is that ρ(θ)dθ=ρ(x)dx ? Why are they equal?

Part of the problem is Griffith's sloppy use of the same symbol ##\rho## to stand for two different things in the same problem.

To understand what is happening, start by avoiding such symbols at the start. The basic principle is that if a single event has a single probability value. If you represent the same event in two different ways (using two different variables) then the "manner" of expressing the probability in the two variables must lead to the same numerical answer. We have ##x = r \cos(\theta)## and ##x + \Delta x = r \cos(\theta + \Delta \theta) ##, where ##r > 0## is constant. To first order in small increments, we have ##\cos(\theta + \Delta \theta) = \cos(\theta) - \sin(\theta) \Delta \theta##, so the events ##(x \to x + \Delta x)## in ##x##-space and ##( r \cos(\theta) \to r \cos(\theta) - r\sin(\theta) \Delta \theta )## in ##\theta##-space are the same event, represented in two different ways. But, being the same event they have the same probability, so the probability that the ##x##-projection lies between ##x## and ##x + \Delta x## is the probability that the angle lies between ##\theta## and ##\theta + \Delta \theta##. Note that if ##\Delta x > 0## we have ##\Delta \theta < 0##, so the length of the small ##\theta##-interval is ##|\Delta \theta|##, not ##\Delta \theta##. This means that the probability we seek is ##\frac{1}{\pi}|\Delta \theta|##. We have
$$ \Delta x = - r \sin(\theta) \Delta \theta = - y \Delta \theta = -\sqrt{r^2-x^2} \Delta \theta, $$
so that
$$|\Delta \theta| = \frac{1}{\sqrt{r^2-x^2}} \Delta x. $$

Thus, the probability that the x-projection lies between ##x## and ##x + \Delta x## is
$$P ( x \to x + \Delta x) = \frac{1}{\pi \sqrt{r^2-x^2}} \Delta x$$.
That means that the so-called probability density of ##x## is
$$f(x) = \frac{1}{\pi \sqrt{r^2-x^2}} $$

In a nutshell, ##f(x) |dx|## and ## \rho(\theta) |d \theta|## are equal because they are just two different representations of the same probability.
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  • #8
TSny said:
It helps me to think of it this way (similar to PeroK's reply). The only way for the shadow to be between x and x + dx is for the pointer to be between the corresponding θ and θ + dθ as shown below (and vice versa). So, the probability that the shadow is between x and x + dx equals the probability that the pointer is between the corresponding values θ and θ + dθ. The values of dθ and dx that correspond to each other are given by dx = -r sinθ dθ
View attachment 106579
This explanation really helps me understanding the physical meaning of that, thank a lot!

FAQ: A problem on calculus in Griffiths' book

What is the specific problem in Griffiths' book that involves calculus?

The specific problem in Griffiths' book that involves calculus is problem 3.11, which deals with finding the electric field due to a charged rod using integration.

Why is this problem considered challenging?

This problem is considered challenging because it requires knowledge of both calculus and electrostatics concepts. It also involves multiple steps and requires careful manipulation of equations.

What are some tips for solving this problem?

Some tips for solving this problem include drawing a diagram to visualize the problem, breaking the problem down into smaller, more manageable steps, and checking your work step by step to avoid mistakes.

Are there any resources available to help with this problem?

Yes, there are resources available to help with this problem. You can consult your textbook or look for online tutorials and practice problems to gain a better understanding of the concepts involved.

What is the importance of understanding this problem in calculus?

Understanding this problem in calculus is important for building a strong foundation in mathematics and physics. It also helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for any scientific field.
