A question about energy of condensation for an ideal multicomponent system

In summary, the conversation discussed the speaker's difficulties in modeling and simulating a condenser for a control project. They mentioned using equilibrium relations to obtain the mass flow and mole fractions of the outlet streams, but are unsure about obtaining the heat that must be removed. They discussed different methods, such as using the enthalpy correction for ideal gas behavior or defining a pseudo Cp, but are unsure about their effectiveness in a dynamic simulation. They requested help and suggestions from other members of the forum.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I'm a little worried because I'm not able to explain some facts about this topic.

I'm trying to model and simulate a condenser that is in the top of a distillation column for a control project. The inlet stream is a multicomponent ideal mixture and it can be assumed that is a saturated steam at a given pressure (and temperature, of course). In the condenser, depending on the coolant flow, a part of the vapor will condense and the rest will be aspired by a vacuum system.

Assuming equilibrium in the outlet streams (condensed liquid and aspired vapour), I can obtain the mass flow of each stream and also its mole fractions (by solving the mass balances and using the equilibrium relations).

But when I try to obtain the heat that must be removed, I think that something is wrong:
The Energy balance:

F*H_F - L*h_L - V*H_V = Q
Being: F=inlet vapour, V=outlet vapour and L=outlet liquid and x and y the respective mole fractions.

If I define the reference state as a subcooled liquid at T_ref (As its usual for a sigle component system), the specific enthalpy can be defined as:

h_L = sum(j in mixture; x_L(j)*Cp(j)*(T_eq - T_ref) )

H_V = sum(j in mixture; y_L(j)*Cp(j)*(T_eq - T_ref) + y_L(j)*DH_vap(j) )

H_F = sum(j in mixture; y_F(j)*Cp(j)*(T_eq* - T_ref) + y_F(j)*DH_vap(j) )

being T_eq the outlet temperature (equilibrium) and T_eq* the dew temperature of the inlet mixture.

For a single component system, when all the vapour is cooled, then Q=F*DH_V, something expectable because the heat that must be removed is equal to the heat of condensation. But in muticomponent systems, T_eq isn't equal to the dew temperature and if all the vapour is condensed, the heat that must be removed is equal to:

F*sum(j in mixture; y_F(j)*Cp(j)*(T_eq* - T_eq) + y_F(j)*DH_vap(j) ) = Q

Which is different to the enthalpy of condensation of the mixture, then I'm not sure whether the last expression is correct or I'm doing somerhing wrong... may be I'm stucked in something obvious but I can't see what is

If anybody can help me I'll be very gratefull.
Thanks in advance

PS.: The liquid and the vapour have ideal behavior
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  • #2
Nobody can help me?

I'was reading about this topic and the only thing that I've found is to use directly the enthalpy with the correction for the ideal gas state:

H = H_ideal_gas - H_correction,
being the correction for the enthalpy:

H_correction = [tex]\int_{0}^{P}(T (\frac{\partial V}{\partial T})_{P} - V)dP[/tex]

and use an EOS to obtain the partial derivatives...

But I'm not sure if this will work in a dynamic simulation problem, so I was thinking into define a pseudo Cp, such as:

Cp_aux(j)= [tex]\frac{DH(j)}{T_{dew} - T_{bubble}}, j \in mixture [/tex]

What do you think guys?

Thanks in advance!

Related to A question about energy of condensation for an ideal multicomponent system

1. What is energy of condensation for an ideal multicomponent system?

The energy of condensation for an ideal multicomponent system refers to the amount of energy released when a gas or vapor transforms into a liquid at a constant temperature and pressure. It is also known as the heat of condensation.

2. How is energy of condensation calculated for an ideal multicomponent system?

The energy of condensation can be calculated using the formula Q = m * ΔHvap, where Q is the energy of condensation, m is the mass of the substance, and ΔHvap is the heat of vaporization. This formula assumes that the system is ideal and that the temperature and pressure are constant during the phase change.

3. What factors affect the energy of condensation for an ideal multicomponent system?

The energy of condensation for an ideal multicomponent system is affected by factors such as the type of substance, its mass, and the temperature and pressure at which the phase change occurs. Other factors that can influence it include the intermolecular forces between the particles and any impurities present in the substance.

4. How does energy of condensation relate to the boiling point of a substance?

The energy of condensation is closely related to the boiling point of a substance. The higher the energy of condensation, the higher the boiling point of the substance will be. This is because substances with stronger intermolecular forces require more energy to break those bonds and transition from a liquid to a gas phase.

5. How is energy of condensation used in practical applications?

The energy of condensation has many practical applications, including refrigeration and air conditioning. In these systems, a substance with a high energy of condensation, such as water, is used to absorb heat from the surrounding environment, causing it to condense and release energy. This process helps to cool the surrounding area. Energy of condensation is also important in distillation processes, where it is used to separate different components of a mixture based on their different boiling points.

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