A Question about microwave diffraction (Bragg scattering)

Your Name]In summary, the conversation discussed a lab course at the speaker's university where they conducted an experiment on microwave diffraction. They obtained a plot that showed both predicted and unexpected maxima, leading to questions about the cause of these additional peaks. The possible explanations include multiple diffraction and imperfections in the crystal structure. Further research and consultation with experts is recommended to gain a better understanding of the results.
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at my Uni we have a lab course where we first take some measurements and then write a report about the experiment. Our current experiment was about microwave diffraction. First, we measured the wave length of the microwaves, and then proceeded to measure the intensity of the scattered radiation as a function of the angle between the plane of reflection and the incident radiation.
We obtained a plot which shows clearly the maxima predicted by the Bragg law:

n [tex]\lambda[/tex] = 2 d sin [tex]\theta[/tex]

The problem is that there are other maxima, which are not explained by the Bragg law. One of these maxima is actually higher than the one given by Bragg law. What causes these other maxima? Is it the reflection from other reflection planes? I've been trying to find about this on the internet, but so far I haven't found anything.
Physics news on Phys.org
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Thank you for sharing your experience with the microwave diffraction experiment. It sounds like you have obtained some interesting results. The Bragg law is typically used to explain the diffraction pattern observed in X-ray diffraction experiments, but it can also be applied to other types of electromagnetic radiation such as microwaves.

In your experiment, the other maxima that you observed could be due to diffraction from other reflection planes, as you mentioned. This is known as multiple diffraction and it occurs when the incident radiation interacts with more than one set of parallel planes in the crystal. This can result in additional peaks in the diffraction pattern that are not predicted by the Bragg law.

Another possible explanation for these additional maxima could be imperfections in the crystal structure. These imperfections can cause slight variations in the spacing between the crystal planes, leading to multiple diffraction patterns.

I would suggest conducting further research on multiple diffraction and crystal imperfections to better understand the results of your experiment. It may also be helpful to consult with your lab instructor or a more experienced researcher in this field.

Overall, your results show that there is still much to be learned and explored in the field of microwave diffraction. Keep up the good work and continue to ask questions and seek answers to further your understanding of this phenomenon.

Best of luck with your future experiments and reports.

FAQ: A Question about microwave diffraction (Bragg scattering)

1. What is microwave diffraction (Bragg scattering)?

Microwave diffraction, also known as Bragg scattering, is a phenomenon that occurs when microwaves are scattered by a periodic structure, such as a crystal lattice. It is a form of diffraction that is specific to microwaves and is based on the same principles as other types of diffraction, such as X-ray diffraction.

2. How does microwave diffraction work?

Microwave diffraction works by sending a beam of microwaves towards a periodic structure, such as a crystal. As the microwaves pass through the structure, they interact with the atoms or molecules in the structure, causing them to scatter. The scattered microwaves can then be detected and analyzed to determine information about the structure, such as its size and shape.

3. What is the Bragg equation and how is it related to microwave diffraction?

The Bragg equation, developed by physicist William Henry Bragg, is a mathematical formula that relates the angle of diffraction to the wavelength of the incident radiation and the distance between the atoms or molecules in a crystal lattice. It is used to calculate the position of the diffraction peaks in a diffraction pattern, which can provide information about the size and arrangement of the atoms or molecules in a crystal.

4. What are some applications of microwave diffraction?

Microwave diffraction has several applications in science and technology. It is commonly used in materials science to study the structure of crystals and other materials. It is also used in the field of microwave engineering to analyze and design microwave devices, such as antennas and waveguides. Additionally, it has applications in astronomy, where it is used to study the structure of cosmic dust particles.

5. How is microwave diffraction different from other types of diffraction?

Microwave diffraction is different from other types of diffraction in several ways. Firstly, it involves the use of microwaves, which have longer wavelengths than other types of radiation, such as X-rays. This makes them better suited for studying larger structures, such as crystals. Additionally, microwave diffraction is a non-destructive technique, meaning that it does not damage the sample being studied. This makes it a valuable tool for studying delicate or valuable materials.
